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The Journey to The Other Side
by Sylvia Browne

Many people ask me "What is the journey to The Other Side like?" This is a very common question and it is quite understandable that we would wonder about this experience.

When our bodies die, most of us experience a brilliantly lit tunnel that rises from our own bodies. This tunnel leads more "across" than "up" at about a twenty- or thirty-degree angle. We then travel with the glorious, weightless freedom through this sideways tunnel. While in this tunnel, we do not feel as if we have died, but we feel more thrillingly alive than we ever were on earth. All of our worries, frustrations, anger, resentment and negativity melt away. These negative emotions are replaced by peace and all-loving, unconditional understanding as we remember and understand that we are about to reunite with Home.

God's sacred white light waits to embrace us at the very end of the tunnel. Our loved ones are there, from every lifetime to greet us. They are eager to see us. Family, friends, pets and everyone that you have ever loved is there to see you.

Once you arrive at The Other Side, you continue with a busy and active life pursuing interests that you enjoy. Sometimes there are activities that we enjoyed on The Other Side that we did not do while on Earth that we can now look forward to taking up once more. There are lectures, concerts, classes, conversation groups and all sorts of cultural activities.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Green, Sunday, July 20, 2008 11:38:55 AM
feyoracle, I share your feelings. I really look forward to being on the other side and really don't fear death. I believe as long as I live a very good life on earth (be charitable, truthful, honest and worship God), I will have a good life in the hereafter. The only reason I wouldn't want to die now is I want to be around for my daughter. I want to make sure she has a good life and has someone to support here all the way till she is fully independent. Then I can go rest in everlasting peacefully
By maylin, Sunday, July 20, 2008 06:20:51 AM
yes it is true Cheri. well, you really had a bad experience. what happened to the man who tried to drown you? and why do you think he did that? anyway, you know, not seeing the light does not mean that you will not go to the other side. you have seen darkness because you were about to be killed that time and maybe that made you see darkness. you are saved now and it means that you can still see the light when the right time comes.
By Cheri, Sunday, July 20, 2008 12:29:30 AM
When I was 17yrs. old someone tried to drown me in a lake. I fought it at first, then saw my life, felt the memories so vividly clear, while having the most beautiful overwhelming feeling of peace that cannot be described to it's potential in simple words. It was very dark and very loud...I was going upwards...until I felt something pulling me back. It was the man that tried to kill me...shaking me on the shore crying and apologizing...I just wanted to go back so bad..he wouldnt let me..I am in my forties now, and until I started reading Sylvia's books and watching her on Montel a few years ago...I always had a fear that I was not going to heaven because I did not see a light,,,,just loud darkness.. Now I know why...I had to travel upwards out of the cold water to the air to go vertical in the tunnel towards the white light! Thank you Sylvia for helping me understand this an know that I am a loved child of a forgiving unconditional God!
By maylin, Friday, July 18, 2008 10:26:00 AM
very inspiring story you got there Joy. i think that your mother-in-law just visited you because she wanted you to do something for her, and that is to take good care of her son. that made her at peace because she knew that you got her message.
By maylin, Friday, July 18, 2008 10:23:30 AM
wow poggy, that is a wonderful story. i am sorry about your friend. maybe she saw the tunnel but she is not sure if she will leave the world but she just waited for her loved ones to say the words that she is waiting for before deciding to go to the other side. everyone of us are afraid to die, but that is our destiny, we all die when our time come.
By maylin, Friday, July 18, 2008 10:15:50 AM
well Aries, it is really good to live in this world. there are so many reasons for us too be happy and contented with our life. but everyone can never escape death. yeah sometimes it is hard to think how you will die or what it feels to die. maybe if we could have a second life, that would be great.
By maylin, Friday, July 18, 2008 10:11:52 AM
yeah we both feel the same feyoracle. i even said that i am ready to die. but i think that the people here also need me. and i can not leave them. maybe if it is my time, them it is. but i still would like to spend more time with the people i love here.
By Joy, Friday, July 18, 2008 12:06:34 AM
My mother-in-law passed away today. She was on the east coast and I am on the west. I was working at my desk when I wave of remorse came over me. I stood up and felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around but no one was there. I immediately knew it was her (she has been sick for awhile and has not been able to speak). She asked me to take care of her son since she would not be around. I told her that I would and then the feeling was gone. My husband called about ten minutes later and I told him that I knew she was gone and that she had come to see me on her way out. Thank God that he allows us to experience these wonderful things. This has again strengthened my beliefs and relieved all fear of going home to him.
By peggy, Thursday, July 17, 2008 11:20:47 PM
my very good friend just went to the other side in her passing on friday the 11th. Her family and myself at her bedside. she wasn't speaking at all, I already knew her journey was beginning but there was one point in the 2 hrs before she passed on as i had my hand on hers she said to me "is that the light?" she also said "where my mom?" (who passed on nearly 20yrs ago). later the minister arrived and meditated with her while we went out for a break. near the end he said she has "one foot there and one foot here". then Her hubby & daughter leaned over her and told her it was okay and to let God or Jesus carry her accross (I didn't hear this part, the minister did and told me how awesome it was- i was just 2 seconds away when they told her this) and she closed her mouth taking her last breath right after they said it and just an awesome peace. and my God she looked so peaceful and glowed some. she had been ill for awhile and I had been helping take care of her for couple years. So I know she saw that tunnel. I felt like there were angels or some spiritual essence above her bed - i usually do feel the change in the atmosphere around when visited, but i don't see it - what a glorious site that would be but a little bit of me is kinda scared also to "see them". I've told others my fear of it is like when you are vacuuming and don't hear someone come in the room and you turn around and there they are and you jump outta your skin. thats what i don't want - that's what scares me about it but one day i'll be braver about asking God to allow me to see more - just not ready yet i guess. Bless you Sylvia for teaching us you are so wonderful!
By Aries, Thursday, July 17, 2008 05:39:10 PM
Death always makes me feel uneasy. It's not that I fear death, just how I'm gonna die. I'd probably wind up staying on Earth when I die, if I plan to pass on, I'll do it myself.

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