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We’re looking for true life angel stories from people just like you!

If you have a story, please submit it to We’re looking for stories about extraordinary experiences that are submitted by people from every walk of life and from all over the world. Post your angel experience in the Comments section below.

Your story could include angel encounters and vistations, spiritual awakenings, angel dreams, guardian angel rescue, self discoveries, angel pictures, celestial voices and visions, inspiration, and healing miracles.

These stories told in your own words can affect not only on your life, but also the lives of friends, family, and visitors to SpiritNow. As a result, these stories offer thousands of people around the world a renewed sense of hope and spiritual strength.

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By Eleni, Monday, March 18, 2013 06:19:29 AM
I dont know where to begin. I am 24 now, and doctors told me i had less than a month to live. I was given up, and came to peace with this. I only wanted to tell my loved one how I felt and ask for forgiveness, so I could go my own way to the other world in peace. That happened last night. When I went to bed i had a vivid dream of two angels standing next to me. They didint look like the angels you see on cards or statues, but somehow i knew they were angels either way. One took my blanket away, and the other one placed her hand on my heart ( where I am ill). She told me that i had nothing to be afraid of anymore, and that the lord's light was shining in me. My chest began to glow and lighten up, and she told me to go to the hospital right away. I woke up immediatly after, and my blanket was indeed removed. I went to the hospital and doctors were stunned. I made progress. before was told me that there was no chance of progress anymore. My heart is beating faster and it has reduced in size. I dont feel 100% yet, but I believe I was touched and healed. And talking to my loved one must have helped too. I' ll see where this all brings me, but I feel very comforted.
By Samantha, Wednesday, January 02, 2013 10:01:57 PM
When I was only eight I had appendicitis during thanksgiving. It hurt so bad I thought I was going to die. My mother thought it was a stomach bug but after a night of vomiting she took me to the emergency room. It took them a wile but the doctors said I had appendicitis. They said it was a type of sickness were your appendix swells up and bursts, and that if they didn't catch it before it bursts the patient could die. When they finally got me into surgery they said they were just in time and it was about to burst. It was then that I realized I had a guardian angel because that year I had gotten really bad grades and I'm a very smart kid. And because I had gotten bad grades my parents wouldn't let me go with my dad to hunting camp. If I had been there when I had appendicitis they would have blew it of thinking it was just a bug. Also the camp is about two hours away from the nearest hospital. Thank you guardian angel, for saving me. I only wish I could talk to you.
By Zeshi, Wednesday, April 20, 2011 02:28:15 AM
A few years ago, I was at the fair. There was an old train there, and they blew the whistle for some reason that I cannot recall right now. My grandfather was working in a booth right across from the train, and the whistle was about to blow. I looked over at the train, and there was a sudden jolt in my stomach. I felt like I just needed to run away. I all but dragged my mother out of there, and warned my grandfather that he should leave, too. Once I was in the car and on my way home, I felt this amazing feeling. Like comfort and warmth. The next day, we learned the the whistle of the train exploded moments after we left. I feel so blessed because of this amazing experience, as I know it was my guardian angel warning me to get away.
By sarah, Wednesday, March 03, 2010 11:04:40 AM
when I was nine I saw my sisters gardian angel wait for her to come out of the bathroom,then go into the back of her body as she walked to her room. Also as an adult Isaw my mothers soul leave her body from her chest go out the window from above her,it was dark in the room ,the color was a golden mist.My father passed in the moring his color was a brilliant bright white.thanks to sylvia I found Mother God.God bless you syliva.sarah
By Angela, Monday, March 01, 2010 08:14:20 AM
I used to be a non-believer until about six years ago, when someting happened that made me open my eyes and my heart. I work third shift, so most of my day is spent sleeping. My fiance takes care of the children, while I sleep. One day he said our daughter,[who was then 4 years old] got up from her nap complaining of her stomach hurting. He gave her some medicine and sent her back to bed. An hour or so later he says "it was not time for them to get up from their nap, yet something just kept telling me to go and check on them!" When he went into the room he found my daughter unresponsive, face twitching, and her lips were blue. He came running into our bedroom with her in his arms. She was not breathing. I called an abulance. At the hospital, the doctors say that she had a siezure, and that she had vomited, and that she had basically been drowning on her own vomit because it was in her lungs. They never figured out what caused the siezure. When I took her home, she looked over at me and said "mama, do you see him, the man over there with all of the pretty colors!" at first I thought she was just seeing a reflection of some sort, but this continued over the next three days in different rooms of the house. Since then I've been doing some research. I now am a firm believer! I know what she saw was her guardian angel, and I also know that message my fiance got, to go check on her, came from his spirit guide. Thank God for them, or my daughter would not be here today. Thank you Sylvia, for all of the insight I have learned through your books and by watching you. God Bless You!
By Laura, Monday, February 15, 2010 10:47:21 AM
