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Sylvia Browne 2013 Predictions
Sylvia Browne predictions for 2010, 2011, and beyond. Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

The question I am asked the most on a daily basis is, "Sylvia, what are your predictions for 2010, 2011, 2012 and beyond?"

I predict so many new and interesting things are coming for us within the next two years. Some are positive changes that will affect the world at large. Others are changes that may affect only a certain group of people and will improve their lives. Here are my Sylvia Browne predictions!

Around 2009 to 2012, I predict Americans will start working on what I like to call our "buts." There are problems that we are aware of that make the global community smaller. We have liked to say, "Our system works"..but...


...Children are not properly fed, clothed, educated, protected or given adequate medical care.


...Many in our population do not have a place to call home.


...Some of our youth get more attention from gangs and drug dealers than they do positive role models.


...People who are ready, willing and able to work cannot find decent jobs.


...Our elderly are not cared for properly either financially or medically.


...Some death row inmates are innocent.


...Some elected officials and large corporations do not think of the welfare of the people as a high priority - they'd rather just increase their bank accounts.


I predict we'll develop strong resolve and resources to address these problems and come up with some good solutions.

What's in store for you in 2011? Call our Master Psychics to get your personal 2011 forecast. Click Here or Call 888-773-8999

More of my Sylvia Browne predictions...


I predict a great rise in skin cancer in children until 2010. There is a lot of media coverage about the UV rays and many products to protect people against them. But people are still often careless when it comes to the sun. Then again, people could pay attention - and reverse this prediction right out from under me. I would certainly be all for that!


I predict the President elected sometime between 2008 and 2020 will die in office from a heart attack. The Vice President who will finish their term will have an unpopular and mistaken intention to declare war on North Korea. By that time, North Korea will have weapons of mass destruction. In the middle of efforts to declare war, I predict the Vice President will be assassinated.


There will be a worldwide investigation into the Vice President's death with both pleasant and unpleasant surprises. A lot of attention will be paid to one of the investigative congressional committees and serious accusations will be made regarding missing funds. Finally, it will be revealed that their accusations are part of a conspiracy to damage the American people's faith in their government, with the media manipulated to "fan the flames," and the committee will be vindicated in the end.

I predict we can truly say "goodbye" to the common cold in 2009 or 2010. The solution to the common cold involves heat. Keep in mind that the body's first response when we develop a cold is to come down with a fever. Many doctors today no longer rush to push patients to take temperature reducing medications when they come down with a fever, unless the fever is dangerous. They feel the immune system is the patient's best medicine and should be given a chance to fight back. So as the immune system fights a cold with heat, the cure for the common cold certainly may lie in this first signal to heal.


I predict that a small cubicle will become available in doctor's offices sometime in 2009 and it will be heated to a very precise temperature. There may be a special vapor placed into the cubicle. Patients will stand in the cubicle for approximately five minutes and the rhinitis germ will be destroyed.


Another wonderful bit of good news on the health front with this discovery - since this cubicle can easily take on the rhinitis germ, many people that have breathing problems with allergies and asthma complications will find some breakthroughs as well. We will see this cubicle discovery used for healing for those with breathing disorders. The cubicle will become available in 2009 or 2010.


