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Sylvia Browne 2009 Economic Predictions
Sylvia Browne 2009 Predictions on Economy Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

I hope you had the opportunity to watch my December Web Class here on where I made my 2009 Predictions on everything from the economy to politics to weather to celebrity events. If you haven't gotten a chance to watch, click on the link - Sylvia Browne's 2009 Predictions Web Class - to watch it now.

As we enter 2009, I know so many of you are worried about the economy more than anything. These are tough economic times with much of the world in a recession and, unless things better, the chance of a major depression. Thankfully, I predict positive changes for the economy in 2009 with improvement coming sooner than most people expect.

Here some of my psychic predictions for the economy in 2009...

I believe we are going to recover a great deal this summer. We're not going to recover totally, but we are going to see a great amount of exhaling. The economic rebound will start to become evident around May 2009.

New loan companies spring up that are government regulated to help us out of the credit crunch. The bank will loosen their financial hold on people and help people more with comprise and loans than they already have. The majority of banks are safe so we shouldn't panic. A run on the banks will assuredly lead us into a depression.

We will see more regulations concerning Wall Street and loan and stock companies. Personally, I don't know about you, but giving these CEO's $65 million bonuses is just wrong.

We're going to be financially taxed more in 2009, but not severely because more jobs become available with better benefits toward the mid part of the year. It's almost like what Roosevelt did in his benefits program in the first half of the 20th century. We're going to see people working on railroads and see people working on new types of cars.

We will find more resources in gas and oil, not only in Alaska, but in Texas and Arkansas as well. I think what we're going to see is the country using more of our own resources than ever have before because America, especially Alaska, has everything we need so we can lessen our dependence on foreign resources. Oil prices will continue to fall, even more drastically by spring.

As many of you know, I correctly picked Barack Obama to win the Presidential Election and I believe the Democrats, under Obama, will leads us out of these bad economic times starting in the summer of 2009. 

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By MiaWong, Wednesday, May 06, 2009 09:17:02 PM
I have recieved my confirmation and yet I can't get on the webcast. Where on the home page tells you where to go next?
By barbara, Wednesday, April 15, 2009 10:27:16 PM
hi sylvia n chris i was watching your web class n loss connection,so i dont know if u answered my question about my son(his name is chris too),i saw my question posted in the list before the class started,so i was wondering if there posted in the list does that mean you answered it ??thanks for all you do for us god bless you and you.. barbara,texas
By barbara, Wednesday, April 15, 2009 10:24:57 PM
hi sylvia n chris i was watching your web class n loss connection,so i dont know if u answered my question about my son(his name is chris too),i saw my question posted in the list before the class started,so i was wondering if there posted in the list does that mean you answered it ??thanks for all you do for us god bless you and you.. barbara,texas
By Becky, Monday, April 13, 2009 06:13:16 PM
God Bless you both. I have been following you for years. I think the first place I ever saw you was on "Unsolved Mysteries" doing a consult. April 2 I got through to Chris on Hay House Radio. I was concerned about getting a job (I recently retired and money is getting VERY Low) and the location of my favorite sewing machine. Chris was right on target the sewing machine was found under some old luggage I had retired to a small storage unit. The sewing machine was found April 10. I also found my pattern box and some old cassettes I'd been looking for but did not ask about. Chris said I would rejoin the ranks of the employed in 5-6 weeks..... I'll keep you posted. Becky --Arlington
By tracy, Wednesday, April 08, 2009 02:31:55 PM
Hello Sylvia I can not express how excited I was to get the opportunity to be apart of your 2009 predictions in Kansas City. It was challanging to make the arrangements to attend coming from Chicago, it was worth it and suggest everyone try experience the live audience. It is so much more than the computer. I have many, many of your books and I must admitt Live on the Otherside has been such a blessing in my life. It has help me through many sorrowful moments in my life, the sudden lost of my son, was more than any life problem. Your book was intruduced to me and I promise it has been the only thing that has connected me more to understand God. I love you and I really hate I did not get the opportunity to ask you a question I wanted to to jump out of my seat!!!!! Love you one day I promise I will get my personal reading from you.
By sherry, Wednesday, April 08, 2009 02:08:03 PM
Hi Sylvia I love your daily messages and pass them on to others as well as your web site. I am in total agreement with you about the economy recovery. As you your self know thinking positive is very important and not allowing yourself to believe everything you hear or read as gospel truth. Love and Light to you and your family. Sherry Leigh
By Jessie, Tuesday, March 24, 2009 12:45:51 PM
Hello Sylvia, what's your take on Reiki, it's a healing art. Keep up the good work. Love and Light Jessie
By kevin, Wednesday, February 25, 2009 09:14:43 AM
sylvia, i have fifteen of your books and they have inspired me in so many ways. my hope is to one day do a past life regression with you. but more so your book life on the other side did wonders for my out look on things, since then i pray to azna and god every night before bed. i just wanted to thank you for beind such an inspiration. kevin
By Jennifer, Saturday, February 21, 2009 12:26:24 PM
hi sylvia. my name is jennifer pena. i am 19 years old and i have always been interested in the paranormal..I wish i could meet you one day..I read 4 of your books i rented from the library and they really inspired me.. thank you.. i tried to do a regression with my sister-in-law but it hardly worked..the only thing i saw was a market and a black woman which i think was me and maybe in Africa...i am not sure...
By Corinna, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 02:11:55 PM
Sylvia, I truly love you and thank God for you and your gift. We have met in Dallas a couple of times. I am from the small town of Breckenridge,TX. My community is on a journey searching for truth and justice that we believe is long over due. One of our citizens was shot by a police officer during an accident involving alcohol. This tragedy encouraged many of us to take our head out of the sand and take a stand, demand a thourough investigation, and ask for change in our law enforcement. Will this communities efforts bring us truth and justice? And if you can not answer, will you all please keep us in your prayers?

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