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Learning to Listen to Your Angels


Some say angels talk to us in whispers. Other times it feels like they are shouting at us. What does it feel like when your angels are talking to you? When have you experienced your angels talking to you?


Sometimes when your angels talks to you, it is not always speaking to you using mere words. They can send you the inspiration to do something—such as driving a different way to work so you miss that really bad traffic jam. Or they may encourage you to speak to someone in your daily life that you usually don’t speak to. Maybe this person could just use a good friend in their lives, or the angels are actually sending them a message through your words.


Angels can also talk through synchronicities. Have you ever needed information or a resource, only to have someone or something come along just at the right time with that exact needed resource? I will admit to you that I lost someone’s telephone number today so I was looking it up, something very easily done now on the Internet, and much to my surprise this exact person called me with a question. That’s the angels at work for you!


What messages have your angels sent you? When have your angels’ messages surprised you?

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By Trilene, Friday, August 29, 2008 01:10:29 PM
This was in the year 1996, I was about the age 10 and staying with my dad. His girlfriend and daughter stayed the night, her daughter slept out in the living room with me. We had found two kittens under the trailer we lived in, that we named one Romieo and other Juliet. I remember that when My dad's girlfriend was getting ready for work she opened the front door and I saw the two kittens run out in the corner of my eye. I was hearing these voices in my head go get them, one of them is going to die. My body felt so week I just couldn't lift myself up. When she left I was able to lift myself up only wearing a huge T-shirt and underpants. Walked out side, still trying to wake myself up. I saw Juliet come from under one of the cars and was creeping up on something I just couldn't adjust my eyes. When she creept and little further then I saw Romieo, my dad's girlfriend had ran over him. I know that no one really wants to hear a story like this, but honestly the lesson that I learned from this is to listen to your Angels, in anyway of what they are trying to tell you. Because what they are telling you may not only save your life but someone or something elses. And Juliet is still alive and very well to this day. Thank you for taking the time to listen to my story it is still a big part of my life and I still hold Romieo in my heart. Thank you again.
By Jackie, Thursday, August 21, 2008 04:08:12 PM
I am 45 years old. I know that there are Angels. They have saved my life many times. I was not spoken to, it was a feeling that went thru my entire body telling me to do something diffrently then I would normally do, at 13-14 I was allmost one of the victims of the hillside stranglers, who had followed me home and just as i went to lock my deadbolt they started banging on my door stating they were the police and to open up. This is my earliest recollection of an angel. I would normally have opened the door, but something so strong went thru my entire being telling me NOT to open the door, I listend and quickly locked the deadbolt, they tried kicking the door in, the bottom would flip up but the door was pure heavy wood with a huge deadbolt. I told them I spoke to the police and that they said no officers had been sent to my house. this inraged them, they first said I had misunderstood them and they had said firemen, I quit talking to them and thats when they tried to kick the door in, but they were unsuccesfull. I seen the younger cousin thru a window and years later when they were captured realized that was who was at my door. They called me girly and several bad words in a new york accent. After that my life had been on the line when again the angels came to me and let me know of changes I needed to do and I listened. One was a relationship of 3 years from someone who I had known since 7th grade that I reunited with 10 years later, I was sent a very strong feeling to get out of the relationship regardless of the cost, so I did. He shot and killed the girl he was with after me and her sister and shot her ex who was the father of her oldest son in the back, he lived. He killed this women who had given him his only child, a son. Another time I had planned to spend the weekend with my brother. I had a huge 2X4 in my explorer that came up to the middle of the front seats. Someone at work was suppose to cut it down for me but had called in sick that day. The parking spaces were across the street, again that feeling came to me to remove the wood. So I took it into the building and had to put on my safety equipment equiptment back on to walk it to the area my friend worked at and left it there. On my way home that weekend with my youngest daughter who was 7-8 at the time I hit black eyes on top of a hill and rolled down the hill, everything in my truck was thrown up to 100 feet away, my axle was in the middle of the road. we landed upright and I had to crawl out a window because all the doors were bent in, the truck was totalled, my child and I had no injurys, except for a couple of bruised ribs on myself from the seat belt because I was pushing my daughter down in her seat and covering her, she was a tiny and still is tiny child. Had I not removed that 2X4 we both would have been dead, the truck rolled several times breaking every window, thank god no one was coming in the opposite direction. so angels are here, they just make me feel what I need to do, and I know when it is coming from the angels and learned at an early age to listen and trust that feeling of unspoken words that I understand, had I not you would not be reading this today... Thanks for letting me share, I have been wanting to for a long time, never found a place to untill now. Jackie