I predict hypnotic past-life regression will become available through a group of trained psychologists on both the east and west coasts of the U.S.A. in 2009. It will prove to be quite a success and will be widely practiced by 2011.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By malcom, Monday, March 15, 2010 02:29:38 PM
Great post Connie. You are correct. There are a lot scammers out there to take your money. And you are also correct that it is up to each individual to do their own research. But the one thing you missed is that Sylvia is a big fat liar. She never graduated from SF University like she claims, she is a convicted felon who has filed for bankruptcy in the past. And if you research the things she says on shows like Montel Williams, she has failed in every prediction that can be verified. She promised to accept a $1 million challenge to prove her psychic abilities, then bailed out on it. Anderson Cooper found a tape of her pretending to be in a some sort of psychic trance, predicting the arrests of the first world trade center bombers. It is proven that the tape she made was recorded 10 days after the arrest. She even admits to it. She is a fake, a phony, a world class liar and deceiver. And a convicted felon. DO THE RESEARCH BEFORE YOU GIVE HER ANY MONEY!
By connie bright, Saturday, March 13, 2010 09:44:10 PM
By silvia, Monday, March 08, 2010 01:33:19 AM
HI sylvia my name is also silvia. your books have found me and i have read several. Passed them on to family members who have also had a read. Thank you for your writings I found them very enjoyable and informative. Sylvia I have never seen you on tv or live infact if i passed you in the street i would do just that pass you, but you have touched my life and i thank you very much for that. most of all i thank you for touching the life of my loved ones who in part needed to read some of your intuative advise. As for all the "sceptics" its ok not to believe in or agree with what others believe in or write about or talk about. Its not alright to get nasty and opinionated. If you dont like then turn off the tv, dont read the book leave the room etc. You have choices in life. Make the right one and let others listen and watch and learn for maybe we need that in our lives at that moment. And maybe just one day you will too and I truely hope there isnt someone there making fun of your feelings, believes and opinions.
By Micah, Tuesday, March 02, 2010 11:22:26 PM
George i have one comment to say... Man he wrote bible!! So what can we prove about that. A typical man decided he didnt like something so he decided to change things and make rules that people believe. Sylvia Browne has helped not only me but my sister, who almost lost her life five years ago in a tractor accident, and my mom who is dying from a mass in her lungs. She has helped our family get through our tough times and helped us see beyond. So please stop judging ones who believe and believing you are better. Remember God is all about love and does not judge his children
By Peggy, Monday, March 01, 2010 06:12:26 PM
Thank you Sylvia for helping so many people. You are an angel here on Earth. God Bless you and keep up the good work! Sending Love & Light 3
By malcom, Monday, March 01, 2010 04:52:42 PM
Hey Leonard, it has been Syvlia's track record to wait until something happens before she actually "predicts" it. Anderson Cooper exposed her when he showed a video of her predicting the arrest of one of the original WTC bombers back in 1993. The video, where she is doing her best schtick where she looks out into oblivion and is reaching out for these muslim names of those who were guilty of the bombing. She later admitted that the video was a "re-creation" of her psychic reading. So I guarentee that if Montel was still on, she would be there talking about how she predicted all of the earthquakes, the Toyota recall and accidents, and Peyton Manning throwing that interception in the 4th quarter of the Super Bowl. You just need to give Sylvia time to catch up with current events so she can brag about how she predicted it all.
By Leonard, Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:19:01 PM
Hello again, Just thought of one more serious condition that Sylvia failed to predict: That is the recent fiasco involved with the massive safety issues associated with Toyota vehicles. 34 deaths have occurred and more major safety issues continue to come forth. If you really believed in and loved God, Sylvia, you wouldn't be doing what you're doing.
By Leonard, Sunday, February 28, 2010 12:04:36 PM
And one more quick note.... There was a devastating earthquake in Haiti, and most recently a devastating earthquake in Chile (the worst ever there) and a massive quake in Japan. Sylvia Browne didn't predict these either. Tsk, tsk......
By Leonard, Sunday, February 28, 2010 11:48:26 AM
Oh, how it pains me how Ms. Browne relentlessly discredits the validity of psychics and the paranormal. I'm indeed a skeptic, yet an objective one who values digging deep yielding to reveal the truth or, at least, offer theory to the just cause. I'm not saying that I disbelieve in the paranormal. There is a wealth of credibly, scholarly paranormal evidence that has baffled and amazed scholars for generations. Though the world of paranormal study still remains a fringe science. But that is slowly evolving into science being more open and accepting of (authentic) psychics and the paranormal. Unfortunately, there is also a great deal of fraud associated with the paranormal. The most common area of fraud is in the psychic market. Roughly less than 10% of the US population have people who are genuinely psychic. Virtually anyone can learn a crash course in psychic reading. By doing cold readings (fishing for answers) then hot readings (asking questions and giving "answers" based on the cold readings.) Sometimes a fraudulent psychic will ask for a personal item (drivers license or photo) and attempt to issue a prophecy from that. DO NOT EVER fall prey to "psychics" who have their stores "open for business." Remember authentic psychics are extremely rare. Then there are those who deliberately claim that their home or business is haunted just for attention or those who claim to have been abducted by UFO's, the sightings and such.... But through the thick and thin of authentic claims versus the fraudulent ones, one must always stand guard and do your research. Lastly, Ms. Sylvia Browne has yet to accept being tested to test her "abilities." And I don't mean being tested by bias closed minded cynics like James Randi either. By Sylvia refusing scientific university testing of her "abilities," (which she has never accepted) and the fact that she has a pretty awful track record and charges a kings ransom for a phone reading or to sit in in one of her one hour "spiritual salons," I can only conclude that Ms. Browne is not at all who she appears to be.
By malcom, Thursday, February 18, 2010 08:14:38 PM
Hi Regina, thanks for posting a couple of questions to self proclaimed worlds bestest psychic Sylvia Browne. If I may, since I am also somewhat psychic, I would like to answer your questions. First, will you meet someone? Yes. Second, you asked if any money will come your way. Short answer: YES. Long answer: Yes, but since you havent been able to manage your money up until this point, you will not be able to save any of the money, and you will once again find yourself behind on your bills. There you have it. For all of the other groupies, I ask this: IF MY PREDICTION COMES TRUE, AM I PSYCHIC??? oh, and Angelina Jolie will NOT adopt any babies in 2010. Gosh, I am so psychic it's scary...

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