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The Legend of Sylvia Browne
Who is Sylvia Browne Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

Sylvia Browne was born on October 19, 1936. Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium. Sylvia Browne's clients include celebrities and people from every walk of life. Some ask if Sylvia Browne is real, but Sylvia has also been called upon to assist the police (and the families of victims) with crimes, and doctors with troubling cases. Sylvia Browne is also a repeated best-selling author with more than thirty books published about spiritual and metaphysical topics.


Many tune in weekly to see Sylvia Browne appear on The Montel Williams Show. Her funny, warm and infectious style of delivering the psychic messages appeals to an audience of millions. Sylvia Browne is like the older sister you know and love, who just happens to truly know everythingand makes you laugh as she tells you the God honest truth. Both the television audience and viewers at home are frequently brought to tears and laughter by her thoughtful and healing psychic messages. Some of her most popular Montel Williams appearances have been her “yearly prediction” shows.


Sylvia Browne's predictions have stunned and amazed millions as she has accurately predicted world events, milestones for celebrities, and so much more. Browne also hosts a regular radio show on Hay House Radio, offering her sage advice about paranormal and psychic issues with an international audience.


Sylvia Browne was born in "the heart of the Bible Belt" (Kansas City, Missouri) and is the older of two daughters. Her psychic gifts developed quickly; at the tender age of three, she saw the deaths of both of her great-grandmothers. Sylvia Browne was simply terrified by this, but fortunately Sylvia had her Grandma Ada to turn to. Grandma Ada also had psychic abilities and understood her granddaughter even better than she could know. Grandma Ada explained to Sylvia Browne that she was a psychic medium and that God gave her these gifts to help people. At the time, Sylvia had responded that these gifts scared her, and that she didn't want them. Her Grandma Ada only smiled a knowing smile. Sylvia Browne developed a love for world religions at an early age, with a household that encompassed Jewish, Episcopalian, Catholic and Lutheran beliefs.


Sylvia Browne's psychic abilities continued to grow as she did. At seven years of age, Sylvia Browne met her Spirit Guide Francine. Francine said, "I come from God. I am here to guide and protect you, and you don't have to be afraid." While Sylvia was scared at first, after another talk with Grandma Ada, Sylvia Browne learned that Francine was a trusted companion, advisor and life-long friend. To this day, Sylvia Browne refers to Francine at many of her lectures, seminars and in her books.


As an adult, Sylvia Browne started a school to teach about spiritual subjects. Sylvia Browne is a trained hypnotist and a highly-skilled trance medium. In 1974, she started The Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research, today it is known as The Sylvia Browne Corporation. Classes grew larger and larger and what started in her tiny living room soon moved to a storefront location.


In 1986, Sylvia Browne founded the Society of Novus Spiritus, a church located in Campbell, California. The Christian Gnostic beliefs include rejecting guilt, sin and retribution. It is a Gnostic Christian church. Sylvia Browne creates special materials used specifically for the church.


Sylvia Browne is continuing her legacy by working with her son, psychic Chris Dufresne. Chris now also offers private readings. Sylvia Browne's amazing psychic gifts appear also in Chris Dufresne's young daughter, Angeline. Sylvia Browne is still accessible to those that love her—as she continues to do private readings when so many at her level do not offer them.


Sylvia Browne is a best-selling author with more than thirty books published including If You Could See What I See, Lessons for Life, and Life on The Other Side. Her passion for research and enthusiasm for teaching spiritual subjects appeals to the millions that read and love Sylvia Browne's books. Many of her materials are available on audio CD.


Sylvia Browne has touched so many lives and truly transformed them with her predictions and spiritual teachings. Sylvia Browne gives lectures to sold-out audiences over and over.


Sylvia Browne is a popular media guest across the country, appearing often on television and radio programs. She is a frequent guest on Larry King Live and Coast to Coast AM.

