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The Spirits Who Visit You
Spirit Guides Who Surround Us Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne answers a member question and discusses the impact of the spirits all around us…

Dearest Sylvia - My husband passed away in January of 2005. He died here at home at 4:00 a.m.. A week after the funeral, strange things started happening in the house. At least once a week, I began being awakened at 4:00 in the morning by what sounded exactly like him calling out my name. One night I swear someone was shaking my bed so hard that I actually got up to make it stop, and when I did I heard someone trying to break into the house through the back door. But they ran way when they realized I’d surprised them before they could surprise me. I felt as if my husband was there protecting me, shaking the bed to warn me.

Sometimes I wake up and actually see him standing in the bedroom doorway, and my daughter and I hear him walking around upstairs and on the stairway all the time. The living room will suddenly get cold and at that same moment I’ll smell the aftershave he used to wear, or the hall light will be on in the middle of the night that I know perfectly well I turned off before I went to bed.

In some ways I love that my husband is still here with me, but I also want him to rest in peace. He was such a good man, I’m really hoping you can give me some idea why he hasn’t moved on yet. – C.T.

I don’t doubt for a moment that there are people who’ve been wondering, who cares what the differences are between a ghost and a spirit? Well, C.T. and a whole lot of others who are worried about their deceased loved ones care very much, and in C.T.’s case. She’s worried for no reason at all. Her husband has moved on. He’s a spirit, visiting her from The Other Side, not a ghost who’s unable to rest in peace, and he is there to protect her, and to assure her that he’s not only fine but very much alive, an eternal as God promised. The aftershave is a great clue – spirits love using familiar fragrances as signal that they’re around, while I’ve never heard of ghosts bothering with odors unless they’re unpleasant ones. And waking C.T. up by speaking her name at 4:00 a.m. is also much more spiritlike that ghostlike. For one thing, it’s a precise reference to C.T.’s husband’s time of death, but for another thing, and more important, as I mentioned in the first chapter, it’s the predawn hours that are prime time for spirit activity.

