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The Legend of Sylvia Browne
Who is Sylvia Browne Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

Sylvia Browne was born on October 19, 1936. Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium. Sylvia Browne's clients include celebrities and people from every walk of life. Some ask if Sylvia Browne is real, but Sylvia has also been called upon to assist the police (and the families of victims) with crimes, and doctors with troubling cases. Sylvia Browne is also a repeated best-selling author with more than thirty books published about spiritual and metaphysical topics.


Many tune in weekly to see Sylvia Browne appear on The Montel Williams Show. Her funny, warm and infectious style of delivering the psychic messages appeals to an audience of millions. Sylvia Browne is like the older sister you know and love, who just happens to truly know everythingand makes you laugh as she tells you the God honest truth. Both the television audience and viewers at home are frequently brought to tears and laughter by her thoughtful and healing psychic messages. Some of her most popular Montel Williams appearances have been her “yearly prediction” shows.


Sylvia Browne's predictions have stunned and amazed millions as she has accurately predicted world events, milestones for celebrities, and so much more. Browne also hosts a regular radio show on Hay House Radio, offering her sage advice about paranormal and psychic issues with an international audience.


Sylvia Browne was born in "the heart of the Bible Belt" (Kansas City, Missouri) and is the older of two daughters. Her psychic gifts developed quickly; at the tender age of three, she saw the deaths of both of her great-grandmothers. Sylvia Browne was simply terrified by this, but fortunately Sylvia had her Grandma Ada to turn to. Grandma Ada also had psychic abilities and understood her granddaughter even better than she could know. Grandma Ada explained to Sylvia Browne that she was a psychic medium and that God gave her these gifts to help people. At the time, Sylvia had responded that these gifts scared her, and that she didn't want them. Her Grandma Ada only smiled a knowing smile. Sylvia Browne developed a love for world religions at an early age, with a household that encompassed Jewish, Episcopalian, Catholic and Lutheran beliefs.


Sylvia Browne's psychic abilities continued to grow as she did. At seven years of age, Sylvia Browne met her Spirit Guide Francine. Francine said, "I come from God. I am here to guide and protect you, and you don't have to be afraid." While Sylvia was scared at first, after another talk with Grandma Ada, Sylvia Browne learned that Francine was a trusted companion, advisor and life-long friend. To this day, Sylvia Browne refers to Francine at many of her lectures, seminars and in her books.


As an adult, Sylvia Browne started a school to teach about spiritual subjects. Sylvia Browne is a trained hypnotist and a highly-skilled trance medium. In 1974, she started The Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research, today it is known as The Sylvia Browne Corporation. Classes grew larger and larger and what started in her tiny living room soon moved to a storefront location.


In 1986, Sylvia Browne founded the Society of Novus Spiritus, a church located in Campbell, California. The Christian Gnostic beliefs include rejecting guilt, sin and retribution. It is a Gnostic Christian church. Sylvia Browne creates special materials used specifically for the church.


Sylvia Browne is continuing her legacy by working with her son, psychic Chris Dufresne. Chris now also offers private readings. Sylvia Browne's amazing psychic gifts appear also in Chris Dufresne's young daughter, Angeline. Sylvia Browne is still accessible to those that love her—as she continues to do private readings when so many at her level do not offer them.


Sylvia Browne is a best-selling author with more than thirty books published including If You Could See What I See, Lessons for Life, and Life on The Other Side. Her passion for research and enthusiasm for teaching spiritual subjects appeals to the millions that read and love Sylvia Browne's books. Many of her materials are available on audio CD.


Sylvia Browne has touched so many lives and truly transformed them with her predictions and spiritual teachings. Sylvia Browne gives lectures to sold-out audiences over and over.


Sylvia Browne is a popular media guest across the country, appearing often on television and radio programs. She is a frequent guest on Larry King Live and Coast to Coast AM.

