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Do We Receive Angel Messages?
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How do you talk to your angels? Sometimes it sounds like a whisper. Other times it is more of a “feeling” that you should do something, or call someone. We all receive angel messages all the time. Receiving angel messages is about being sensitive and noticing any sensations or impressions. Your angels are smart and they are going to choose to give you messages in the way that communicates with you the very best.


The most important thing about angel messages is to be aware and open to receive an angel message. If you are open to receive the message, you are more than doing your part. Then simply be aware and notice if you are seeing or having any impressions that could be an angel message. Over time you will become quite used to your angels’ messages and how they communicate with you.

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Inspiration. Many people receive sudden inspiration to do something. At that moment, they want to call someone they haven’t talked to in three years or they want to walk down a different street they’ve never been on before. Your angels will send you inspiration to do things to connect you in ways that you can’t even imagine. When you telephone that person, they may say something that seems very inspired and full of wisdom. Or they may say something very ordinary but has great meaning for you on a deeper level. That by itself is an angel message. Sending you down a different street you could meet a new friend or someone who could offer you a new and interesting opportunity. The angels inspire us all the time!


Symbols. Some people continue to see the same thing over and over again. It turns out that their angels are sending them a message through a symbol. You may see the same image or name over and over again. Think for a moment about what this name or symbol could mean to you. If you love daisies and you keep seeing them, the angels could be sending you a message to simply say “hello.” Or they could be telling you that you should do more things that you enjoy.


“Good Luck” Sometimes things happen to us and we think that we are lucky. Things just go our way. We find exactly the information we need at the right time. We call overseas and reach the person we need to talk to when they are at home. We may find something that we thought was lost, just before we were about to replace it. Many times people will dismiss these things as having a lucky day. There is nothing wrong with a bit of good luckwe certainly could use a good day no matter how it comes. But very often your “good luck day” is an angel message with your angels working to help connect the dots for you. Pay attention to all of the details of that experience and you may realize that divine assistance was hard at work for you!


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By Deanne, Saturday, November 21, 2009 10:43:48 AM
Dear Sylvia and Trudy, i know that we all have angels, and have believed it since i was little.I also know that my two sons who died, are with me and trying to make me smile.I feel blessed, even tho i am poor.Money isn`t everything, and i feel lucky to have a place to live and a bed to sleep in.I don`t want, what i don`t need.This gives me more to work with when it comes to helping others.I have a spirit guide and am open to her and my angels at all times.I have had out of body experiences, several times, years was comforting.When it happened i was extremely tired, and thought it wasn`t really happening, until my husband said to me, what in the world are you doing up there?As soon as he spoke i went right back down to the bed.I loved it.Thank you for reading this.God bless all of you out there.DC
By Nicole, Thursday, November 19, 2009 01:22:49 AM
I ask my angels to help me to find a job thanks!
By Diane, Sunday, November 15, 2009 10:39:37 PM
Where are our answers? Where is the devine and how is it melding into our lives? How do we tell this?
By Diane, Friday, November 13, 2009 11:59:18 PM
God help us with your devine intervention for my brother, sister, mother and father, we need devine intervention. I pray, God love and light our way. Diane
By Diane, Friday, November 13, 2009 11:49:58 PM
I would like to ask for a prayer for my family and angels to surround us. My brother who has been estranged from the family for a long time due to his being in part bipolar and feeling like the family is against him which is not the case. but we were unable to get through to him. My parents who are ages 87 and 84 got a letter saying he was going to committ suicide if he couldnt get a very large sum of money. Our family growing up was good and my dad was a police officer. But my brother has not been keeping in touch no matter what my mother and father have said or done to plead for his attention. Ok, this week I wrote to my brother and he called me. My father sent him a very large sum of money and now we have no contact again. I pray, for my brother and my parents as they are getting to old for this and I am asking for everyone out there to pray with me for my father and mother to be re-joined with my brother. I think he is in a very dark place in his mind and I fear for him and mostly for my parents who are getting old and are very worried. Dear God and the guardian angles, please help me have my brother be in a good frame of mind and help him and my parents. In Jeasus name I pray..........Angles help~ Diane
By sonia, Tuesday, November 10, 2009 08:15:13 AM
i also had an expierance not to long ago i was supposed to move out this month from my house but everything went bad my car never had a problem but this particular it decided to break down on i moved 4 months ago to pa from nj with my kids to work things out with him but i new something more was taking place.with him ,if this never happened i wouldnt found out he continued the affair he had a year ago with his lover so there are angels looking out 4 us,sylvia will i go on with my life and meet a special person
By maria, Monday, June 01, 2009 09:06:35 PM
hi vikki its so nice of you to help. I am just curious how old are you and were you born gifted.? maria
By Margo Denay, Wednesday, April 22, 2009 09:33:34 AM
I have been so blessed all of my life and many magical spiritual experinces and miricles are here for me right now, I hear so many messages that I am confussed sometimes. I know that God loves me and that i now work for him. A huge and wonderfull change is here for me I am completely safe the world is truely magical. I have faith in myself, and i know i will become the best I can be. Everyday I am better and i have so much grattitude to the spirit world and earth angels too!! I am one myself and LOVE is all around me. I am stepping into the flow of this magical energy and ready to help. I am full of love to GIVE. I am open to recieving also. All negativity is leaving me completley and i am hearing my guide beter and louder every day, as well as remembering my dreams... even though the one last night was quite freaky i am convinced it was a message to let go!!!. God bless , and love and light to everyone who needs it. So thats alot of love an light!!! Dianne
By Leslie Jean, Tuesday, April 21, 2009 02:50:23 PM
Thank you for helping us to learn, I will never forget the day I asked you if I had angels around me. I am sorry that I didn't believe enough in myself or God. I was going through a tough time, so much like everyone else and I needed to learn that we are all blessed with at least one angel, I am sure of it. Sorry for the stupid question or just being stupid.
By rose, Tuesday, November 18, 2008 09:05:52 AM
what do angels do when infants cry? can i petetion for angels to surround him when he experiences night terrors? i am too far away to help.

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