Psychics (Sylvia)
Psychics (Sylvia) Articles
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By Pat, Thursday, April 07, 2011 09:55:01 PM
Here's what you don't understand. You think Sylvia is wrong about a lot of things but there are factors that change reality from moment to moment. When Sylvia looks into the future, she is looking at a snapshot of what will happen with all factors aligned as they are at that precise moment. But, God gives us a) free will and b) His Mercy, or 3) the answer to prayers, and this can change what we have put into motion. The moment one of those factors change, the out come does as well. For example, I look at what street you're on, what direction you're heading, your intention, and what speed you're going. I foresee that you will arrive at the market in 2.3 minutes. But wait, the person in the car ahead just had a prayer answered and makes a spontaneous move that causes you to slam on your brakes. You're so upset, you go back home. Reality is not absolute. It is dynamic and responsive to forces we will never be able to calculate. Each time a suicide bomber's vest fails to explode, I think of how blessed that person is, and how something she did in the past, or a prayer she said or was said for her, etc., redirected the possibility of her being a mass murderer. Just the way I see it. Meanwhile, Sylvia Brown is truly gifted. Pat Meanwhile, Sylvia Brown is very gifted.
By alex, Wednesday, April 06, 2011 08:52:48 PM
I used to believe in Sylvia. But all these false predictions are obviously not happening.
By Drew, Monday, April 04, 2011 05:07:25 PM
Nobody knows what tomorrow will bring. Even Nostradamus has long been debunked. How can somebody "know" what hasn't been in the first place? Each and everyone of Sylvia's "predictions" never saw the light of day. Anybody whose ever researched Sylvia Browne knows all about her dark and dirty secrets. It seriously angers me that people like Sylvia prey on the weak and vulnerable. Taking advantage of grieving people and dispensing bogus advise. As skeptic James Randi, said to John Stossel, about Sylvia Browne, when he was on an episode of ABC's 20/20, "She's nothing more than a monetary villain."
By Nicholai, Monday, March 28, 2011 09:01:53 PM
I think Sylvia should stick with her spritual mediumship and less on prophecy. Not all psychics are prophits. None of these events have come to pass. If she is saying these are not her predictions on facebook, she is clearly lying and backtracking, they are written word for word in her book "Prophecy" by Sylvia Browne. However, she may not have written the post for this site, I can agree on that, especially reading the first half of it. And why are you people asking for advice from Sylvia on a comment post? lol, wtf, she isn't going to answer you here.
By Debra, Sunday, March 13, 2011 04:25:57 PM
Hello sylvia, I love the work you do, helping people and things of that nature. but I was wondering if I will get married again and will it be forever? and is it to the guy I'm with now? if it will happen can you tell me about the time frame it will happen? and will I be finiancaly set with this marriage? Thank You for listening it means alot!!! Debra
By Levi, Monday, March 07, 2011 05:14:16 PM
Sylvia, I just finished reading "AfterLives of the Rich and Famous, and I believe it is your best of the best! I look forward to a second "Afterlives..." My one wish would be to have a session with you, as I missed it in Toronto-so if I win the lotto You would be my gift to myself.I am awaiting for 2 other books of yours to be delivered to me as you are my favourite author. Thank you for all your insights and clear info about the other side.If you see my Dad,please say hi and ask him to stop by to say hello,as I miss him immensely every day,- thank you. JAH BLESS and WALK GOOD!--Sister Levi
By Christine, Saturday, February 26, 2011 03:34:31 PM
Hi Sylvia, My name is Christine shaw my birthday is 1-20-64,I would like to know do I have any negative harmful energy around me, cus for the past year or so I been having very bad luck even with the simples things that I try to over come, it just seem like every where I turn nothing seem to work in my favor and its a little scary, I dont want to give up hope and i pray every night for things to get better but it seem to snow ball, Please give me an answer on whats happening in my life and will it get better. Thank u Sylvia.
By Rhonda, Wednesday, February 23, 2011 11:08:52 PM
Dear Sylvia, I haven't had a decent relationship with a man in a very long time and feel that there is an evil cloud surrounding me to a point that I'm afraid . My life has beset with conflict and chaos. I know that life brings disappointments but when will I be blessed. I pray and for whatever reason move son have been unable to this dark cloud.
By Linda, Wednesday, February 23, 2011 07:06:40 PM
Sylvia I have felt that someone has been driving me to do things. yet with the loss of my husband I feel I am being pulled in the wrong path. I am in dire need to know what path I need to follow, so that I can be at peace with myself. Is there a negative energy surrounding or is it my imagination? I pray aften for Gods guidence ; but I feel blocked from Him. Linda
By susan, Monday, February 21, 2011 03:06:42 PM
Sylvia, My name is Susan, I lost my mom to stage 4 bladder Cancer ,IN 2006 # SHE WAS MY BEST FRIEND, I would like to know, is it my Imagination That I can feel her presents around me at times ? when I cry and I hear some one say my name, I say MOM i LOVE YOU AND MISS u so much,!! can she hear me and see, me ?? thanks, so much lost angel, Page: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 You must log in to post a comment. If you don't already have a My Spirit Now account, sign up now. |