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When The Other Side Visits Us During Our Dreams
by Sylvia Browne

I’m not sure anything enriches and confuses our dreams more than those people we choose to "cast" in the tragedies, occasional comedies, historical dramas, and travelogues our subconscious minds produce for us while we sleep. The oddest collection of characters can show up, some we recognize, some we don’t, some we’re not sure about, appearing and disappearing, sometimes for the most obvious reasons and sometimes for no apparent reason at all, leaving us to wake up feeling fairly sure someone we spent time with during the night was trying to tell us something, if we could just figure out what it was.

Adding to the mystery and the intrigue is the fact that the people we summon, seek out, meet with, and envision during sleep are there for our purposes, at our insistence, as themselves and as archetypes, not just because of who they are but because of who they are to us.

"My deceased grandmother came to me out of nowhere," writes R.F. "She took my arm to stress the importance of what she was about to telepathically tell me. I was to contact Sylvia Browne to ask her about 'him.' Alive my abuelita only spoke Spanish, but telepathically she spoke perfect non-accented English. I got the feeling that 'him' was a reference to the boyfriend I recently broke up with, but I’m open to any other thoughts of who "him" might be.

This is a wonderful example of bringing in the heavy artillery while we sleep to make a point we’re reluctant to consciously accept. R.F. knows perfectly well that the "him" her grandmother was concerned about is her ex-boyfriend. She knows he’s emotionally dangerous to her and potentially physically dangerous as well, and that he has no intention of staying away permanently. Most of all, she knows that, left to her own devices, she might not have the strength of will to continue resisting him if he’s relentless enough and manipulative enough, especially since he’s so familiar with her weaknesses and how to use them against her. And so, rather than rely on her own sometimes clouded judgment (like all of ours from time to time, let’s face it), she summoned her grandmother, her abuelita, the person she trusted most, someone who’d always had R.F.’s best interests at heart, someone whose wisdom, strength and love she knew could empower her, someone who would never let something as trivial as "death" keep her away. Like the vast majority of messages received while we sleep, R.F.’s experience wasn’t a dream. It was an astral meeting between her and her grandmother, as real as any of the frequent conversations she’d had about her ex-boyfriend with "living" family and friends, with the advantage that she and Abuelita could speak volumes with the simple telepathic message about "him."

