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I am a?? Sacred Measures, my power and gifts go beyond measure. I am a Intuitive Psychic Empath, Dre...
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Not all of us have luck, yet we all do have the love and light of a creator. We each have a guiding...
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Divine blessings to you! I am an experienced psychic tarot & oracle card reader. I am able to guide...
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For 26 years, I have imparted my wisdom through the power of the cards. I can answer any questions t...
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I am a highly successful psychic who assists individuals by providing unique readings, consultations...
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I've used angel cards and chakra cards with my "clair-gifts" to gain a deeper understanding of the e...
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Experience a moment in time with the Oracle Siren Rose for a life-shifting transformational happenst...
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Security is Cancer's number-one career goal, and you need a job where you feel safe and at home. You nestle right into your career with the same spirit that you use to create a warm household. You'll cozy up your workspace with personal touches, like a candy bowl, funky artwork or a comfy pillow. For Cancer, what you're doing for a living is important; but WHO you're doing it with can be the real deciding factor. Getting along with your coworkers is essential, as they tend to become "extended family" for you. If you clash with coworkers, your best bet may be to cut and run. Otherwise, you can get mired in emotional drama, or worse yet, office gossip. Why poison your life with misery? Ignore the conventional wisdom that tells you to divide business and personal issues. Taking your heart out of your work would be a loss of your greatest asset. For this reason, Cancers should choose careers that you feel a deep inner connection with.

As the ruler of the zodiac's fourth house of home, family and hospitality, Cancers do well working in the hotel, restaurant and childcare industries. You're the zodiac's mother sign, and you'll nurture everyone who crosses your path. That doesn't mean you're doomed to be Mother Earth for a living, though. You're just highly sensitive, and you'll bring that intuitive touch to everything, whether you work in the arts or at a strict corporate job (both sectors where Cancers thrive).

A natural homebody, home-based work also appeals to you. Freelance writing, computer programming — anything you can do in flip-flops and your favorite comfy T-shirt is the perfect gig. Warning: don't isolate yourself so much that you lose touch with the world. Cancers can disappear into their cozy crab-shells, but too much time in there can make you seriously lose perspective. You could get moody and depressed. If that happens, get out and mingle with your fellow human beings!

That said, Cancer, you can just as easily fortress yourself in an office job, too. You may hide behind work or create a little office clique and shun everyone else. Should that happen, push yourself to embrace new opportunities and people outside your comfort zone. You'll always do best when you allow your horizons to expand. Remember, itís safer out there than you think!

Best Careers for Cancer: Corporate executive, childcare worker, editor, writer, gallery owner, art director, interior designer, women's rights lawyer, urban planner, family therapist, bed and breakfast owner, computer systems analyst or programmer, home-based business owner, organizational strategist

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