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How Psychic Are You?
Are You Psychic? Take our quiz. Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures From dreams of dear Aunt Fran to knowing who is on the phone, we all have psychic experiences. 


Do you possess natural psychic ability or just a basic intuition? Answer these simple questions to find out!



1)  How often do you spend time alone in reflection, meditation, or focusing on Spirit?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



2)  How often do you have dreams that feature a deceased family member or friend?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



3)  How often do you hear voices, inside or outside your head, and no one is in the room with you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



4)  When you close your eyes in meditation, reflection or connection with Spirit, how often do you see images or flashes of pictures and colors in your mind’s eye?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



5)  When talking to your friends or family, how often do you say things that end up happening?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



6)  When the phone rings, how often do you just know who is calling?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



7)  When you call your spouse, best friend, or parent, how often do they say something like “How did you know I was just thinking about you?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



8)  When friends, family, or coworkers come to you for advice, how often do you just know what will happen and can help them find the right course of action?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



9)  When you are speaking to someone close to you, how often do either of you say, “I was just thinking that?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never

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10)  When you go into a job interview or important meeting, how often do you feel that something outside yourself is supporting and guiding you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never




Add up the numbers of your answers:


If you have 10-19:  You are a gifted psychic with well rounded abilities. Your intuition is integrated into your daily life, so much so that you may not be aware that you are using it on a regular basis.


If you have 20-29:  You have natural intuition. While you may have to work on developing your psychic ability to read for yourself and others, you are able to use this intuition to help navigate the world around you.

If you have 30-40:  You may be relying too much on logic or on the advice of other people at the expense of your own intuition. You must learn to shut off your outer senses if you are to develop your psychic ability in a meaningful way.


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By Angela, Monday, October 20, 2008 11:21:39 AM
I received a 15 on the test. It is an amazingly accurate test. I have noticed there are times when I have Intuition about things and they have come true often, those times I may experience an Intense headache, at times get a cold chill, could be hot outside, and I'd be in a state as If daydreaming. Sometimes I mention my Intuitve premonitions to loved ones & friends, they are shocked when my Intuition is correct. When I get to know a person for a while I also become In-Tuned with what their possible dislikes and likes are without them revealing It to me (I noticed this a lot when I was attending college - I recall an assignment given by three past professors, peculiar, they asked students to write an essay concerning what the students thought the professor did once they leave from teaching the class for the day - one female professor was surprised with what I had written and inquired whether she could share what I had written with the class because It was true, of course I did not decline. In another occasion, I had to conduct a project on Power Point & I put music that I strongly felt the professor would like, my Intution told me Classical music, my professor asked how did I know, I told him I simply felt It and something concerning his personality as well as choice of attire). There are times when I do not say anything, I regret It. There is a premonition I had in the past, I wish I could've brought out Into the open, probably would've saved lives. On a Friday I saw two tall buildings burning & other haunting Images, then on a Tuesday It occurred. At times I've either been uncertain things will happen & other times I want to shake off the feeling (I do not like to foresee death, sometimes that is Inevitable - this scares me often) because I'd rather believe certain events will not happen and that it is just a thought crossing my mind, nothing more. There are times when I see positive events that will take place In a family members/friends/acquaintance life.
By Carolyn, Monday, October 20, 2008 09:34:53 AM
I scored a 12..I can't explain what I feel,I know I am here but there's someone or something present "inside" of my mind constantly.I have been aware of this for years now.Often at times, It really scares me the things that I sense or know that are going to happen and I instantly know if a person is good and sincere or evil is present in a person. Sincerely,Carolyn Matheney
By Nadine, Sunday, October 19, 2008 02:53:03 PM
I scored a 10. My grandfather( I called him papa) told me when I was 5 yrs old that I am gifted..but I wouldn't understand until I was a older woman. Well I am now that older woman and I do understand. The one thing that becomes more clearer as the years go by is..the more I know and understand....the less I do know and understand. This keeps me humble and open to Creator.
By Glenda, Saturday, October 18, 2008 02:57:28 AM
I scored 12 and I knew I had some what of a gift..... know any good books to help me to deveop it more. thank you glenda
By Catherine, Friday, October 17, 2008 02:31:56 AM
I can recall having unexplained events as I call it. Premonitions, astroprojection, seen spirits, vivid dreams and now, nothing I take notice to. When a loved one passed 2 years ago, I found "strange" things happened. I just dont have these things happen often. They are spaced out thoughout my life. I scored a 20.
By Carole, Friday, October 17, 2008 12:38:28 AM
I scored a 17. It seems so commonplace in my life to be so 'connected' to others at times that I often forget that most pp aren't like me. I 'feel' people's essence so deeply at times. I think my very being freaks other people out at times. It all seems so natural to me though, because I just 'am' this way. It isn't something I can set out to do though, but often I just 'know' things that are happening elsewhere; or one time a stranger came toward me and I knew EXACTLY what was going on in her life. She was a friend of a woman I was with at the time and the closer she got to us the stronger my impressions got and when she finally walked up to us I jsut blurted out "oh my God, your husband is a child molestor'. She began sobbing and was coming over at that time to see my friend to talk with her about all that. I actually freaked my own self out with that one! I have had many psychic experiences, but I don't seem to know what is going on in my own life/future.
By Janine, Friday, October 17, 2008 12:31:19 AM
I scored a 14 but I usually get info that isn't that important. But I love it when My mom and I visit on the phone in my dreams. Like she says "Isn't this neat?" I tell her "Wow I'm so glad we can do this." There is no doubt she is with me and we hold a real conversation. I love you Sylvia and look forward to visiting with you again in the near future. Janine
By April, Thursday, October 16, 2008 11:41:30 PM
i scored a 25, now i've been told before that i have intuition...but i dont know and would like to learn how to develop it more....any suggestions? April
By Kathy, Thursday, October 16, 2008 11:05:06 PM
This test(score 15) confirmed many things that have happened in my life. Loved ones who have preceded me have contacted me through one of my five senses telling me they are still with me and are okay. Very reassuring. Many times I feel someone guiding me when I go about my daily tasks. I wish I could learn to use my abilities more to help others. thank you Sylvia for all that you do!!!
By regina, Thursday, October 16, 2008 10:29:26 PM
I scored a 15. not bad. lol Gina pike

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