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How To Deal With The Loss Of A Loved One
How To Deal with Losing A Loved One by Sylvia Browne

Everyone’s grief is relative to them – just as happiness is. I don’t like to quantify pain, but I feel that the death of a child is by far the most tragic loss one can go through. This doesn’t minimize the anguish you may feel when a parent, spouse, or friend passes away, since these are all life-altering events, but to lose a child is beyond comparison.

Yet even though death may seem unfair – and for those who are left behind, it certainly leaves a deep wound – it’s a part of life that’s as natural as eating or sleeping. In fact, the end is really the beginning for all of us, since our true Home is on the Other Side. I know that this may not be much comfort when we’re still caught here in “hell” (and this life is hell in the sense that we’re here to learn some difficult lessons), but our friends and family members who have passed over are all happy where they are!

I lost two more loved ones this past year, one of them being Abass Nadim, who was my Egyptian tour guide and dearest friend. He died of a heart attack while vacationing in Peru. First of all, I told him not to go on this trip, and warned him that if he did, he should not go climbing. He did both. I’ve been asked if I have the power to control other people’s lives, and while of course I can’t, I sometimes wish I could. I loved Abass, and even though he contacted me just after his death to tell me he was okay, I was still shocked and angry that this wondrous light went out of so many lives. A million memories filled my mind: his love of life and his children, the times we laughed and how he would call to cheer me up when I was going through a painful divorce. How will Egypt be the same without him? I wondered. I went through the normal stages of disbelief and shock, and then I remembered that this life is like a dream, and one day, we’ll all wake up and be with our loved ones again.

Similarly, just a week before he passed away, I’d expressed to my friend Kevyn Aucoin, the celebrity makeup artist, that I was worried about him. He just laughed it off. I won’t go into the details, but soon after, a beautiful, talented soul was lost to us. Kevyn gave me a message after he left this world, saying, “I’m sorry that I didn’t plant the flowers.” (Later, his family validated that he had been meaning to get some flowers planted.) Still, once again, I was left with that hollow ache and the often-asked question, “Why him?” When you see so many dark, evil entities living out their lives and blithely making everyone miserable, it’s almost impossible to understand why the gentle, caring ones among us are often taken so suddenly.

It may be difficult to comprehend, but there’s a reason why good people take their exit points early and cross over to the Other Side. You see, we each have five exit points that we can take to go Home. Many times, the most kindhearted people take them early because they’re tired of life, they feel that they’ve completed their mission for God and they’re simply ready to go. When I was 26 and had my near-death experience, I was told by a beautiful entity to go back to Earth because I had more to do, I could also faintly hear a nurse screaming, “Don’t go, Sylvia, we need you!” What really drew me back, however, was the fact that for a split second it entered my consciousness that I didn’t want to leave my only son (at the time), Paul, with my first husband.

