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Michelle Obama's Astrology Chart: The New First Lady
Michelle Obama's Astrological Chart Michelle Obama, the wife of Democratic Presidential nominee Barack Obama, was born in Chicago, Illinois on January 17, 1964. Her time of birth is not published, so it is estimated by most astrologers that she was born at noon.

Like other famous people, Michelle Obama has an impressive stallion in one sign of her astrological chart. This is usually characteristic of people in power and public figures. Michelle Obama has a lineup of Chiron, the Moon, Venus and Saturn in Pisces. Pisces tends to be an incredibly moody sign and very inward looking. It is not surprising with this kind of line up, including the wounded healer "Kiron," that she is infamous for her bouts of depression as well.

Michelle Obama also has a mental illness indicator in her chart, as Jupiter is her ascendant. This is the same type of planetary action that you see in the charts of celebrities Britney Spears and Heath Ledger. It is an indicator of someone who struggles with great depression or mood swings at times. It could be that Obama is very torn between being famous and living by her convictions.

Michelle Obama is also very stable and fair minded Capricorn, which is needed when you are so much in the spotlight. It is the most organized sign and shows that she can handle a lot of pressure. The sun in Capricorn also contributes to her hard-nosed public image.

One of the alarming configurations in both Michelle and Barack Obama's astrological chart is Mars in conjunct with the Sun. Unfortunately, this can portend a violent death, such as an assassination or bad accident. Many astrologers have noted this element, which is in both the charts of Michelle and Barack Obama, and are hoping that it is not predictive.

Michelle Obama's Mars is also in Aquarius. This means that she is a passionate and good person, who will always fight for the underdog, including the mentally ill and the oppressed.  We have already seen evidence of this when she speaks out about depression and other social dilemmas. She has also fought for equal rights and for the rights of African Americans.


Michelle Obama is quite a charismatic speaker as well, and this is indicated by Neptune on her descendant. People with this descendant are able to express themselves eloquently. They can talk about subjects that are uncomfortable or taboo with great humor and accuracy. Despite her own challenges with illness, Michelle Obama is a wonderful example of a wounded healer who champions the cause of mental illness. Neptune is also in Sagittarius, which means that she will always do her best to not let the illness get the better of her.

Michelle Obama's Saturn is also opposite her husband's Mars, which means that their relationship can be quite feisty at time. A good example of this type of astrological trait in action is when she refused to join his election campaign unless Barack quit smoking! This is another example of how this classy, yet troubled individual, has proved to us that she can stick by her convictions.

Donna West is a professional writer and researcher on psychics and astrology.

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By Tonia, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 11:52:10 AM
By Tonia, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 11:45:35 AM
Everything happens for a reason. Obama won for a reason and we just have to trust that God will take care of our Country when Obama fails.I do know that higher taxes will not help this Country right now, but we are Americans, we will survive. 80% of foreign leaders wanted Obama to lead this country. WHY? I am really scared for our troops. There was an africian american woman on the news this morning and she made the comment " Now that Obama is President my 8 year old daughter dont't have to wonder if people like us can ever make something of ourselves". Hello ! If you are going to make something of yourself you are going to do it no matter who is President. That woman sure didn't think much or give her child much credit. I'm not racist. I think that its sad that it goes on in todays world. I want the best leader. I believe that alot of the racisim is because african american people don't believe in themself, they use racisim as a excuse. It shouldn't be that way. Give yourself more credit. God created everybody equal. Its up to the individual what you do with it. There are white people who are struggling too. We have got to all pull together no matter what our color, shape, size or religion.
By MARISOL, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 11:30:22 AM
I voted, and I am very pleased with the outcome.
By Ellen, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 11:18:17 AM
I find it incredible and extraordinary that Americans could actually vote for anyone who chooses NOT TO PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE TO THE COUNTRY THEY ARE GOING LEAD! What is this saying to us as a people who believe in and have Fought to keep ourselves FREE based on OUR Constitution and pride in what our Nation is and stands for?
By Ebby, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 11:15:07 AM
HHHHEEEYYYEEE! slow down professional and practicing astrologers. The basic rule of thumb when learning astrology is: 1) without the exact time of birth USE THE GENERIC TIME OF 12:00 pm. point: donna specified in the beginning true time wasn't available. point: everyone who bashed her are practicing astrologers. yet we are hearing how we need to be united and agree to disagree, perhaps donna could have been better at the verbage, but either way, you all would have thrown her to lions anyway. we want change? we want a united community? let's start here. Donna just did what we do everyday on an astrology forum. she ran a generic chart and made her comments. chill.
By Sophia, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 10:51:11 AM
I myself did not vote,Because I feel that no matter who won.We all need to change our ways of life.And I have been saying for a long time for God to please help us all.
By JOAN, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 10:40:31 AM
Donna has said both good and bad things about Michell Obama.Everyone has both sides to them.I have heard other astrologers say they use 12 noon if they dont know the exact time.This is not unusual. Barack supporters didnt want to hear bad things. Now that he has won we will see what happens.Maybe Donna will be proven wrong,or right.
By Debra, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 10:04:38 AM
I am not predjudice or anytning against other race or religions etc but the thing that worries me about Obama is the lack of light I see in his eyes and it gives me grave concern about his spiritual track and the track for our country but if we keep spreading the light we can achieve all that we are supposed to. God help us all and give us the guidance as we ask Azna to ride heard on this negativity ps don,t critize people about their spelling it does not do any good to bring down peoples intelligence be glad we live in a country that we still can express our opinion no matter how we spell it With gods love we will survive this life. Love to all of you no matter who you supported
By Kristin, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 09:47:23 AM
Peggy, you are just too stupid to even place a comment on this page. Check your spelling for one thing. And the way you speak of black people is terrible. You are a sad excuse for an American and very mis-informed.
By Peggy, Wednesday, November 05, 2008 09:16:36 AM
obama and his wife do NOT like our flag, if he and she is to good to slute our flag, then neighter one belongs in the White House, and by the way some one told me yeasterday, said she heard Ms obama, say " now I don't have to enter the White House throw the back door.All the news media ever talked about was obama this obama that, well Mccain and Palin was not covered that much. I take care of my husband 24/7 he had a stroke last year, he is totaly depends on me, he can't walk ,talk, he has a feeding tube in his belly, he has nothing by mouth. and we live on his social security, and I do not get help, and now obama when he takes office he will do away with every thing, no Medicare for the eldery . I just brought my husband home from the hospital wed the 4th. ther was a man in the room with him here from Canada to have open heart surgery, because you can't just get it done there he said the health care there SUCKS and he is paying for the surgery out of his own pocket, there is about 12 people that comes in our hospital every week for surgery, because there is a waiting list in Canada. well that's what Obama want's to do so every one can have health coverage, the man in my husband's room said the insurance ther never worked. " God Help Us All"

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