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Kathy, Friday, July 23, 2010 06:41:31 PM
Hi Sylvia, I have strong dreams with my sister comin to me & we both look into each others eyes & we both start crying very hard & we hug each other very tightly.I love my baby sister more than words can say, we were only 11 months apart & have been through the roughest times along with the very happy times that no one can ever take from me. I feel a big part of my being has died just from "HEATACHE" over losing her & I couldn't do a thing about it to fix her like she always fixed me in our lives. And I can't wait to be with her again when it's time for me to cross over, thats when I'll feel (WHOLE) again. Thanks for listening Sylvia. Love Kathy Anspach
By Alisha, Sunday, July 19, 2009 03:56:23 PM
Hello dearest Sylvia, and God bless you and your beautiful family this summer! I am plauged with self-doubt, although I try to hide it. I am in nursing school, and yet my husband and I are trying to buy a home and settle in financially. Things are so hard, although they could be worse. Do you see us prospering soon, and do you see my husband's health improving. I am very scared, and worried that we won't make it with having a happy home for our three angels. I send smiles and love to you. Thank you for your time, Alisha Beaver :)
By, Friday, June 19, 2009 08:44:29 AM
Hi Silvia, It's nice to be able to talk to you. I wished I could do what you do. I'm sure alot of them would. Wanted to ask you.Will Tom and I ever be together? I think so but right now I don't trust myself to believe it . I do tarot. I try. Ive always been intrested in these kind of things. I have seen angels . I see people coming in the apartment I"m in. I know when something is wrong but I don't know what it is until it's over. You know what I mean. I just need to know about Tom.
By Sue, Friday, May 29, 2009 02:35:52 PM
I'm sorry for all of you asking Sylvia these questions...I hope you all get answers... Did any of you notice she didn't post any webcast? And that she's charging now for her spiritual reports? I'm feeling lost without her and I know you do to. I hope everything she's telling us is the truth too because everyone thinks I'm crazy in believing in her...God Bless all of you and keep praying and believing.
By belinda " Lynn", Thursday, May 14, 2009 09:57:05 PM
Dear Sylvia or Chris... I would like to know how or when things are going to get better?I'm i doing the right thing? And when and how is the stuff from this matter with the law going to be cleared up so that we can have a little more peace? Is there ever going to be peace and joy in are life i am getting so stressed that i hope that i am doing the right things. The matter with my brother isn't that easy at all and hope that i am doing the right thing there as well. I hope that maybe I can afford to have a reading with you or your son so that maybe i can know what to do and how to do it. God Bless you and your family and thank you for all that you do for everyone God Bless Lynn
By Suzanne, Monday, May 11, 2009 01:45:34 PM
my dad crossed in dec.of 05 before he crossed he told me not to say goodby we would be together again someday.i knew he was right because of things that have transpired in my life.he came to me in a dream a few months after he crossed and tild me my mom was going to cross in 6 to 7 months and he would be ther to meet her.she called me and told me she was dying to please get there i raced to ill. she crossed the next nite while i slept at the hospital ifelt both my dad and my mom over me as i slept and a cool breeze as they left.i knew when the dr.came in that she was gone and that my dad had been there to meet her.a year and 5 months to the day my sister crossed with out warning ive asked her to please come to me in a still waitingi know sometimes it takes time.that there in oreintation some times for awhile shes been gone for 6 months i miss her so much.i feel her around me at times i know i have to be patient. i also smell my moms purfume and know when shes here.i hated the smell of it when she was alive but its the sweetest smellto me now.thank u for your time.your books have answered alot of my questions.may 11th 09.suzanne from wis.
By paul, Sunday, May 10, 2009 07:44:21 AM
hi sylvia i keep feeling that my nan is around me trying to guide me as a spirit guide can you please tell me if im right my mom had the same dream as me the other night of the same person it is my wife coming home is that the other side trying to tell us something please help love and light paul
By Betty, Saturday, May 09, 2009 02:58:57 AM
Dear Sylvia and Chris.. Thank you so much for all you do for us.. I have a few things I need answers to. First of all, November 11, 2007, my mom passed away.. She was in a coma for about a week and she lived with my older brother and his wife. I have been told by my younger brother and his wife that mom has been recently coming around and tickling my oldest niece. I have felt someone LITERALLY kicking my computer chair around 2am in the morning. Is this my mom? And now for the longest question. My husband believes he has 2 past lives. One being a union soldier in the civil war, and the other one a WW1 pilot.. Is this what his past lives are? He dreams about being both and this happens alot. Also, my 17 year old daughter is autistic, doctors believe she is severely autistic but I do not believe this to be true. She has a few things she does like hitting herself, talking to herself (more like yelling at herself under her breath), and also her ears are very sensitive to loud noises. She is also very emotional and will cry at the drop of a hat. My father and mother (God rest her soul) adopted her when she was just a baby because at the time I was a single mom and was having a hard time raising her right. Now my older brothers wife has convinced my dad to put my daughter in a group home (which I dont think she needs). What do I do? I want whats best for her but my husband (not her father) is 56 (I am 41) seems to think he is too old to be a daddy again. Please help me Sylvia. I want what is best for her and I dont want her in a group home (she has strongly disagreed with this decision). Neither my father or my sister-in-law asked her what she wants (sister-in-law seems to think my daughter is too retarded "I HATE THAT WORD" to make her own decisions). Please help me Sylvia, I am so upset about this whole thing. Thank you again. Betty Baldock - Elmira, NY
By kelly carlson, Friday, May 08, 2009 01:09:22 PM
hi sylvia,i posted this question once i will post it again. i've been a guardian of a family member since the day this persons been born. i was just wondering if she is going to be with me for the rest of my life and hers? i would like to be prepared wich ever way it goes..... thank you once again! hope to hear from you soon.
By kelly carlson, Friday, May 08, 2009 12:59:48 PM

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