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Animal Totems
by Sylvia Browne

Many people have asked me "What is a totem?" A totem is an animal spirit. We entrust our totems to stand by us throughout our lifetime.

Every member of the animal kingdom has attributes that our own spirits can emulate and connect with our own life theme. My son Chris' totem is the grizzly bear. This is a symbol of his life theme "warrior."

While some people may never actually see their totems, the energy of these animal spirits is always present with them. My own totem is the elephant, a symbol of strength and loyalty.

Your totem serves several purposes during your life. They serve as sentinels that stand guard on our behalf. This means if our totem senses a dark spirit or feels that we are somehow being threatened, they will instinctively try to scare off our enemies. They will do this as animals do: by growling, hissing or even acting aggressively.

Our totems also offer us positive energy just from their presence. Having this animal spirit in your life offers you many benefits.

Even the highest angels, the Principalities have totems. Their totem is the lion. Lions are known around the world as a symbol of both great strength and pride. This is the perfect totem for Father God's army of angels. All angels have totem spirits and they can call upon animals to intercede on your behalf when you need help or protection.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Steven, Wednesday, April 15, 2009 03:01:33 PM
Here's a valid question about this subject. Does the animal totem have to be something from this world? I see mine as something that would be considered a fantasy animal.
By Jennifer, Monday, March 30, 2009 03:27:57 PM
Hi Sylvia, and hello to everyone here too. I just wanted to announce that my five year old daughter has seen her Animal Guide. About 3 weeks ago she told me of a "bad" dream in which something was chasing her but she couldn't tell me what it was. Then just last night as I was tucking her in she told me she had another dream about going out into our garage to get something and she saw the dismembered leg of a wolf ( her words were "a dead leg" of a wolf) then she told me that the grass opened up and out jumped a wolf and she jumped back to let him through. As soon as she told me this I assured her that there was nothing to fear that this wolf was her friend and that he was there to protect and to play with her. I reminded her of the first dream and how I had told her next time something was chasing her to turn around. I told her that she had finally seen the thing that was following her. Her wolf guide. I find it pretty amazing that her totem is a wolf, because wolves are one of my favorite wild animals. They are so wise and loyal, and really the only time they kill is to eat. They will protect the ones that they love no matter what. As a matter of fact I have a plush wolf pup that stays in my bed at night. Jenn
By Tara, Tuesday, March 10, 2009 02:04:29 PM
Sylvia, I would love to know what my totem is. I think that it is a penguin. If it is, how would a penguin protect me? Tara
By Trilene, Thursday, February 26, 2009 02:10:20 PM
It would be wonderful if there could be a dictionary of symbolizations of Animal totems so people could understand what each animal means. Thank you so much for your effort and time.
By Selena, Tuesday, February 10, 2009 04:39:44 PM
Hi Sylvia, I love your gift, and you for sharing it with us. I was wondering: how you can tell what your totem is? I'd love to know my own. It's probably not a cat, but I've always loved them. Once again, thank you.
By Michelle, Wednesday, January 28, 2009 02:20:12 PM
Is it possible to have someone send you their animal totem from far away? I have had the wolf as a spirit guide for as long as I can remember and they come in several colors meaning different levels of protection. I have 3 it seems a silver gray with green eyes, pure white with crystal blue eyes, and dark black with silver eyes. One day I was on the computer chatting with a group who loves wolves and a new member came on and opened a private chat. He said he was sending me his guide that was a golden wolf. He was the greatest of guardians. He asked me a few moments later if I felt him. I did feel a presence near on my knee a light pressure. The guy said he should be laying his head on my knee at that moment and my heart about stopped. I was thinking I was going crazy but my husband came home raising cane with me but as soon as he got within 10 foot of me he just looked at me and went upstairs. He came back down in a odd mood and I went to bed soon after. When I got back on the computer the next night the guy asked if I was okay. I said yeah, he said his wolf would leave now and would come if I needed him again. I dont know what would have happened but my husband has schizophrenia and is just this year on medication. I have been told since that day from someone that I have two spirit guides. the deer and the wolf and they fight each other because I want to do what is right but my relationship with my husband should end. I dont know really what to do.
By Lori, Thursday, October 23, 2008 09:48:14 PM
Hi, I've come to realize through my dreams I've had the animal kingdom come in. When I need to be warned about something I will always get birds, whether it be the Owl, Hawk, or Crow, in my waking life just in the past 2 years, these birds have been around me, the come very close to me, but not close enough were I can touch them, I know there warning me, because every time one of these birds are around something always happens. I've heard through many wise people that the Crows and the Hawks, are actually our ancestors paying us a visit, I hope thats true. There is a wise man thats lives in British Columbia he once wrote, on the day of your birthday you should take a walk outside find a quiet place and see how many birds come around you the more you see, it should show you how good of a year your going to have. Peace and happiness to all. Thanks Lori
By Karin, Thursday, October 23, 2008 01:35:54 PM
Dear Sylvia, How do you know what your totum is, and how can I use it. I,ve always wan'ted to talk with you, you are amazing at what you do, my dream has ALWAYS been to be able to do what you do. But I know I could never be as good as you. Sylvia, Thanks for all that you do, GOD BLEES YOU!
By Debby, Thursday, October 23, 2008 12:32:46 PM
Sylvia, I had a reading with your son, Chris, and he told me my totem was a bear. One night, when I had found out about a worker embezelling money, there was a creature that appeared in by bedroom. It was small and black with white around the eyes. It kind of freaked me out - I closed and opened my eyes because I had to make sure something was there. I just wonder what kind of a bear this would be? Maybe a Panda?
By lisa, Thursday, October 23, 2008 11:32:37 AM
Hi! I have always had a strong connection with wolves.I feel drawn to them,and always have.I believe that a wolf is my totem.I have worked with animals most of my life,as a vet tech,animal control officer/and animal care specialist.I was in charge of taking care of aggressive dogs,because They never seem to be aggressive with me.I have never been bitten by a dog in all those years.I want to eventually move somewhere where I can work with wolves first hand.I have actually taken a picture during a paranormal investigation and it looks as if 2 wolves are next to a tree,while I was taking the photo!Somehow I knew they were there for me.Thanks so much for teaching us about our totems! I love you,and God Bless you Sylvia!! Love,Lisa

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