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Cosmic Date Planner


Though their appearances may range from straight laced to totally-out-there, Capricorns are conventional romantics at heart. The zodiac's Goat is goal-oriented so nothing turns them on like someone who has their s#!t together. Make no mistakes: if you're out with a Cap, you ARE being tested. You must blend seamlessly with Capricorn's network, since this stubborn sign will change for no one. Getting Goats away from the office is challenging. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Load up your laptop or a stack of reading and hang out with Cap while s/he whittles away at a project. It still counts as a date in Cap's eyes. Take coffee breaks to chit-chat and offer to make or pick up dinner. Any nurturing touches go a long way, since Capricorns often forget to do this for themselves. Family comes first for this sign and an early date may include accompanying Capricorn to a cousin's wedding or office picnic. Planning in advance is the key to having a fun date. They can be health nuts and sports nuts. Meet for dinner a vegetarian restaurant and follow up with a beer-swilling baseball game. Capricorn is an earth sign, so luring them into the great outdoors is another great tactic for getting their full attention. Hiking, rock-climbing or camping are favorites of theirs. Offer to become jogging partners if you want to see Cap regularly. This sign likes being part of an elite crowd. Invite them to an impossible-to-get-into event at an exclusive club. Bonus points if a raved-about indie musician is playing a special set for the crowd. There is one surprise here: highly physical, your Cap might just grab you for a kiss out of the blue. Intense and a bit shocking, this could happen when you least expect it.

Things To Do:

  • Capricorns love history and architecture, so take a road trip to an age-old landmark or visit a gorgeous cathedral
  • Go to a sports game with Capricorn and his/her friends. The more, the merrier is this sign's motto.
  • Turn an everyday event into a date. Hang out with Cap at band practice, visit him/her at work, or go to Home Depot together. A practical connection is a turn on for them!
  • Invite your Mountain Goat for a hike, bike ride, jog or rock-climbing adventure
  • Try a yoga class together, then refresh at a juice bar or raw food restaurant
  • Score tickets to an exclusive party or country club: posh, elegant and "old money" are the key words here.
  • Set up Poker Night and invite all of your mutual friends. Caps love to host parties, but hate doing prep work. Handle the snacks and treat guests to champagne and cigars!
  • If invited, accompany Capricorn to a family or work function. This is a sign that they are taking you seriously!

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