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Restless and easily bored, Gemini is a classic impulse shopper. Although you can rake in the cash, it flies out of your wallet just as quickly. You may blow an entire paycheck on a luxury item only to tire of it a few months later and hand it off to a friend. Since you crave variety, it's not really worth it for you to "invest" in things like expensive clothes and high-end furniture. Why bother when you're just going to give your life a makeover three months down the line? Designer discount stores were invented for Geminis, allowing you access to high quality goods without breaking the bank.

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To avoid going broke on shiny trinkets that you'll be sick of a week later, create two equal budgets: a fun budget and a savings plan. If you allot $20 for, say, celebrity tabloids and snacks each week, put another $20 in your saving account. It's a financial plan that will satisfy both sides of the Gemini Twin!

You can be generous to a fault. Gemini's loved ones are showered with gifts and you're quick to pick up the tab when you have extra cash in your wallet. You like having companions on adventures. If a friend can't afford that plane ticket to Tahiti, you might just spring for it. Be careful, however, as others aren't as carefree as you are with their cash. Money can divide Gemini's relationships. You often end up feeling as if you've given and given but others aren't returning the gesture. Reign in your urge to splurge and find other ways to express your love. For example, how about just telling people that you care!

Since you need lots of variety, create a versatile investment portfolio, stocks, bonds, CDs, savings—something experimental and something safe. With those ingredients, you can build a fortune, like Gemini mogul Donald Trump. He's been both a billionaire and bankrupt in this lifetime, so don't despair if you find yourself in the red. Imaginative Gemini can make something out of nothing, turning a profit on the most outrageous ideas.

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