Mostly, though, there was the simply mention of C.T. waking to see her husband standing in the bedroom doorway. I hope you’ll look back on the chapter of ghost stories and realize that no one mentioned recognizing the physical form of the person who was haunting them. Even the woman who had the horrible experience with the ghost of her grandfather passing through her never actually saw his ghost materialize. If you see a form materialize, and the form is that of a deceased loved one, I feel very safe in saying that 999 times out of 1,000 you’re seeing a visiting spirit from The Other Side and not a ghost at all, and there’s no need for you to put yourself through any needless concern and pain on their behalf. Count on it that they’re simply doing their best to let you know that they’re around keeping an eye on you and very probably planning one great reunion party for you when you’re together again back Home. But until then, they’re counting on you to be as busy and happy as they are in the lives they’ve resumed on The Other Side. Anything less and you’ll be doing yourself and their memory a real disservice.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By lynn, Monday, March 16, 2009 10:56:06 AM
By lynn, Wednesday, January 07, 2009 06:18:28 PM HI Everyone This is what has happened to me and my family we lost a dear friend they say are friend shoot her self in the head but we do not belive this she has a young daughter who is in the 3 grade we belive the boyfriend has done this because they really never investgated my little girl was and is still good friends with her daughter are friends daughter stayed with us a couple night after they burried her mom and she was so hurt about two months latter me and my daughter was setting on my bed watchen tv and my son and my daughter little friend was in the living room my son yelled at my youngest daughter stop truning the tv i said to my son she not truning the tv she setting right here with me so my son has had the abilty to talk to love one on the other side he is 13 when i told him she was not truning the tv he stoped and call out to my mom who is his grandmother who he was very close to who has gone to the other side he said gram if it you trun the tv to 46 and the tv never moved than he call out if this is are friends mom trun the tv to 50 and it went to 50 i was out in the living room by now so my son truned the search box on and told her she could type in it and she did she told her daughter she loved her and asked her daughter if she has gone to Mc donalds and than asked her if she had pizza and the pizza was on my coffee table and she knew we were all in the living room told everyone she loved us than my son said did you go to heaven and asked her if he would be able to talk to her like he dose to his grandmother and she said yes and typed out he was cute and than he asked her to read his mind because he did not want to say what he had to out loud he asked herwhat happened and who did this she said her boyfriend and my son said to her take me to the place were it happened and my son was out about 10 min and when he camt to he said mom i don't know if you want to her this her boy friend druged her and than she could not move and he waled in the room and was laughing and shoot her in the head he said mom it was wired it was like looking throw her eyes she took me there to were it happened and she told us he did it and wanted us to keep her daughter and to call 911 she told us he was going to do life we want so much to help her because she cant rest knowen he has there daughter we feel her in are home all the time she all so had my printer go off in she printed out a heart to her daughter it said i love you if anyone out there can help us help are friend she was and is still a beauitful person and did not deserve to go this way please help us if her ex boyfriend has done this we belive he did because she felt safe to come to us he need to have justist done to him it not fear this little girl has to be with him he is not a very nice person we belive he dose drugs to help help us put him away he is a very mean person you can tell he has anger inside and if you sylvia get to read this please help us we really need your help and so dose this little girl to if he has done this what elce could he do god bless you all from a broken heart please email at
By Saundra, Sunday, March 15, 2009 12:11:40 PM
hi Sylvia!first of all i want you to know that i love you dearly!!!!and i hope you can find the time to answer my questions about my family and me.i feel that i am spiritially connected to the other side too,but i still cant tune in enough to figure out what they want or trying to tell me,what should i do?
By naomi, Saturday, March 14, 2009 02:57:21 AM
Post to Gail: You are too interesting. I am on YouTube and I also found this type in: Psychokinesis Demo 1 the description is this: A demonstration of Psychokinesis and an explanation of how to overcome the problem of inertia and KINETIC ENERGY.
By naomi, Friday, March 13, 2009 03:39:00 PM
Youtube then type in Chi Exists, Here is Proof (Qi)
By naomi, Friday, March 13, 2009 03:18:13 PM
Gail, Go into Youtube and Type in New John Chang Video. This gentleman uses electricity to Actually Heal People with his own self produced Chi through meditation and focus. Quite Amazing!
By naomi, Friday, March 13, 2009 03:15:06 PM
Dear Gail. Funny you should ask. I was just surfing 'YouTube' and I found this. Type in Youtube on the Google brouser. Then once in Youtube, type in Magnetic Family. I don't know why either, but it's interesting.
By Amy, Thursday, March 12, 2009 02:55:27 PM
Blessed Sylvia, For some reason I am attracted to 1929, and I truly have no idea why. I was wondering if maybe you could ask Francine if she knows why? Amy Kathleen Murry March 20, 1979
By karen, Wednesday, March 11, 2009 02:59:49 PM
Hello Sylvia, I was praying for my son one night, and I then walked from the bedroom to the living room which was semi dark. This white circle of light about 6 inches or more was about 12 inches away from my face. Then out from the side of the white circle was this half inch zig zag up and down like a lightning bolt pointed at me. I wish you could explain to be what this was. I had asked the arch angel to protect him, and prayed to Jesus and God. Thank you
By naomi, Tuesday, March 10, 2009 02:35:07 PM
Lynn, In one webcast she mentions that anyone who has a mental illness who has commit suicide, stays in Heaven. This only makes sense, because God is Merciful. And in another webcast, she advises someone to not commit suicide because you will just horseshoe right back again to relive your chart. ( I have to admit, suicide scares me, and I don't want to talk about it, but it happens, and I want to prevent it in any way possible. But not talking about it, doesn't mean the problem gets solved. Only God knows where that fine line of mental illness and not menatlly ill is. I'm sorry to anyone I may have offended, by my poor translation of what I have previously read from Sylvias Books. I am only trying to sum everything up, and give people books to read, and examples of God's existance, and proof that we are alive forever, and will eventually all of us will end up in Heaven. To the best of my knowledge, this is what I know from what I have read in her books. I emplore you to read Sylvias Books to heal your life, and that is the best anyone can do for themselves. Love and Light, do your best to help yourself and anyone who comes in your path. And when you don't find the answer, keep looking.
By naomi, Tuesday, March 10, 2009 02:13:53 PM
Lynn, your answer to your question is in One of Sylvia's webcasts here on click Sylvia and then Video.

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