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How Psychic Are You?
Are You Psychic? Take our quiz. Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures From dreams of dear Aunt Fran to knowing who is on the phone, we all have psychic experiences. 


Do you possess natural psychic ability or just a basic intuition? Answer these simple questions to find out!



1)  How often do you spend time alone in reflection, meditation, or focusing on Spirit?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



2)  How often do you have dreams that feature a deceased family member or friend?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



3)  How often do you hear voices, inside or outside your head, and no one is in the room with you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



4)  When you close your eyes in meditation, reflection or connection with Spirit, how often do you see images or flashes of pictures and colors in your mind’s eye?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



5)  When talking to your friends or family, how often do you say things that end up happening?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



6)  When the phone rings, how often do you just know who is calling?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never



7)  When you call your spouse, best friend, or parent, how often do they say something like “How did you know I was just thinking about you?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



8)  When friends, family, or coworkers come to you for advice, how often do you just know what will happen and can help them find the right course of action?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never



9)  When you are speaking to someone close to you, how often do either of you say, “I was just thinking that?”


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4—Never

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10)  When you go into a job interview or important meeting, how often do you feel that something outside yourself is supporting and guiding you?


            1—Often          2—Sometimes   3—Rarely        4--Never




Add up the numbers of your answers:


If you have 10-19:  You are a gifted psychic with well rounded abilities. Your intuition is integrated into your daily life, so much so that you may not be aware that you are using it on a regular basis.


If you have 20-29:  You have natural intuition. While you may have to work on developing your psychic ability to read for yourself and others, you are able to use this intuition to help navigate the world around you.

If you have 30-40:  You may be relying too much on logic or on the advice of other people at the expense of your own intuition. You must learn to shut off your outer senses if you are to develop your psychic ability in a meaningful way.


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By Diane, Tuesday, August 12, 2008 07:27:59 PM
Hello! I am very interested in finding as much as I can. Since I was little I have dreams that comes true constantly. Some times it get confusing on wich one will come true and wich one is just a dream. I also feel things, and know what it going to happend before it does. I have seen things in my life time, that there is no way anyone can convince me other wise. I also have 3 children, as far as I know 2 have experience ghost. I have also heard my youngest speaking to someone, and heard this person speak back to him. Like I said no one can't convince me all this doesn't exist. Keep smiling :)
By URSULA, Tuesday, August 12, 2008 12:20:50 AM
Sylvia-I just took the Pyschic Test and I scored a "11". I do feel like my daily life is always "aware" in whatever I do. I simply feel as if I am not alone and I feel always connected spiritually. I want to Thank You for doing what you do-talking about you and the spiritual world. I think you are a BLESSING!!!:) Ursula
By Pamela, Monday, August 11, 2008 05:27:32 PM
Hi I also scored high on this one I got 13 on this one I just want to help others and myself. I need to learn how. Could you give me some pointers. PWM
By Eileen, Monday, August 11, 2008 02:33:44 PM
By Christine, Sunday, August 10, 2008 11:27:08 PM
I just took your test and scored a 23. I have always had a good sence about things. I don't think I would call it psychic. I love to read your books, they are very interesting to me. I wish I would have had them through my twenties, it may have helped me. But like you say life is a learning lesson. If I was to develope my psychic ability it would have to be threw dreams. I think the voice thing would scare me. Anyway I love reading and listening to you I hope to see you live someday. Your do a great job helping people. You have a great gift. Thank you, Christy.
By Gena, Sunday, August 10, 2008 12:28:12 PM
this was kool i got a 19 on mine, but why do i have a hard time figure things out with my family, friends and relationship?
By Kicha, Sunday, August 10, 2008 03:06:24 AM
I am afraid of seeing and understanding this ability that I have always felt...I scored a 20 but I may not have answered everything the way I know it was meant to be answered which I put sometimes but the truth is that it often...Why do I do that and why do I fall asleep in church even when I am not tired? I have wanted to go in person and see you since my uncle Louie died but for some reason I have not been lucky or was too afraid to just go to see you...I know we will meet because I have an innate sense that we are meant to cross paths and I will be enlightened by you in the utmost of spiritually healing of ways...Ms. Browne I adore you and I have the utmost respect for you but GOD is my number one!!!! He will do for me and my kids especially my Lorenzo (he will make him very healthy) and all negative things will come to pass! I will buy the house I want this year and be able to help others in their search for GOD and his MIRACLES.AMEN Thank you a million Ms. Sylvia Browne
By Sharon, Sunday, August 10, 2008 01:02:35 AM
Sylvia,I am also a Libra I came here on the 6th 1957 and it has taken me this long to understand my ability to smell,feel,hear,know who or what the outcome was I think when we relize these gifts is when we are ready to recive and understand whats happening to us ,My MOM ,MY GRANDMOUTHER,MY GREAT GRANDMA,MYSELF,AND MY DAUGHTER ,we all have the Gift,my daughter has the strongest of all she sees them and she gets headachs, like when the virgena teck shooting the day before she had popping in her head,and the recent canadian bus stabing she had sharp pains in her side, back and was not feeling well,she has had dizzy spells since she was 3,she did have open hart sergry at 2 years of age do you think this could be why she has such a strong ability, being on the hart lung machine is as close to death as you can get or I even think she was dead what do you think? anyway I scored 11,on the test I seam to be raddeling on so I know your very busy Please E-Mail me and let me know what you think about my daughter or even ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thank You for all you do.
By Elaine, Friday, August 08, 2008 10:52:48 PM
Hi Silvia both you and my deceased mother are born on October 19. Before she pasted she told me of a dream she had about her mother coming for her and they both stood under a certain tree I use to play under as a child. Shortly after her dream she pasted and she is now buried beside her mother under the same tree. As a child I never understood her abilities because I never believed that such things existed. My life experience allowed me to understand hers and mine. I scored 10 on this test, as I got older I started to understand more and more of my abilities. As a child I use to predict things but I did not understood it and people use to call me crazy because of my abilities. I knew things before it happened and I see things before it happened through my dreams and by having a normal conversation with others. Sometimes my abilities scares me and I will go to readers just to see if they see the same things that I see and hold and behold they predict the things that I see and know. When ever I go to them my abilities seems to increase. At times it is difficult to share my thoughts with others without them thinking me crazy because they do not understand. What I do is share it with my children who are as psychic as myself. I am always looking for answers but it difficult because the people I know do not understand.
By Janice Y, Wednesday, August 06, 2008 11:23:13 AM
Dear Sylvia, Got an 11, Oct.11 is my birthday, but you are 3 years younger than I. You are the 19th of Oct. so is my dad and younger brother. My daughter is the 11th of Apr. Alot of things come up for me as a 1. My SS# is a one, by bank acct is a 1,my house # has been a one twice, my farm in Iowa is a 1 and a lot more. However, I have been seeing 444 the last few weeks. What is going on, I hope for a change!! Your devouted servant, Jan

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