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Understanding Your Wish Dreams
by Sylvia Browne

Every night we dream and our dreams give us insights into our lives. Some of our dreams are prophetic and will tell us of future events. Other dreams are release dreams, helping us to get rid of unwanted emotional states. Then there are wish dreams.

A wish dream is a wonderful dream and it is just like it sounds: a dream about something you are wishing for. Perhaps you are newly married and wishing for a baby. So you dream of holding that sweet baby in your arms. When you have a wish dream, you wake up feeling so satisfied because in those few moments your dream came true! It was as if you won the lottery of your choice: your desires were within reach.

Sometimes your wish dream is literal and very easily understood. Just like the example of wanting to have a baby and holding it in your arms in the dream. You dream for exactly what you wish for.

Other wish dreams are not meant to be taken as literally as they appear. Someone once told me they were dreaming that their mother-in-law told them that she had left a letter in the house that the woman needed to read. The woman searched the house top to bottom, but found no letter. The dream spoke of the unresolved communication between the two women.

Understanding your dreams is very much a gift that you can give yourself. As you learn about your dreams, you will understand yourself.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By naomi, Friday, May 15, 2009 09:33:01 AM
Dear Sylvia: Last summer I was doing a mosiac border for my window. I had six packages of tiles. When I opened each package and turned them over there was a number on just one of the tiles;per package. Previously, I asked my dear brother, who had left this world in 2004, to give me the winning numbers for the Lottery so that I can help myself and others. I have been playing these numbers every week since then. However, the other night as I was going into my REM sleep, these numbers flashed in front of my face. Is this a sign from him that I am on the right track? Thanks Sylvia. Pearl, May 15,2009
By naomi, Friday, May 15, 2009 09:28:53 AM
Dear Sylvia: Last summer I was doing a mosiac border for my window. I had six packages of tiles. When I opened each package and turned them over there was a number on just one of the tiles;per package. Previously, I asked my dear brother, who had left this world in 2004, to give me the winning numbers for the Lottery so that I can help myself and others. I have been playing these numbers every week since then. However, the other night as I was going into my REM sleep, these numbers flashed in front of my face. Is this a sign from him that I am on the right track? Thanks Sylvia.
By gina, Sunday, May 10, 2009 01:34:23 PM
i'm constantly dreaming about having babies. you see i can't have babies without medicine, and my spouse doesn't want children i was just wondering what my dreams could be trying to tell me. if i'm going to have a baby or is there something else in the works.
By Connie, Friday, May 08, 2009 06:55:07 AM
HI Sylvia, you're the best. I have Wish dreams all the time. I'm a creative person and I am always looking for new ideas and I get many of my ideas in dreams. I go to sleep thinking about how I can improve something that I've been creating during the day, and the answers come to me in my dreams. Actually I very seldom remember the exact content of my dreams, but I always wake up with ideas. Sometimes there are so many it's hard to keep track/keep up with the flow. Sometimes I think my Spirit Guide is helping me and that is probably the case. Thanks Connie
By samantha, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:27:49 AM
I keep having recurring dreams where I'm pregnant and about to have a baby. I think I'm too young now to really, and I don't have a partner Sylvia why am I having these dreams? Also I am before I go to sleep seeing newborns it's not unsettling just what messages are my guides trying to pinpoint to me? is it obvious or just a way for them to tell me something urgent soon to come? three nights in a row and last night I skipped a few days but last night was the fourth time thank you Samantha NY
By Marcia, Friday, March 27, 2009 08:43:11 AM
i HAVE had dream were a boy friend that I had in high school ,we are back in my mothers kitchen. This is were we spent are time. Does this meane that he is looking for me.
By misty, Monday, December 01, 2008 01:12:41 PM
an angle came to me one night an told me my husband to be was named corey robertson but i dont no which one he is it so many
By misty, Monday, December 01, 2008 01:12:41 PM
an angle came to me one night an told me my husband to be was named corey robertson but i dont no which one he is it so many
By Pamela, Friday, October 24, 2008 12:59:35 AM
Hi Sylvia, I had a dream a couple weeks ago that was so vivid. I dreamt of meeting my life partner. It was so clear, I was really amazed when I woke how clear it was and that I remembered everything. I want to know though if it was a wish dream that will come true. The mans face was not real clear but I knew his name, that kept repeating in my dream, however only a first name. Was this a true insight dream? Thank you,Pam
By Laura, Sunday, September 14, 2008 07:23:41 PM
Hi sylvia,do you see me ever hitting the lottery if so when..laura

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