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Do We Receive Angel Messages?
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How do you talk to your angels? Sometimes it sounds like a whisper. Other times it is more of a “feeling” that you should do something, or call someone. We all receive angel messages all the time. Receiving angel messages is about being sensitive and noticing any sensations or impressions. Your angels are smart and they are going to choose to give you messages in the way that communicates with you the very best.


The most important thing about angel messages is to be aware and open to receive an angel message. If you are open to receive the message, you are more than doing your part. Then simply be aware and notice if you are seeing or having any impressions that could be an angel message. Over time you will become quite used to your angels’ messages and how they communicate with you.

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Inspiration. Many people receive sudden inspiration to do something. At that moment, they want to call someone they haven’t talked to in three years or they want to walk down a different street they’ve never been on before. Your angels will send you inspiration to do things to connect you in ways that you can’t even imagine. When you telephone that person, they may say something that seems very inspired and full of wisdom. Or they may say something very ordinary but has great meaning for you on a deeper level. That by itself is an angel message. Sending you down a different street you could meet a new friend or someone who could offer you a new and interesting opportunity. The angels inspire us all the time!


Symbols. Some people continue to see the same thing over and over again. It turns out that their angels are sending them a message through a symbol. You may see the same image or name over and over again. Think for a moment about what this name or symbol could mean to you. If you love daisies and you keep seeing them, the angels could be sending you a message to simply say “hello.” Or they could be telling you that you should do more things that you enjoy.


“Good Luck” Sometimes things happen to us and we think that we are lucky. Things just go our way. We find exactly the information we need at the right time. We call overseas and reach the person we need to talk to when they are at home. We may find something that we thought was lost, just before we were about to replace it. Many times people will dismiss these things as having a lucky day. There is nothing wrong with a bit of good luckwe certainly could use a good day no matter how it comes. But very often your “good luck day” is an angel message with your angels working to help connect the dots for you. Pay attention to all of the details of that experience and you may realize that divine assistance was hard at work for you!