By Jackie, Thursday, August 21, 2008 03:54:43 PM
I am 45 years old. I know that there are Angels. They have saved my life many times. I was not spoken to, it was a feeling that went thru my entire body telling me to do something diffrently then I would normally do, at 13-14 I was allmost one of the victims of the hillside stranglers, who had followed me home and just as i went to lock my deadbolt they started banging on my door stating they were the police and to open up. This is my earliest recollection of an angel. I would normally have opened the door, but something so strong went thru my entire being telling me NOT to open the door, I listend and quickly locked the deadbolt, they tried kicking the door in, the bottom would flip up but the door was pure heavy wood with a huge deadbolt. I told them I spoke to the police and that they said no officers had been sent to my house. this inraged them, they first said I had misunderstood them and they had said firemen, I quit talking to them and thats when they tried to kick the door in, but they were unsuccesfull. I seen the younger cousin thru a window and years later when they were captured realized that was who was at my door. They called me girly and several bad words in a new york accent. After that my life had been on the line when again the angels came to me and let me know of changes I needed to do and I listened. One was a relationship of 3 years from someone who I had known since 7th grade that I reunited with 10 years later, I was sent a very strong feeling to get out of the relationship regardless of the cost, so I did. He shot and killed the girl he was with after me and her sister and shot her ex who was the father of her oldest son in the back, he lived. He killed this women who had given him his only child, a son. Another time I had planned to spend the weekend with my brother. I had a huge 2X4 in my explorer that came up to the middle of the front seats. Someone at work was suppose to cut it down for me but had called in sick that day. The parking spaces were across the street, again that feeling came to me to remove the wood. So I took it into the building and had to put on my safety equipment equiptment back on to walk it to the area my friend worked at and left it there. On my way home that weekend with my youngest daughter who was 7-8 at the time I hit black eyes on top of a hill and rolled down the hill, everything in my truck was thrown up to 100 feet away, my axle was in the middle of the road. we landed upright and I had to crawl out a window because all the doors were bent in, the truck was totalled, my child and I had no injurys, except for a couple of bruised ribs on myself from the seat belt because I was pushing my daughter down in her seat and covering her, she was a tiny and still is tiny child. Had I not removed that 2X4 we both would have been dead, the truck rolled several times breaking every window, thank god no one was coming in the opposite direction. so angels are here, they just make me feel what I need to do, and I know when it is coming from the angels and learned at an early age to listen and trust that feeling of unspoken words that I understand, had I not you would not be reading this today... Thanks for letting me share, I have been wanting to for a long time, never found a place to untill now. Jackie
By Jackie, Thursday, August 21, 2008 03:53:04 PM
I am 45 years old. I know that there are Angels. They have saved my life many times. I was not spoken to, it was a feeling that went thru my entire body telling me to do something diffrently then I would normally do, at 13-14 I was allmost one of the victims of the hillside stranglers, who had followed me home and just as i went to lock my deadbolt they started banging on my door stating they were the police and to open up. This is my earliest recollection of an angel. I would normally have opened the door, but something so strong went thru my entire being telling me NOT to open the door, I listend and quickly locked the deadbolt, they tried kicking the door in, the bottom would flip up but the door was pure heavy wood with a huge deadbolt. I told them I spoke to the police and that they said no officers had been sent to my house. this inraged them, they first said I had misunderstood them and they had said firemen, I quit talking to them and thats when they tried to kick the door in, but they were unsuccesfull. I seen the younger cousin thru a window and years later when they were captured realized that was who was at my door. They called me girly and several bad words in a new york accent. After that my life had been on the line when again the angels came to me and let me know of changes I needed to do and I listened. One was a relationship of 3 years from someone who I had known since 7th grade that I reunited with 10 years later, I was sent a very strong feeling to get out of the relationship regardless of the cost, so I did. He shot and killed the girl he was with after me and her sister and shot her ex who was the father of her oldest son in the back, he lived. He killed this women who had given him his only child, a