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How Psychic Are You?
Are You Psychic? Take our quiz. Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures From dreams of dear Aunt Fran to knowing who is on the phone, we all have psychic experiences. 


Do you possess natural psychic ability or just a basic intuition? Answer these simple questions to find out!



1)  How often do you spend time alone in reflection, meditation, or focusing on Spirit?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



2)  How often do you have dreams that feature a deceased family member or friend?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



3)  How often do you hear voices, inside or outside your head, and no one is in the room with you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



4)  When you close your eyes in meditation, reflection or connection with Spirit, how often do you see images or flashes of pictures and colors in your mind’s eye?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



5)  When talking to your friends or family, how often do you say things that end up happening?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



6)  When the phone rings, how often do you just know who is calling?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



7)  When you call your spouse, best friend, or parent, how often do they say something like “How did you know I was just thinking about you?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



8)  When friends, family, or coworkers come to you for advice, how often do you just know what will happen and can help them find the right course of action?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



9)  When you are speaking to someone close to you, how often do either of you say, “I was just thinking that?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never

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10)  When you go into a job interview or important meeting, how often do you feel that something outside yourself is supporting and guiding you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never




Add up the numbers of your answers:


If you have 10-19:  You are a gifted psychic with well rounded abilities. Your intuition is integrated into your daily life, so much so that you may not be aware that you are using it on a regular basis.


If you have 20-29:  You have natural intuition. While you may have to work on developing your psychic ability to read for yourself and others, you are able to use this intuition to help navigate the world around you.

If you have 30-40:  You may be relying too much on logic or on the advice of other people at the expense of your own intuition. You must learn to shut off your outer senses if you are to develop your psychic ability in a meaningful way.


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By Diane, Tuesday, March 24, 2009 06:35:34 PM
Sylvia, I got like 18, I was told once by someone I was a sort of a wounded healer. Could there be truth to this and i might be a lateee bloomer with what was in my life when i was younger? Sylvia..I need to ask you this? Would it have been so? Diane (whispers)
By Diane, Tuesday, March 24, 2009 06:29:39 PM
By Nicole, Friday, March 20, 2009 07:12:04 PM
Hi Sylvia; I have one more pending question that, I always wandered if, am I sensitive to ghosts or spirits? I can sometimes get them on film on my camras, so i was just wandering if they are drawn to me, thanks.
By Diana, Friday, March 20, 2009 12:20:00 AM
Hi Sylvia, when my dad die I had dreams all the time within the first year of his death and just before my aunt died I saw him standing by the window waiting for her, she died the next morning at 1 am, I also feel death when someone close is going to die, its like I feel death when its going to happen. I have also seen car, plane and other evens happen before they happen. I am used to this happening to me as I have had things happen to me since I was 16, the first time I heard the dead talk to me. My grandmother spoke to me from the grave when I was in my 20's and gave me a message to give to my parents which they knew what it was about but I didn't. I have seen the past and the future through pictures which scared my parents but they did except me as someone with a special talent. Thanks, Diana.
By teea, Sunday, March 15, 2009 06:10:37 PM
hi sylvia, i think i scored like 21 ..well i have had many things happen in my life like when my mom was really sick i saw angels and one smiled at me i was like ok but my mom seen them to ,i also knew they was coming. i also can sense peoples feelings ,sometimes things happen before i know they did like esp ..I hear people call my name i've been touched by something not my mom thinks i'm sensitive to ghost and i believe i am to ..
By Chaylen, Sunday, March 15, 2009 03:35:08 PM
Sylvia, I try to catch your shows when you are on Montel, i just love him. I lived in a very spirited house but we had to move, and i know that one maybe more of the spirits have come to our hew home, i just want to make sure that the "bad" one didn't come along. When i was a small girl a bad thing happened, and no one knows why or how, but i had changed every since that experience, and it has taken me along time to get away from that "feeling" and there are times that i feel i can hear him, and it kinda scares me, i have faith in the Lord that he will protect me, and my family, but i would like to know why he picked me, and i would like to make sure he is gone. tell me how to do this please.... and i would also like to know that my grandmother Roxie who passed away a few years ago is in peace. She was a very tormented young woman who was abusive and cruel to her children, one of whom is my mother. I would just like to know that she is at peace with herself, and not wondering lost. thank you so much. and I really hope that I will hear from you. Chaylen!!
By SHARON, Thursday, March 12, 2009 05:23:49 PM
Hi Sylvia, I just took the test and I scored an 18. I was so sure that I was not as gifted as I thought. I have from time to time come up with an idea and find after I spoke about in the newspapers. I feel alot of emotion around me and I know right away if someone likes or dislikes me.Even down to getting a job I know right away if I got the job.
By kathleen, Thursday, March 12, 2009 03:52:40 AM
I would certainly hope that noone was duping people out of that much money. if someone really wanted to help people i would think they would do it for free. dont get me wrong i truly beleive in sylvias abilities as ive seen her many times on mentel williams. i would love to know what sylvia sees for me.
By Kaye, Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:40:53 PM
Hi Sylvia,I scored an 11 , I often see the same numbers(1111.2222 and so forth)at any time of the night or day when I go to see what time it is.when this happends there is always a death of a loved one(human or animal)that I feel close to.I believe This may be gods way of preparing me for the loss.Also my mom (who I lost two years ago Who is My best friend)after asking god to please let her come to me in my dream came to me that night,We huged, and I felt so much peace and knowing she is fine.I felt her peacefulness and love.Ive also have had an after life experience when I was very young.
By Kaye, Wednesday, March 11, 2009 11:22:17 PM
Hi Sylvia,I scored an 11 , I often see the same numbers(1111.2222 and so forth)at any time of the night or day when I go to see what time it is.when this happends there is always a death of a loved one(human or animal)that I feel close to.I believe This may be gods way of preparing me for the loss.Also my mom (who I lost two years ago Who is My best friend)after asking god to please let her come to me in my dream came to me that night,We huged, and I felt so much peace and knowing she is fine.I felt her peacefulness.Thanks for being you and helping all.

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