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By Janet, Saturday, May 31, 2008 03:27:03 PM
I named my special kitten Patrick! Patrick crossed over to the other side from FIP. I had to have my Kitten put down on October 9th 2007 On the same day my daughters cat had kittens a little yellow one! I said let's name it Patrick I was hearing the name Patrick over and over again. I went on vacation to Flordia and met a guy named Patrick We have a long distance relationship! Spent thousands of hours on the phone and he's been out to see me 8 times since Dec 1 2oo7. We have alot of spiritual things in comman and things happened to both of us at the same age! We like the same Foods Etc the first time we kissed I said it's HIM HE'S the ONE! Then I felt a voice saying it's me Patricia I asked Patrick what his mom's name was and he said Patricia, Patricia crossed over when Patrick was 13. I never did tell him about it and don't think I ever will... ANGELS ARE AMONG US All OF THE TIME. Patrick and I have alot of bumps to get over and I know it's from pass lives togeather He's my twin flame not soul mate but twin flame.... Ever time I want to call it quits with him I can't I know we are meant to be! JANET PLANET
By Janet, Saturday, May 31, 2008 03:24:28 PM
Thanks for sharing everyone Best wishes to all of you from Janet Planet
By Janet, Saturday, May 31, 2008 03:22:12 PM
I named my special kitten Patrick! Patrick crossed over to the other side from FIP. I had to have my Kitten put down on October 9th 2007 On the same day my daughters cat had kittens a little yellow one! I said let's name it Patrick I was hearing the name Patrick over and over again. I went on vacation to Flordia and met a guy named Patrick We have a long distance relationship! Spent thousands of hours on the phone and he's been out to see me 8 times since Dec 1 2oo7. We have alot of spiritual things in comman and things happened to both of us at the same age! We like the same Foods Etc the first time we kissed I said it's HIM HE'S the ONE! Then I felt a voice saying it's me Patricia I asked Patrick what his mom's name was and he said Patricia, Patricia crossed over when Patrick was 13. I never did tell him about it and don't think I ever will... ANGELS ARE AMONG US All OF THE TIME. Patrick and I have alot of bumps to get over and I know it's from pass lives togeather He's my twin flame not soul mate but twin flame.... Ever time I want to call it quits with him I can't I know we are meant to be! JANET PLANET
By Nicole, Sunday, May 25, 2008 12:57:56 AM
A year and a half a go from today; I started this new job in a new town, didn't know anyone, or had any new friends, until one day, I met this wonderful guy, who we fell in love and are about to get married this, October 4th 2008. If it were not for this job, that I really don't care about, I would had never met my future husband! I believe that my angels guided me to this place, and hopefully will continue to guide me to a better job!' What do you think Sylvia?
By Xiflada, Friday, May 23, 2008 08:41:08 PM
I have experienced the good luck part. For some reason or another sometimes I feel like I just got lucky. I didn't have cash to pay for my son's tuition and I already owed $300 so I was fearing the tuition department's call. So finally it happened they called and I let the voicemail pick up. I was dreading to listen to the voicemail but I finally heard it and it said "just wanted to remind you of the small amount you owe but it still needs to be paid. If you could kindly pay $13 by Monday it would be great." I was in disbelief and thought no way! So on Monday I went in to pay and she said $13. I don't know how or why but out of the $300 I owed I only paid $13. Good Luck or maybe it was my angel...
By Lola, Friday, May 23, 2008 05:51:06 AM
A few years ago I was standing by my book case looking for a book. There was a rocking chair behind me and to the side with a foot stool in front of it. My husband came into the room and called my name in sort of an urgent tone. I turned and quickly started toward him forgetting about the foot stool. I'm short and the foot stool hit me half way to my knee. I was air born. I flew across the room. We have wood floors and if I had hit that floor I could have been seriously hurt. But I didn't hit the floor. It was if someone held me by my legs and shoulders and I was gently and slowly lowered to the floor. My husband was watching all of this in amazement. When I stood up I asked him if he saw what I felt and he said yes. He thought I was being lowered to the floor not falling to the floor. I didn't even have a bruise. The only explaination I have for what happened is angels. They must have been watching over me, and not for the first time. Lola May 23,2008 2:50 AM
By Danna, Monday, May 19, 2008 04:14:54 PM
When I was 14 or 15 in Portland Oregon, I went with two other girlfriends on the 4th of July to the old Oaks Park and climbed over the rail road tracks and such as teens do saw the mountian that lead to the top of the park and decided we would all climb up it. When we got to the almost the top of clift we found there was no way down and no way over the large log that rested between us and being able to grab the top of the cliff. We were terrified and stuck. But even before we could start screaming... there came three strong hands over the top of coift that grabed each of ours and pulled us effortlessly over the log and placed us on the grass at the top of the clift. These young men almost glowed as we felt their strength (as I was heavy girl) pull us up. When the three of us got to the top we turned around to thank them for saving us and they had vanished!! We scoward the park looking for these young men. We never found them. there was no time for them to depart, THEY WERE ANGELS! WHO SAVED THREE VERY Foolish girls looking to see the fireworks!.. we always gave God the glory for sending them. Danna Donovan
By Nikki, Sunday, May 18, 2008 11:49:13 PM
Human being can never become angels we are two different species. Sylvia has said this before and I even think I've read that on this site. Look it up or read Sylvia's book of Angels. As for you Athena, you have a chart that you planned before you were incarnated. So it's all things you wanted to endure and learn from. Don't let yourself down. Your angels are not here to carry you through life. When we deal with suffering, negativity, and misfortune is when we learn and grow as people and spiritually. Don't blame your angels.
By kathryn, Saturday, May 17, 2008 12:30:51 AM
Irene wrote above could her father be an angel. I think our family can visit us as a spirit but i dont think people who have be in human form on earth become angels when they die. I think I have heard sylvia say that before on the montel show.
By Athena, Thursday, May 15, 2008 11:40:46 AM
If for a long period have no luck at all and i mean for 8years lost the one you loved loose money,job e.t.c. means that your Angel left you down???

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