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By Stephanie, Sunday, April 26, 2009 09:29:05 AM
hello Sylvia! (BIG FAN!) Well guess what. I was born on October 19,1998! I thought that was pretty neat!
By carlotta, Saturday, April 18, 2009 09:28:52 PM
hello sylvia my name is carlotta and first let me say that i love you dearly and i admire what you do. I was adopted and i would love to know if my birth parents are still living and if so where are they. please help me.. love you much carlotta
By trisha, Wednesday, April 01, 2009 08:56:35 AM
hi sylvia i have read many great things about you i was hoping you could help me with the past 10yrs since my divorce i had a breakdown trying to deal with the fact that four of my children were abused by whome we never found out unfortunately our lives have been riddled with control and mental as well as physical abuse and sexual...will it settle at last will the kids loose their anger towards me and return to a mothers love unfortunately i have been unwell for the last four years i am finally going good but i need closure about the abuse can u help me?
By kellie, Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:18:44 PM
slyvia will myy husband get it together or shoukdi move on
By Lindsey, Sunday, March 29, 2009 07:47:59 PM
Sylvia i love you very much. I was just wondering if you knew who my spirit guide is? And if my loved ones come around me? Or maybe you Naiomi? I just have so many questions lately......plz help!!
By Shannon, Saturday, March 28, 2009 03:04:04 PM
WEB CLASSES. To answer your question Sylvia, YES. I would LOVE to see more of you and Chris together. To see the knowledge that passes between you is a special treat. So Keep your individual webclasses. Have some mixed ones with Chris (I would miss them dearly if you quit now), and have Chris also do his own, as well. It will be very successful. I cannot wait to see what you bring us next. Love and Respect, Shannon
By Shannon, Saturday, March 28, 2009 02:59:48 PM
Let's all take a moment and Pray for Sylvia. She has recently lost the sight in one of her eyes (right one, I believe). Let's pray for her sight and for her overall health. She has always been to selfless for all of us. God Bless you Sylvia and may you be embraced in the healing white light of the Holy Spirit. I envision lots of green healing light and purple God light in the Healing White Light surrounding you. Let it embrace and heal you, in the name of Mother God and Father God. Amen. I Love you Sylvia.
By Anida, Friday, March 20, 2009 02:57:06 PM
I have a questionto ask that is very important to me. Acouple of years ago I had a psychotic break. The doctors said what caused it was that some bacteria went to my brain, from the time I had viral meningitus. I realy don't belive this. Before I got sick I on my own decided I wanted to be closer to God. thats when strange things started happening to me. I stared hearing things, and knowing things before they happened. I beilive it was a sign from God saying I was going down the right path. However, my family thought I was going crqazy. I then was at three hospitals. None could figure out what was wrong with me. After the last hospital I seemed to look better to my family. I was no longer having delusions or speaking nonsense. One day I was
By lupe, Wednesday, March 11, 2009 10:55:31 PM
help me please???????????????????????????????????????? Monday, December 17, 2007 Newspaper article full version In 3 more days it will have been two months since Meli's death, and her departure pains me today just as it did that very moment that i found her cold and lifeless. It is as if each second of my life someone is cutting open my heart in two and adding salt to that wound. It feels as if my soul died with her. Every time that I go into her room, which is countless times a day, I relive that horror of her leaving; I ask God where he was. Why didn't he allow me to save her? Why didn't he let me find her in time? Why didn't he choose me to take her place? I would have been ready to do that for her; I would do the same for any of my other children. As I write this, I am in her bedroom asking for answers to questions as I read over letters that she left me at different times. I tremble from pain and from anger at the futility of it all. It is so ironic, just a few months ago she and I had a long conversation about life, death, injustice, and the hypocrisy with which she was living through at that time;the pain that her boyfriend and another teen caused her. I remember that I told her: "Look, this flower; it is very pretty and so are you. Neither you nor any one else should cry over someone. You can do better than that." Her answer was: "It is not fairl everything that is happening to me. I hate going to school. I hate the schools here in Andrews. If you don't have money, if you're not the son or daughter of a rich person, if you are not of the right color, and if you are not the teacher's pet then you are nothing. You are left out. And they take away what you once had an what you worked so hard to achieve." I told her that in life nothing was fair; but, but that there was always an answer, and that things had a way of working out. I told her that death was no solution. She smiled at me and said: "Mami, there is no answer in standing up for myself against some people, I was sent to Saturday school. In cheer leading I was taken out even though I used to get up at 4:00 am to get ready to go to practice; then they replaced me with someone who used to miss countless times. But since she was seen as more favorable. Since then my world started crashing. I sure hope Crystal doesn't have to go through this" "It also isn't fair, Mami, all the times you have gone to school asking for help and they don't give it to you. The school does things as it sees fit. It is like my coach said when I lost my place at Nationals and was placed as an alternate, 'I hope it's ok because if not, you can get out. There are several that can take your place.'" "You see, Mami. I am tired of being hurt, tired of constantly coming home crying. I am tired of putting on a happy face and pretending that nothing matters after being hurt countless times. I lock myself in my room so that no one sees my pain." Many saw my daughter; she went through thousands of things, but only I saw her tears, her pain and her disenchantment. Many people contributed to her decision. Even I myself contributed to it because in the beginning when I found the first letters some months back in which she said goodbye, I did ask for help. That person that I reached to for help told me: "I guarantee that she is not going to do anything. She just wants attention." I hope that professional who told me that saw the obituary so that she can see if my daughter is now getting her attention. I wonder if all that is sufficient for that person. If she is paying, maybe she will not give such advice again. Hopefully the school is paying closer attention. Meli with her death, ironic as it is, has saved already more than one life. She has also opened a Pandora's box. Andrews is going to realize that indeed there is a problem in our schools with some of the personnel, some of the leaders, and with our youth. Like Meli said: "If we all dropped the act and the injustice; if instead we worked together, we would change not only Andrews but the entire world." I remember her smiling as she told me: "Why can't we all instead be friends, Mami?" I only hope that through her death others can identify their own feelings. If they too are suffering, hopefully they will not ignore it because the pain will remain. Choosing to ignore problems and pain will not make them go away. The problem will grow each day like a monster. So I ask that everyone help our youth. Don't allow a single young person to die in this manner. Don't let another mother die from pain as she continues living. Right now I am not sure hot to go about living; I sometimes don't want to go on. My life has been changed forever. I feel empty. I am in tears and in pain. I do not wish this on my worst enemy. Right now I should be saving for her Christmas present which was going to be the down payment on her new Avalanche. Instead, I'm saving for her tombstone. I should be seeing that her college applications be sent in on time and not putting flowers at her grave. May God hold my princess in His arms. May He give her peace and the justice that no one here wanted to give her. Melissa's mom, Lupe Flores Miss Meli Marie.
By naomi, Sunday, March 08, 2009 02:52:25 PM
another good read is "Past Lives, Future Healing" by Sylvia Browne. It explains reincarnation.

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