If you haven’t ever believed in an afterlife, I can only tell you that I’ve received thousands of e-mails and letters from people who have visited the Other Side in dreams, astral travels, near-death experiences, and hypnosis regressions, and they all describe the same topographical features. How can these people from different religions, cultures, and ethnic groups – both skeptics and believers alike – all see the same thing? Statistically it’s an impossibility; and from the perspective of a researcher, when you keep running into identical accounts, you not only believe, you have confirmation. Personally, I’m convinced that our souls not only survive death, but they go to a place of beauty and peace where we’re all reunited with our loved ones who have passed before us.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By susan, Sunday, December 22, 2013 06:41:16 PM
Silvia I know its very Impossable to send this to U your no longer with us, Please know u will be missed and loved forever, you helped so many in so many ways, even my life, I had read your books and came to understand, stuff, Knowing that your children are feeling the pain too,loosing a Mom is so Hard to bear, I know I have been there, my mom was my best Friend, God be with your family and send Angels to get them through, I will always cherrish the memories Sylvia, hugs Lost angel.
By josephine, Saturday, March 09, 2013 10:57:11 AM
myboyfriendyeandhisspiritis inmyhouse
By Sunshine, Monday, December 12, 2011 12:49:18 AM
My Dear Son, was murdered on May 4th 2009, and part of my heart is still broken, he was killed exactly 1 month before his 31st birthday to the day, with his birthday being June 4th ,78, my life is so painfull and empty still to this day, I have my precious daughter and a step son whom I love dearly, I just as they also cant understand why such a precious soul, giving person be taken in such an awful manner, after surviving a horrible head on collision with a logging truck with his mother/ sister in 1995. My only solice is no one can ever hurt him again, but that does not heal my aching heart to hold him, see his beautiful blue eys, hear his beautiful laugh, or hear him say, I love you mom. ever again, and now the holidays are amoung us, and my heart aches as do my self doubts as to if I was a good mother at all, why couldnt I have saved him from this.?? I have to just keep thinking he is safe and cant be harmed any longer and hopefully happy at home on the other side.
By susan, Sunday, May 22, 2011 01:48:07 AM
HELLO, I was wondering how you was doing ,SYLVIA,? IS IT POSSIABLE THAT my mom can speak to me, when I'am depressed, she calls me by my name.and some times, in my sleep I can talk to my mom and dad, and the people I Have taken care of,I was a home health aide for 22 yrs,!!and I am un able to do that kind of work any more, well please take care SYLVIA, BROWNE, WE LOVE YOU AND APPRECIATE U,GOD BLESS LOST ANGEL,
By Faustina, Wednesday, March 23, 2011 05:42:14 PM
Hi Sylvia, how are you? my name is Faustina and I lost my great grandmother this year on January 7th, I was so upset when she passed away because she was like a mother to me and a bestfriend. I was there with her the whole time she was dying and I was holding her hand when she passed, i wanted her to know i was there. It was very hard for me not only because she was an amazing women, but because she missed out on seeing her great great grandchild, i was pregnant at the time of her death. I just really wanted to know if she is okay? I also wanted to know if she wanted to say anything to me or my son Brayden because i knew she would have loved him to pieces. Could you please e-mail me back, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you ! ..
By shirleyann, Saturday, January 01, 2011 08:53:34 AM
Hello Sylvia, It's Me Again I Was Wondering,Hoping,Asking,Praying,What Kind Of Solution, Answer's Comment Of Some Kind Do You Have 4 Me,The Time Here Is Sat Jan 1-st.2011...My E-mail Address Is, Please Respond,God Bless You...
By shirleyann, Saturday, January 01, 2011 07:13:32 AM
Sometimes I Can Feel When A Loved One Or Close Friend Has Something Wrong, Or Sick, On Dec 24 I Was Real Scared To Walk Past The Room Where Bernadette Sleeps Sometimes,Which Is Next To The Room Where I Sleep In, So I Sleept In The Front-room Where My Father Was Sleeping At The End Of A Hide A Bed, Little Ones At The Top Of Bed, I Forced Myself To Fall A sleep, My Dad Was Having A Scary Dream I Think, It Scared Me,I Think I Slept 2 n A Half Hours I Was Thinking Real Hard About Berna,Her Injuries Were Real Bad On The Left-side Was bad,When I Woke Up On The Morning Of The 24,The Left Side Of My Head Was Swollen And Brusied And Today A Good Part Of My Head Feels Strange Its Numb And Has A Dent,On The Side Of My Head, I Sometimes Have Trouble Going To Bed, I'm Scared Of The Dark, I Force My Self To Sleep About 5:30 Or 6:30am Cuz It Will Follow With Daylite,Bernadette Was Going Thru A Lot Of Her Own Dealings,Hurt,Pain,Addictions,She Was A Lost And Troubled Little Being,God Be With All 3 Who Passed Away On Dec'20'2010 Love Always...
By shirleyann, Saturday, January 01, 2011 06:32:56 AM
Hello Sylvia, My Name Is Shirleyann, On Dec 20,2010, My Niece Who Was Like A Daughter,We Were Very Close,My Daughter's Boyfriend, Another Girl I Barley New,And Another Friend Of Their's, What Im Trying To Say Is, On Dec 20'2010,There Were 4 People Involved In A Fatal Car Accident, 3-died, 1-Clinging To Life, The Driver She Was 3-times Over The Alcohol Limit, She Died, My Niece Who Was In The Front seat, Also Died, My Little Girl's Boyfriend He Also Died, The Other Young Man He's In The Hospital Still, The Driver 29, My Niece 29, Boyfriend 22, young man 19 or 20, IDK, I Sence Or See And Feel Things, That I Cant Describe, My Sister Says Im A Witch,Grandpa Says I'm Evil,Some Times Babies Stare Real Hard At Me, Other People They Are Lierie Of Me, Some Friend's Say I'm An Angel,Mother Says I'm The Devil, I Say I Have A Gift That No-one Else Understands, I Don't Know How To Put Things Together, This Wierd Sience Started When I Was A Little Girl,I Got Into A Lot Of Trouble For Saying The Thing's I've Said, I Didn't Know Any Better, I Was Small, Didn't Have Many Friends Growing Up,Still Don't, Thats Ok By Me, I'm Confussed And Mad At Myself Cause I Was Real Tired And Didn't Feel Well, When This Tragadie Happened, I Felt Like My Mind And Sences Were Blocked, I Don't Know How To Explain My Self, I Cry Alot For Them, It Was On Our Local News In Salt-lake City,Ut,And Magna Ut,We Live In Tooele,ut,Drivers Name, Crystal, My Niece Bernadette,Daughter's Boyfriend Craig,Little Camron,Survivor,Rosery:Tuesday Dec 29,Holy-mass,Wed Dec 29'2010, I'm Wondering If My Weird Science, Has Left Me,Or When The Shock Disapate's Will I Be able To Go Back To The Way Thing Were Before The Accident, Spiritatley Confussed...
By lori, Monday, January 25, 2010 08:03:06 PM
S-please explain your mom. I miss you horribly.
By alfred, Wednesday, October 28, 2009 04:55:25 PM
I lost my father a brother a sister all with in the last 9 years, but what hurt the most and I can't understand why things happen the way they do is I also lost my mother last year. it hurt the most, out all my family members that have pass away. she was such a beautiful woman and a wonderful mother she had a heart of gold, she was the glue that kept this whole family together. my mother still have 4 sons and 3 daughter 42 grand kids and 28 great grand kids left, we have a big family, my mother was the queen of our family, my light, with her beautiful smile and her golden heart, she gave all of us so much love and always told us to love and to be good and always help others and never to hurt and do bad things to any one. the reason that it really hurts so much is that i was her caregiver for the last 5 years before she pass on, we became so close and I learn so much about love and caring for those who need it, and about forgiving and not to hold anger and not to ever let hate into our soul, and to keep a smile on our face and love in our heart, I learn so much and she gave this family so much, there' was so much things that I wanted to tell her and I hope that she is not suffering and if happy please tell me is she o.k. and can she still she all the good that I am trying to do , I really miss her and wish she can see all the good that she gave this family, she will live on forever in my heart, please tell me will this sadness from missing ever get better. thank you for reading, daniel from san jose ca.

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