When I was a little girl, probably around the age of 8 or 9, we lived in the country and water was scarce, so we always saved tap water to water the plants oustide. One evening I took a pail of water out to the backyard to empty, as I looked up in the night sky as it was so beautiful, the moon was bright as were the stars in the heavens, I spotted an angel just over head of me. What I remember the most was the way her dress was flowing in the wind and her huge feather like wings, and what was most incredible above her head was a shape of a "Heart". I have never known the significance of this. Of course I stood in awe for a few minutes then went back inside (as I knew Mom would be calling for me soon!). Then a little after that vision, I was asleep one night, all of a sudden I Awoke, it seemed like something or someone woke me, I sat up in the bed and just inside the doorway to my bedroom, there stood a old man, he had a beard down to his knees, sandals on his feet, a light coloured robe on, and he was holding a staff in his left hand. He was as clear as anything, although I could see through him, a transparent sort of way. I sat there looking at him, he didn't say anything to me, then after a short while, I laid down and went back to sleep. I wrote everything down the next morning, and told Mom, but she didn't believe I don't think! These I will always remember and they bring me comfort many times over the years. Also as a post note, since I was little I have found tremendous amounts of 4 leaf clovers, as many as 30 at one time. Thank you for letting me share my wonders with you. God Bless and have a wonderful journey.
By Laura, Monday, February 15, 2010 10:36:47 AM
When I was a little girl, probably around the age of 8 or 9, we lived in the country and water was scarce, so we always saved tap water to water the plants oustide. One evening I took a pail of water out to the backyard to empty, as I looked up in the night sky as it was so beautiful, the moon was bright as were the stars in the heavens, I spotted an angel just over head of me. What I remember the most was the way her dress was flowing in the wind and her huge feather like wings, and what was most incredible above her head was a shape of a "Heart". I have never known the significance of this. Of course I stood in awe for a few minutes then went back inside (as I knew Mom would be calling for me soon!). Then a little after that vision, I was asleep one night, all of a sudden I Awoke, it seemed like something or someone woke me, I sat up in the bed and just inside the doorway to my bedroom, there stood a old man, he had a beard down to his knees, sandals on his feet, a light coloured robe on, and he was holding a staff in his left hand. He was as clear as anything, although I could see through him, a transparent sort of way. I sat there looking at him, he didn't say anything to me, then after a short while, I laid down and went back to sleep. I wrote everything down the next morning, and told Mom, but she didn't believe I don't think! These I will always remember and they bring me comfort many times over the years. Also as a post note, since I was little I have found tremendous amounts of 4 leaf clovers, as many as 30 at one time. Thank you for letting me share my wonders with you. God Bless and have a wonderful journey.
By Gloria, Friday, February 12, 2010 12:21:56 PM
I have angel all around me and i can see them in my house and hear them talk to me givin me messages an tell me things i have a alter in my house, where i go an pray all the time no matter what.some how i feel so close to them as if am one of them an angel.They protect me an tell me things what my father in heaven tell them to tell me,messages they are wonderfull i have one who comes an stand next to me on my right side at all time shes`about 5.5ft with black long hair one night, she touch my forhead rubbin my hair her wings were long ond white about 6.0ft she watches over me while am wake an a sleep, they warn me of danger thats round me an tells me that God loves me very much that no harm will come to me. An that Jesus watches over me, an all of the special angel he got in charge over to protect me they say am special to God & Jesus that am a starchild that i was born with it.what every it is about me must means alot to those in Heaven ,I feel so bless their is more but you know i must keep some of it secert some are not to be told ,Just know that God is real and Jesus is real, as we are keep the faith never give up an keep prayin angels live here on this earth watchin us some, as if they are homeless when they ask for food feed the for they are testing your faith they ask for money,water,give it to them remember we are being tested by God to see is theres any love in your in heart learn to give and forget cause God is love.An I love all of you too.
By debbie, Thursday, February 11, 2010 05:17:50 PM
My angel experience was last summer I took my dogs out about 6am and they were looking up straight ahead, I looked to see what they were seeing and I saw a very very pretty woman with a bright light around her. The light was so bright it was blinding. She was dressed in yellow and white with yellow gold hair. It was very pretty. Also I see a very bright light around my dogs alot. By Debbie Mason Febuary 11, 2010
By LizAnne, Wednesday, February 10, 2010 12:33:13 PM
I have had two Angel experiences. The first was during an especially difficult time with my alcoholic husband. It was Fall. I took a walk on my mother-in-law's property, going to the farthest meadow of her 210 acres. I took off my jacket & spread it on the ground & lay down to try to decompress. In the sky, I saw seven Angels with seven shields glinting in the sunlight. I can't remember how long they were there, but when they left, I went back to my room, looked in my Bible & found the scripture that told me the Angels would watch over me. It was such a comfort. I told my in-laws & husband about the experience & now the meadow is known as the "Seven Angels Meadow". The second experience was much different. I was sitting in the living room of my apartment, watching T.V. All of a sudden, I felt the apartment fill with Angels. I was overwhelmed! I thought they had come to take me 'Home' because I was dying. I was relieved when they left me alive. Then, I was filled with awe that they let me know they were there. I don't think they meant to scare me, just to let me know they were there if I needed them. LizAnne Williams

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