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The First Time You Connect With Your Spirit Guide
by Sylvia Browne

Francine, whom I’ve received mountains of information from over the years, has always stressed that guides are continually trying to be recognized or accepted so that they can have easier access with us, thereby infusing us with knowledge or telepathically helping us fulfill our chart.

People get aggravated because guides don’t always make audible contact, but with patience, you will receive their messages, and I’m convinced that you will. Let me tell you right now that you won’t necessarily hear the voice in the way you expect though. It’s not some soft, ethereal, melodic tone – rather, it’s high pitched and has a fast, almost chipmunk-like sound to it.

My dear friend Lindsay, recently heard her spirit guide for the first time. She called me and said, “Sylvia, I heard Rachel, but her voice had a tinny, high-pitched quality.”

I replied, “Well, that’s just what I’ve been trying to explain to you all this time!”

In fact, over the years, I’ve heard the same story from people who’ve heard this high-pitched voice and want me to clarify what it is. The answer is simple: It’s their spirit guide. Francine says that it’s hard for guides to manifest and speak, much harder than it is for angels. Not that one phylum (particular sect of beings) is more advanced, per se, but since guides are on a higher, more elevated level, they find it difficult to tune in to the dense atmosphere in which we live. Francine describes it as trying to wade through a thick pea-soup fog.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Trudy, Saturday, October 25, 2008 02:48:43 AM
Hello Sylvia, I had a reading done by your son at which time he stated to me that my spirit guides name was Vicki. I have not had the pleasure of hearing her as of yet, but I do stay tuned. I constantly will see movement from my side view and I remember in one of you books you memtioned that could have something to do with a spirit guide. I stay tuned to what I hear in my head and I try to be open about not jumping to conclusions. I would welcome my spirit guides advice at times, and I have allowed her to read my mind as well, so she always knows what I am thinking about. I truly belive in what you have to share with us, and I alwayd expect the unexpected without question. God bless you for sharing your blessings with us. God has meant for all people to believe in and learn from you. I do.
By Helen, Saturday, October 25, 2008 02:10:04 AM
I would just love to know my guides name or names cause i think there are two a male and a female.
By Carrie, Friday, October 24, 2008 10:09:58 PM
Hello Sylvia, I have read a few of your books and I have to say that I am really intrigued. I am a person who wants to hear my spirit guide or my angels, but I have only heard a voice twice before. It was like someone yelling at me to do something like, "hit the brake!!!" another time it was someone calling my name. I do not know if it was a spirit guide because the voice was clear toned. I have really bad hearing and I am unable to hear high pitch sounds. Would I still be able to hear my guide if they can only communicate in these ranges? Thank you, Carrie.
By giselle, Friday, October 24, 2008 09:06:51 PM
Thank You Sylvia, is my spirit guide male or female? doing your meditation connecting with your spirit guide i could never see a clear picture in my mind but thought that my guide was male, is that correct?
By Rebecca, Friday, October 24, 2008 07:46:41 PM
Hi Sylva, My name is Becky and I know I have a spirit guide and I call her Becca. This is a name I love. I know my guides name is something else,but like you I want my guides to be Becc unless she is a he. Could you let me know. Thank you and I Thank Mother and Father God for you to be part of my life evry day as thay are part of my life. Love ya always Becky.
By Diane, Friday, October 24, 2008 04:01:26 PM
I had a soul clearing in 1985 it was very insightful and I have a cassette of it, she was right on. She has written several books and is well known in her community. She told me at the time I did not need a spirit guide at that time , according to her contact. I have awesome intuition and am hardly ever off, but have never heard or felt any sort of contact, I wish I had someone to talk to as my husband has me isolated. Is it possible not to have a spirit guide? Ozarkgirl
By sharon, Friday, October 24, 2008 01:04:13 PM
Sylvia and all others reading this, This is so very intriguing. I still do not know the name of my spirit guide and wonder if I need to know his/her name before I can hear what they have to say. Do I need to be totally silent to hear them? Any information would be appreciated. Sharon
By Nikki, Friday, October 24, 2008 12:46:59 PM
Hi Sylvia! Could you tell me my spirit guides' name and how to connect with him/her? God bless, and thank you for everything. Nikki from MO
By Linnea, Friday, October 24, 2008 10:16:23 AM
Hi Sylvia =) What is the name of my spiritguide? What is the best way for me to get in contact whit him/her. Im I right that I feel like my psychic ability has grown ? for example when im out and shoping or something that I suddenly think about a person and 1 minute after I meet or see that person. God Bless / Linnea,Sweden.
By Jeanne, Friday, October 24, 2008 08:45:31 AM
Dear Sylvia, I used your CD 5 years ago to connect and immediately found my guide. After that happened, an amazing string of circumstances occurred that have changed my life. I received a "message" to start a ministry and nothing has been the same since. I encourage anyone to listen, trust and become one with your messengers, they are a true source of comfort, love and guidance. The blog is much too long to post here and I don't want to take up too much of your time but here it is: In light, Jeanne

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