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Interview With A Spirit Guide
Interview with a Spirit Guide Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

The following is an excerpt from a research trance session in which Francine was asked questions about what she does on the Other Side and about the concept of time. Some of this may seem a little redundant, but it bears repeating because it shows how interested the ministers are in Francine’s knowledge and what she does in her “job” as my guide. For the sake of clarity, the questions asked of Francine are in italics.

You don’t have time on the Other Side.

No, we do not.

We’re time-bound, while you have…..let’s call it “duration.” You engage in conversation, right?

Oh yes.

We experience duration differently, depending on our psychological state – if we’re having a great time, it’s over quickly; but if we’re miserable, things just seem to drag on.

But you don’t understand, it’s because you are time-bound that you experience this. Without time, there is constraint duration – we have no deadlines. Well, we do know that we would like to see this lecture, but if we don’t catch it, it will come again. And the one thing that we find with people who come over is that the hardest orientation for them is to know that there is time for everything.

You don’t have to watch the clock.

No. We don’t have a dinner hour, we don’t have people coming home for something, we don’t have to be at a certain place at a certain time. If we want to amble over to a lecture, we do. If we’ve missed it, we can always catch it on the scanner, or it will return again.

Okay, you have a sense of the linear time, in that if you miss a lecture, you could just go back 15 minutes, in some sense, and pick up the lecture where it started?

No, I wouldn’t have to, because everything is rotating in a circle.

What is your experience of duration, and how does that coincide with your being in Sylvia now and then?

I have had to become time-bound; I also had to learn very early that I couldn’t contact her at four in her morning because she got very aggravated with that.

So is there a part of you that’s monitoring Sylvia as you’re wandering about on the Other Side?

Of course. I can see when she is sleeping, and I can see when she is lying in a prone position and her eyes are closed. I can also see when she is more open, because I have been with her so long. All of  your guides can see that. We are – or at least we try to be – diplomatic and tactful about your life.

So when she needs you, how do you get that recall notice?

Well, I’m always with her.

You’re also off in the garden and at the lecture…

We always have a visual of the person we’re with. Let me give you an example: How many times can a mother be talking to someone, but she’s always got that inner eye on her child? She always has that sixth sense of her child even if she is not there.

It’s like a psychic link?

It is a psychic link, but it is also a sensory link

Sylvia gets up at around 7 A.M. Where were you?

I was at a lecture.

So when did you next come back and visit her?

I was with her at the lecture.

What were you doing when Sylvia was having lunch?

I was in a garden.

So how much did you do between her waking and the garden?

It all blends. It was all very quick to me, just as your time is very quick to all of us here – 80 years in your time is like weeks to us. The only thing that helps us guides is the fact that we’re more slowed down, otherwise we would blink and it would be all over. You see, you want time to bind us, and it cannot. You have the seasons and you get old and you die – we don’t. Time takes its toll on you, and we don’t have that because we have no “time” in your sense of the word.

Realizing that we’re time-bound and you’re not, when you’re tracking us, you’re not looking at time and space as being two separate entities?

That’s right. We’re just watching a fish in a big ocean, that’s all…and we don’t really know what the point of the ocean is – we don’t have a reference point.

So as guides you’re just stepping in and tuning in to us using our time as a point of reference, not yours?

Yes. The only way we can track it is within your time framework, but it means nothing to us. The cosmology of your time is quite ridiculous to us, even though we all lived in it when we were in life. We find it to be amazingly archaic…yet we know that it has to be.

So the only thing in our time that has slowed light to the speed that we think it is are our restricted minds, and in reality it’s instantaneous?

Yes, and the only way we can relate to that is to become somewhat humanized so that we get into your time framework, or else we wouldn’t care.    

So you almost have to isolate yourself from your own dimensional perspective to get into ours to view it, right?

All of us can view without isolation, but guides have to isolate themselves and descend into your dimension to become more humanized.

So on the Other Side, you know that there are all these things you want to study and research, and you just do it, as opposed to our side where we worry, “I’m this age…what am I supposed to be learning and doing?”

That’s right. And you always ask yourself, “Oh my God, have I missed it?” “Am I too old for school?” “Do I want to start a family – how much time do I have for that?” and “How much time do I  have before I retire?” And it’s all mass confusion and hysteria. Your time is your stress is what I’m saying – it’s so stressful. If you had time removed from you, I promise that you would have 98 percent of your anxiety taken away.

So on the Other Side, you know that there are all these things you want to study and research, and you just do it, as opposed to our side where we worry, “I’m this age…what am I supposed to be learning and doing?”