son. Another time I had planned to spend the weekend with my brother. I had a huge 2X4 in my explorer that came up to the middle of the front seats. Someone at work was suppose to cut it down for me but had called in sick that day. The parking spaces were across the street, again that feeling came to me to remove the wood. So I took it into the building and had to put on my safety equipment equiptment back on to walk it to the area my friend worked at and left it there. On my way home that weekend with my youngest daughter who was 7-8 at the time I hit black eyes on top of a hill and rolled down the hill, everything in my truck was thrown up to 100 feet away, my axle was in the middle of the road. we landed upright and I had to crawl out a window because all the doors were bent in, the truck was totalled, my child and I had no injurys, except for a couple of bruised ribs on myself from the seat belt because I was pushing my daughter down in her seat and covering her, she was a tiny and still is tiny child. Had I not removed that 2X4 we both would have been dead, the truck rolled several times breaking every window, thank god no one was coming in the opposite direction. so angels are here, they just make me feel what I need to do, and I know when it is coming from the angels and learned at an early age to listen and trust that feeling of unspoken words that I understand, had I not you would not be reading this today... Thanks for letting me share, I have been wanting to for a long time, never found a place to untill now. Jackie
By Sylvia, Saturday, August 02, 2008 12:47:28 PM
Angels are wonderful, powerful, beautiful beings who talk to you in gentle ways. Negativity to me makes me feel dizzy and sick to the stomach so telling the differnces is easy for me. I do not believe there are bad angels or they would not be angels; negativity is something else and maybe Melvin that is what you are talking about. It is all in what you believe. I do not take the bible literally but that is just my belief and feelings. There is a lot of truth in the bible but there are a lot of parables that are left to the individuals interpretation.
By Deborah, Thursday, July 31, 2008 08:28:01 PM
Thank you every one for your help on my situation very much appreciated. God Bless, Deborah in Indiana
By Melvin, Tuesday, July 29, 2008 05:29:59 PM
Not all angels can be trusted. The Bible classifies some angels as “elect” (1 Timothy 5:21) or “holy” (Matthew 25:31; Mark 8:38). All angels were originally holy, enjoying the presence of God (Matthew 18:10) and the environment of heaven (Mark 13:32). Other angels oppose God under the leadership of Satan (Matthew 25:41; 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6; Ephesians 6:12). We often call these “demons.” There is actually a great unseen conflict raging that goes beyond anything we can imagine. It is not, however, a fight between two equal and eternal forces. God who created all beings is still in charge, and once He has used wicked angels to accomplish His purposes, He will bring them to a final defeat.
By Sylvia, Tuesday, July 29, 2008 11:45:54 AM
Your welcome Deborah. My situation could not be better, got rid of the husband but he is still a friend, and I'm learning that I have a pattern with men. I wrote down all their traits and it was a real eye opener. Now I can start a new life, I'm happy, and I'm okay with being by myself. I give thanks to God and the angelic realm for my life, who I am and accept spirit in my life. For so many years I pushed it away because people thought I was crazy and I got told to be careful what I said because they would lock me up; my mom was good at telling me I was only dreaming, to quit daydreaming (I was in trance, I know because I could see things but did not know what I was doing), I had a good imagination and the like. You know what, I love who I am and what I have learned and I have only God and the other side to thank for that, and that my friend, is why I am so happy now. Not sure if I told you or not but my last husband was from New Zealand and that is why I lived there over two years.
By Deborah, Monday, July 28, 2008 09:38:59 PM
Thank you sylvia for you help on my situation :-) that does make alot of sense by what you said. I can't wait to try it. I hope your doing well with what happened with your situation if you know what I mean? I understand long story none of my business :-) I appreciate the come back. Take care, Deborah
By Sylvia, Monday, July 28, 2008 07:10:51 PM
Deborah: I have had the same thing happen to me. When I was really upset about something and wished I was dead, right before I went to sleep I heard, "Go with the flow", loud and clear. Ringing in the ears is usually the angels trying to tell you something, ask them to tone it down so you can understand them. I'm not sure who was tell me to go with the flow (it was a male voice and very gentle), I just know I started doing that and things worked out. I've also received audio messages about other things but do not care to discuss it here. It lead to finding out my husband was cheating on me and lied about it. He's gone and I'm much better. I usually just know things, not sure why, and feel things, get messages occasionally and see things sometimes. Angel cards work for me and Doreen Virtue has some beautiful ones. I'm not crazy about the tarot though because to me they are negative. When I lived in New Zealand I was having a heck of a time with negative energy, especially in Tepapa was the Maori room I could not go in and found out later why.

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