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The Journey to The Other Side
by Sylvia Browne

Many people ask me "What is the journey to The Other Side like?" This is a very common question and it is quite understandable that we would wonder about this experience.

When our bodies die, most of us experience a brilliantly lit tunnel that rises from our own bodies. This tunnel leads more "across" than "up" at about a twenty- or thirty-degree angle. We then travel with the glorious, weightless freedom through this sideways tunnel. While in this tunnel, we do not feel as if we have died, but we feel more thrillingly alive than we ever were on earth. All of our worries, frustrations, anger, resentment and negativity melt away. These negative emotions are replaced by peace and all-loving, unconditional understanding as we remember and understand that we are about to reunite with Home.

God's sacred white light waits to embrace us at the very end of the tunnel. Our loved ones are there, from every lifetime to greet us. They are eager to see us. Family, friends, pets and everyone that you have ever loved is there to see you.

Once you arrive at The Other Side, you continue with a busy and active life pursuing interests that you enjoy. Sometimes there are activities that we enjoyed on The Other Side that we did not do while on Earth that we can now look forward to taking up once more. There are lectures, concerts, classes, conversation groups and all sorts of cultural activities.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By feyoracle, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 06:58:46 PM
I don't know about anyone else, but I'm looking forward to the rest! ;) It doesn't scare me. I might feel fear at the very moment it happens, who knows. For now, I'm happy in the knowledge I have people who love me waiting for me.
By maylin, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 06:44:25 AM
Hello Sylvia, i just want to share to you what i think about your story. i think that it was your mother. you said you felt guilty for not coming to her when she died and i think that she is just trying to tell you something. like, you don't have to feel guilty because it was not your fault and that she is always watching over you.
By maylin, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 06:41:36 AM
lol. yeah Green. but i am not really sure about the movies. but i think that life on the other side is really wonderful and like what you have said, it is a paradise. everything will be given to you and you won't have to think about your problems like when you were still on earth.
By Linda, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 10:55:47 AM
Hi Sylvia, this is your Linda from Los Angles. You and I share the same birthdate.........I have always been facinated with you for gifts, but finding that you and I share Oct. 19, feels very special to me. My Mother passed in Nov. 05, I was having trouble booking a flight to the Midwest to get to her, finally to be leaving on a Tuesday AM, she died Monday AM. I know my Mom was afraid of dying, I have never forgiven myself for not getting to her in time to help her let go. She had suffered a horrible vascular disease and as hard as it is to say, it was time for her to go. Since her passing, I feel her near me, usually late at night, things moving from the corner of my eye, a brushing against my back etc. It does not scare me, it is so soothing to me, and also leaves me yurning for her. Is this her or am I nuts? LOL Sylvia, I saw your show saying goodbye to was so heartfelt and sad, but I know this is good for you to spend more time at home. God Bless you, Linda from Los Angeles
By Green, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 09:44:05 AM
Maylin there is surely food on the other side. In the quran it those mention that when we are in the garden of paradise we will be served foods of all kinds by some servants. Too bad about there being no movies... well who cares about movies when you can eat ice cream all day.
By Green, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 09:41:26 AM
Oh no Arman... you really shouldn't have mentioned icecream. Now you want to make me just get to the other side as quickly as possible. I cannot imagine a life where I can eat smooth creamy icecream all day long and not feel a ton of guilt afterwards. I love icecream especially the ones with strawberry or raspberry swirl. I get to eat them only once every two or three months because I do not want to gain the extra pounds.
By maylin, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 06:35:56 AM
Hmm, Arman, how did you know about those things? but anyway, you have a great visualization about the other side, and that is really good. we all do not know what the other side has to offer, but i am sure that this place is what we call and perceive as heaven.
By maylin, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 06:33:48 AM
Lol. Green i think that there are no movies there. hehe. and foods? i am not also sure. what i think about the other side is that you can do anything and just be happy about the everything. life is cruel and i think that if we are already there, we won't worry about anything.
By maylin, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 06:30:41 AM
Arman, i think you should not wonder what you are going to do on the other side. lol. if you will go there, i am sure you will have a wonderful life. and you won't even think about hatred, problems, and your past life. everything will be great and wonderful.
By arman, Monday, July 14, 2008 04:16:08 PM
Well, Green. I know that I will drink alot of icecream, and we all know there are no icecream headaches in heaven, so that is definatley a bonus,,lots of things to do over there, listen to great lectures, great music, ill be over there listening to any of John Lennons new music though. Or checking out those dinosaurs, i have always loved dinosaurs.

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