That’s right. And you always ask yourself, “Oh my God, have I missed it?” “Am I too old for school?” “Do I want to start a family – how much time do I have for that?” and “How much time do I have before I retire?” And it’s all mass confusion and hysteria. Your time is your stress is what I’m saying – it’s so stressful. If you had time removed from you, I promise that you would have 98 percent of your anxiety taken away.

Could you address the fact of interdimensional causation, such as how much the negativity on this plane affects yours, or how much the positive energy on your plane affects ours?

The positive energy on our plane infringes on you tremendously; the negativity of your plane does not bother us. The only way negativity bothers us is in being a guide and in being humanized to perform that function. There is no negativity on my side, but because guides become humanized to have a certain empathy and understanding of their charges, they sometimes absorb some negativity when their charges go through tremendous trauma or pain. Guides who become overloaded with negativity and pain from watching what their charges have to go through go into a cleansing type of therapy on my side to stay at maximum functioning level. I have gone through this myself when Sylvia was enduring so much emotion and pain. This keeps us guides at our maximum efficiency level.

In Sylvia’s Journey of the Soul books, they talk about us being a spark of the Divine, and then when we’re about two years old, this veil of ignorance or forgetfulness comes over us….Can you explain that further?

Yes. Let me explain it to you like this. You have all been trained on our side to be, for lack of a better word, survivalists. You have been trained to come down to the dark shadow lands, which is Earth. You’ve been helped by the Council, you’ve been talked to by guides and angels, and that is all in the morphic resonance of your being. But part of that training or knowledge is going to be forgotten, just like when you take subjects in school and forget part of the teaching later on in life. So we have to almost put it in your limbic brain as the instinctual knowledge to survive. That’s why it’s so harsh to commit suicide, because that’s defying the instinctual programming of survival and completing your chart for God.

Just before you enter into an incarnation, we tell you that you’ll be brainwashed by the world, but something in your soul will rise up to survive. The more spiritual you become, the more you’ll rise up again and again, and the more things will be made clearer. Don’t you see what that is? That’s stripping away all the worldly things of this planet so that you become pure spirit again; but the only way you can become pure spirit is to come down into the shadow lands through incarnations. And each time there’s a layer that’s peeled away until you do become more evolved and become pure spirit, and that’s what everyone is aspiring to.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By naomi, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 07:46:27 PM
The Bermuda Triangle is another example of a (the only way I can explain it) a sort of a Stargate, or time travel space. There are several of these spaces around the world. The Bermuda Triangle is one of them. We haven't figured out how to use it yet. Ships go missing, and wierd animals and things appear in the Bermuda Traingle. Look it up on the internet. Also, Sylvia Mentions the Bermuda Triangle in her book "Secrets and Mysteries of the World"
By naomi, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 07:42:57 PM
This is an excellent article. The idea of time travelling in a circle explains a lot. Look up on Youtube 'The True Story of the Philadelphia Experiment 1' This is one example of how scientists have to still work on getting time travel perfected. This is an television episode on the History Channel.
By Jessie, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 07:34:26 PM
I totally believe in Sylvia and Francine. a true fan. But, I have to say, Honestly, I can't image Francine for a moment. using the phrase "Oh my God, have I missed it ? " Love & Light J*
By Leah, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 07:10:29 PM
Dear Sylvia thank you for giving me the chance to read with Francine. By listening to you and reading your books it has helped me understand and be able to cope with life in general. I hope I am doing what I was sent here for and like everyone else I have had my share of trouble. I also have had a great deal of goodness and blessings . Thank you again. Love Leah from Ma
By Lindsay, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 07:09:20 PM
if about 98% of stress is due to the resonance of time then what is truth
By Jennifer, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 06:58:45 PM
Thank you Sylvia and Francine! I had asked a question about my spirit guides, then missed the March show and was disappointed. But hey, it came back around and I received the information I needed this time! This issue with time and what do I do next has been weighing heavily on me these days as well and so timely to read what Francine has to say about time.:) So if I could live a life outside of time and space, what would I do next? Would I have to plan and choose a life path? What is the most effective use of our time? Blessings, Jennifer
By Karen, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 06:46:55 PM
THat was so interesting.I can,t get enough of ready about Sylvia and I will be forever grateful for having her in my life.SHe truly has been an ispiration and a god sent for me.THank you for your kindness.
By Cathy, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 06:20:56 PM
Thank you for sharing Francine...
By Glenys, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 06:01:16 PM
I loved this article! I'd like to read more about the other side. I have and have read most of Sylvias' books.
By Sherry, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 05:44:16 PM
I have watched Sylvia on Montel Williams every Wedenesday when she was on with him and I belive every word she says and Francine also. Thank you Sylvia for all you do for us mortals.

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