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By Tam, Tuesday, June 12, 2012 06:34:55 PM
Sylvia is a fraud. Time to break away from your herd sheeple!
By Beverly, Friday, April 01, 2011 12:36:24 PM
Sylvia us 4 real 2 all u idiots who have nothing to due but bash other people instead of finding a way to help people. In 1991 I calld in she gold me not to move. I had no clue I had to. I was pregnant and living with my Mom and already bad a son. I was n college n planed to stay in Cal. I bad no client I would be forced to move back to Az. Horrible move. Sound up with the babys father n the news for a sinceles stabbing he die the note she was born n all bills bring 3 to 5 mo. Behind,car tone n bad to go back 2 work 2 1/2 wks after her birth n walking to work after a c-section. No-one would keep me as an employee due to this. She wash closed when she gold me n begged me to call back. I couldn't. Since it wasn't my phone. I have some abilities myself. It competition and goes on its own. So to you all who don't beleave it is also in the Bible. It us handed down through certain family members. Watch your miss or grandchildren or your animals. Find something possitive to do to help others. Your judgment day will also come and I've prayed for Sylvia when I felt something wrong and never meeting her and the same with Montel. He still needs it with MS. The USA needs it.
By Beverly, Friday, April 01, 2011 12:13:44 PM
By tammy, Monday, March 07, 2011 02:43:29 PM
hello slyvia, I am going too see you in person, in mn, at treasure Island. can't wait. I have wanted to ask you things for a very long time, but not sure of any of this, psychic things, I believe in spirits, and just wanted to know honest answers, like everyone else. maybe you will call on me at your show. god bless.
By Mona, Saturday, October 09, 2010 08:49:05 PM
Sylvia, Many years ago you told me to contact you now. I hope you read this. My mother was Peggy King in North Highlands, CA. Do you remember us at all? I really need to talk to you. Does she ever manifest to you? I appreciate everything I learned from you and her. It definitely helped me handle several precarious psychic experiences. When you told me I was just like you, I didn't believe you. I should have asked you what to do with it. I've tried to make you proud of me by using my powers to help others as best as I could. Please, Sylvia, contact me. Plus, tell Chris he still looks the same as he did when I knew him. I don't know if he remembers us. Lots of peace and love to both of you. Mona
By camelia, Wednesday, July 22, 2009 09:43:54 PM
Hello Sylvia, My name is Camelia. Six months ago my dad passed away. I know that everyone has their own time to die, but I can't help but wonder if the doctors at the hospital where he was admitted, perhaps, made a mistake and then let him die. Could there have been anything done to save him, or was it, indeed, his time to go? Also I was wondering if there was anyone in particular that he would like us to sell his business to. I would also like to know if he is okay, and if he is able to come visit us every once and a while. Recently I pray every night before I go to sleep, and ask God to dream of him. So far I have not, and I would just like to know if this is because I cannot remember them or maybe for some other reason? Lastly, I would like very much to know who my spirit guide is, if you could tell me. Thank-you very much for taking time out of your day to help me with my many unanswered questions. I can't wait to hear from you! Your dedicated fan, Camelia.
By Marybeth, Sunday, June 28, 2009 12:10:23 PM
I love you sylvia. I will pray for you. please pray for me. I am at my bottom. Much love, Mary Beth Ballenger
By Jan, Saturday, May 16, 2009 02:22:06 PM
Sylvia the past two years have been a living "hell". Two brain surgeries, had to drop out of my Master's Degree program, my kids are fractured, I raised them by myself for 18 years and now all their problems bounce back to me as the cause of all their troubles. I tried so hard to raise them to be caring, loving and nurturing adults, they were never abused physically by me. Their Dad divorced them when I divorced him so they don't really know him and claim they don't care -- I don't believe that! I am also taking care of my Dad (Step) who has dementia and never really had a chance to take time to heal myself. I am a Christian and talk to God all the time, sometimes I yell at him to quit testing me -- I have had enough. Will my life ever get better? I am a Gemini and was told once that I was a Leo, that my birth sign is in Gemini only. Is this possible? I would love to talk to you and will when I get the money to call you. Love you on Montel, feel so fortunate to have discovered Montel several years ago. Attended one of his high school programs while he was still in the Navy. I pray for his health and yours too!
By Susan, Tuesday, May 05, 2009 09:46:25 PM
Sylvia I am a big fan....Please answer this for me. Do pets move on to the other side when they die? My beloved 17 year old cat died last week. I am just heartbroken over his loss. I would feel much better if I knew the answer. I have been questioning my faith so much lately. I am beginning to feel there is nothing after this life... And 2008 & 2009 has been hell for me. Susan
By Patty, Monday, May 04, 2009 10:16:32 AM
I will pray for your health Sylvia...Sincerely Patty Palma

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