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When Talking to Your Angels Doesn’t Work


People who hear that I talk to angels sometimes wonder how it works. Quite frankly—I’m not an angel, so I can’t totally understand how it works myself. I just know that it does work. But sometimes it seems that when you talk to your angels—it doesn’t work.


You don’t get what you want: Just like that popular Rolling Stones song “You don’t always get what you want.” Sometimes it seems that you ask your angels for help finding a new car, job, house or a relationship—and no answer seems to come. This can be very frustrating. It can make you wonder if this really can work.


But if you look more deeply at the response you are getting—sometimes there is an actual response in the non-response. Maybe the angels are encouraging you to carpool with a co-worker for awhile. That co-worker could have a brother that owns a car dealership that could get you a really sweet deal on a car. Sometimes the angel messages are not delivered in a neat, tidy package. If you are getting a message that isn’t really the answer you would like—like with the question, “I want a new car,” and the answer, “Carpool with your co-worker,” consider asking some more questions to your angels. See if they can give you some more information!

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By drizzle, Wednesday, May 14, 2008 07:42:20 PM
I'd also like to add that in my own experience the more in tune I feel, the easier it is to spot the responses that are a bit more subtle. I find that when I think I'm not getting any answers it's because I'm stressed to the hilt and need to try to just relax a bit more while consciously watching and listening for what it may be. It's not that it went unanswered, just that I hadn't realized what the answer was yet. Good post! Thanks for that.
By drizzle, Wednesday, May 14, 2008 07:34:47 PM
I think too we're guilty of looking only for that one single answer we want to happen. We don't even consider the answer may be coming to us in a roundabout way. In effect, we blind ourselves from seeing the answer when it's right in front of us because it's not the one we imagined it would be. Even when that answer is far more useful to us than just getting what we asked for would have been, sometimes we just can't see the woods for the trees.
By Xiflada, Wednesday, May 14, 2008 05:33:05 PM
It's like when you pray and you don't get what you prayed for. It's like maybe you not getting what you asked for was God's or in this case an angel's way of answering your prayers. Like maybe you didn't get the loan and thought your angel abandoned you, but as it turns out you borrowed the money later from a friend whom you won't be in debt with for the next ten years due to interests. I completely agree :)
By Sophie, Wednesday, May 14, 2008 09:44:55 AM
I am not sure if I understand what this means. If I am looking to speak with angels, how will speaking to a co worker help me? Please explain further Sylvia.

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