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Not all of us have luck, yet we all do have the love and light of a creator. We each have a guiding...
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For 26 years, I have imparted my wisdom through the power of the cards. I can answer any questions t...
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The Truth Will Always Set You Free to grow, heal and evolve. Spiritual Guidance is available to th...
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20 year TAROT MASTER reveals the HIDDEN SECRETS of your relationship & guides you to your TRUE DESTI...
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I am an intuitive tarot reader and life coach with over twenty years teaching experience. I have a L...
Capricorn, your sign rules the zodiac's tenth house of career and achievement. You're in your element at work! A dedicated professional, you love to plan and set goals. You don't care if it takes ten years to reach your destination. Capricorn is symbolized the mountain goat, and you view life as a rocky uphill climb. Unlike other signs, you expect to face a few bumps along the way. Even when you get discouraged, you rarely let an obstacle stop you for long.
Capricorn rules structure, and you need it. Although you make a great CEO or manager, the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship can drive your nervous sign crazy. If you want to run or own a business, you'd do best heading up a well-established corporation, or wisely choosing an industry where profit is guaranteed. The key for Capricorn is planning. Research your field, or write a business plan and follow it to the letter. You could also plug into a franchise or pre-existing business model and follow the steps to success.
Although you may gravitate toward a traditional career in the corporate sector, Capricorns can be highly artistic. With your flair for structure, you make a great designer, architect or head of a creative department. Being an earth sign, you're tuned into the sensuality of colors, shapes and textures. Musical ability is also common for Caps, and you may have a deep, rich voice.
Capricorn is the sign of public honors and fame. You love to be rewarded or acknowledged for a job well done. Trophies, bonuses, and titles turn you on. You love all the trimmings of a successful career: monogrammed stationery, embossed business cards, a gold-plated or leatherbound desk set. Why not? With your sights set on a goal, a little incentive goes a long way in keeping you motivated!
What could you add to recipe for success? Moderation. Capricorns are at high risk for becoming workaholics. You may not know when to put the work down and have fun. If you're not careful, work can dominate at the expense of friends, family, health and happiness. While Capricorns are often the family breadwinners, make sure you have a healthy balance of pleasure in your hectic schedule, too.
Best Careers for Capricorn: Film producer, manager, politician, police officer, stockbroker, doctor, president, school principal, CEO, financial planner, business owner, architect, creative director