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ANSWERS ARE ALL AROUND YOU. Hear answers Guides speak just for you. They say 'YOU' deserve love. 4th...
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I am a clairvoyant/clairadient with empathic feelings. I specialize in Tarot cards, and I enjoy help...
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Gifted psychic medium whose skill set includes magick, dreams, tarot, astrology, numerology, crystal...
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Get answers to your most pressing questions Now! Restore your sense of peace and balance with guided...
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Not all of us have luck, yet we all do have the love and light of a creator. We each have a guiding...
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Divinely Chosen to help Shine the Light on the Path to your Destiny.
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My speciality is Love but I can assist you in any area with my intuitive gifts and my Tarot cards. I...
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Love, career, family, past life transitions, deceased loved ones, life coaching, and manifestation t...
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I've used angel cards and chakra cards with my "clair-gifts" to gain a deeper understanding of the e...
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Experience a moment in time with the Oracle Siren Rose for a life-shifting transformational happenst...
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Highly experienced and gifted psychic here to help guide you with truth and caring.
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I am a highly successful psychic who assists individuals by providing unique readings, consultations...
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Aries, you're a born leader who loves to be in charge. And why shouldn't you? As the warrior sign, you embrace any challenge, and champion every project you take on. Being somebody's second in command is not your speed. That will only work as a stepping-stone to your ultimate goal (world domination, of course!), or if the position offers enough excitement and control — a chance to flaunt your leadership skills and rise to the top.

Naturally independent, you're wired to be an entrepreneur or freelancer. As long as you choose an industry that allows you to interact with the public, you'll be in good stead. Too much alone time is not healthy for your sign, as you tend to turn into a loner when you have nothing motivating you out of your house. Once you ARE out in the world, it's all lights, camera, action. Your larger-than-life personality is enough to carry a brand to success like Aries feminist icon Gloria Steinem who founded Ms. magazine on her courageous, spunky, and heroic reputation. You're also a spotlight stealer, and could rake in the big bucks as a performer like Aries divas Mariah Carey, Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin and Diana Ross.

A common Aries pitfall on the job? Taking on more than you can handle. Aries is the solo sign, and if you're not careful you could end up doing everything yourself! (Just so it gets done right, you'll say.) If the office closes at 5:00, there's no need to stay until midnight. Learn the art of delegating, and hand the grunt work off to a persistent Taurus or a detail-oriented Scorpio, who will get it done in half the time.

All that independent energy could also make you a bit bossy at times. Be careful not to cross the line from determined to dictator! If you work with a team, make sure they're as motivated as you are. Give them plenty of encouragement and appreciation to keep the good vibes flowing. Your praise, more than any other sign's, can put rocket fuel in a slacking teammate's or employee's tank.

Your impatience makes you a go-getter, eager to reach your goals. At times, you toe the line between enthusiastic and pushy. Sometimes, you have to pay your dues — and that can take longer than you like. Don't assume something's wrong just because you don't see instant results, or you'll make the fatal error of giving up too soon. Plant the seeds, water them, and see what grows.

Lastly, keep that temper in check. Aries anger easily, and if you blow your top over every little thing, you could alienate valuable allies. If you're furious but holding it inside, find an outlet (like the gym) or speak up to someone who can help so the pent-up stress doesn't affect your health.

Best Careers for Aries: Entrepreneur, publicist, defense attorney, holistic healer, professor, motivational speaker, stuntperson, hairdresser, salesperson, magazine editor, agent

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