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The Spirits Who Visit You
Spirit Guides Who Surround Us Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures by Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne answers a member question and discusses the impact of the spirits all around us…

Dearest Sylvia - My husband passed away in January of 2005. He died here at home at 4:00 a.m.. A week after the funeral, strange things started happening in the house. At least once a week, I began being awakened at 4:00 in the morning by what sounded exactly like him calling out my name. One night I swear someone was shaking my bed so hard that I actually got up to make it stop, and when I did I heard someone trying to break into the house through the back door. But they ran way when they realized I’d surprised them before they could surprise me. I felt as if my husband was there protecting me, shaking the bed to warn me.

Sometimes I wake up and actually see him standing in the bedroom doorway, and my daughter and I hear him walking around upstairs and on the stairway all the time. The living room will suddenly get cold and at that same moment I’ll smell the aftershave he used to wear, or the hall light will be on in the middle of the night that I know perfectly well I turned off before I went to bed.

In some ways I love that my husband is still here with me, but I also want him to rest in peace. He was such a good man, I’m really hoping you can give me some idea why he hasn’t moved on yet. – C.T.

I don’t doubt for a moment that there are people who’ve been wondering, who cares what the differences are between a ghost and a spirit? Well, C.T. and a whole lot of others who are worried about their deceased loved ones care very much, and in C.T.’s case. She’s worried for no reason at all. Her husband has moved on. He’s a spirit, visiting her from The Other Side, not a ghost who’s unable to rest in peace, and he is there to protect her, and to assure her that he’s not only fine but very much alive, an eternal as God promised. The aftershave is a great clue – spirits love using familiar fragrances as signal that they’re around, while I’ve never heard of ghosts bothering with odors unless they’re unpleasant ones. And waking C.T. up by speaking her name at 4:00 a.m. is also much more spiritlike that ghostlike. For one thing, it’s a precise reference to C.T.’s husband’s time of death, but for another thing, and more important, as I mentioned in the first chapter, it’s the predawn hours that are prime time for spirit activity.

Mostly, though, there was the simply mention of C.T. waking to see her husband standing in the bedroom doorway. I hope you’ll look back on the chapter of ghost stories and realize that no one mentioned recognizing the physical form of the person who was haunting them. Even the woman who had the horrible experience with the ghost of her grandfather passing through her never actually saw his ghost materialize. If you see a form materialize, and the form is that of a deceased loved one, I feel very safe in saying that 999 times out of 1,000 you’re seeing a visiting spirit from The Other Side and not a ghost at all, and there’s no need for you to put yourself through any needless concern and pain on their behalf. Count on it that they’re simply doing their best to let you know that they’re around keeping an eye on you and very probably planning one great reunion party for you when you’re together again back Home. But until then, they’re counting on you to be as busy and happy as they are in the lives they’ve resumed on The Other Side. Anything less and you’ll be doing yourself and their memory a real disservice.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By gail, Tuesday, March 10, 2009 01:59:22 PM
For the past 6-7 years,I have a strange electricity going throug me or around me. I am constantly getting shocks, blowing light bulbs, and over half the strret lights i pass under (driving, walking, riding my bike) will go out. I also set off my husbands voltage meter when i touch it(should only beep when in contact with electric current. Also, if I am very upset or worried, small appliances do not function properly when i try to use them. What is this and should I be worried?
By lupe, Tuesday, March 10, 2009 11:49:35 AM
OF COURSE THEY ARE IM HAVEN LYNN MELI TOLD ME SO I AM WHIT YOU MY DEAR Back home | mail | rss | sign out Melissa Awareness Last Updated: 2/23/2009 Post New Blog Manage Blog Customize Blog Email to a Friend Gender: Female Status: Married Age: 49 Sign: Gemini City: ANDREWS State: Texas Country: US Signup Date: 9/19/2007 Who Gives Kudos: Sunny Dee&tra (2) (2) Susie Verde&t (2) Sponsored Links My Easy Stretch Mark Fix I Got Rid of All My Stretch Marks In Just 14 Days With Free Products! Monday, December 17, 2007 Newspaper article full version In 3 more days it will have been two months since Meli's death, and her departure pains me today just as it did that very moment that i found her cold and lifeless. It is as if each second of my life someone is cutting open my heart in two and adding salt to that wound. It feels as if my soul died with her. Every time that I go into her room, which is countless times a day, I relive that horror of her leaving; I ask God where he was. Why didn't he allow me to save her? Why didn't he let me find her in time? Why didn't he choose me to take her place? I would have been ready to do that for her; I would do the same for any of my other children. As I write this, I am in her bedroom asking for answers to questions as I read over letters that she left me at different times. I tremble from pain and from anger at the futility of it all. It is so ironic, just a few months ago she and I had a long conversation about life, death, injustice, and the hypocrisy with which she was living through at that time;the pain that her boyfriend and another teen caused her. I remember that I told her: "Look, this flower; it is very pretty and so are you. Neither you nor any one else should cry over someone. You can do better than that." Her answer was: "It is not fairl everything that is happening to me. I hate going to school. I hate the schools here in Andrews. If you don't have money, if you're not the son or daughter of a rich person, if you are not of the right color, and if you are not the teacher's pet then you are nothing. You are left out. And they take away what you once had an what you worked so hard to achieve." I told her that in life nothing was fair; but, but that there was always an answer, and that things had a way of working out. I told her that death was no solution. She smiled at me and said: "Mami, there is no answer in standing up for myself against some people, I was sent to Saturday school. In cheer leading I was taken out even though I used to get up at 4:00 am to get ready to go to practice; then they replaced me with someone who used to miss countless times. But since she was seen as more favorable. Since then my world started crashing. I sure hope Crystal doesn't have to go through this" "It also isn't fair, Mami, all the times you have gone to school asking for help and they don't give it to you. The school does things as it sees fit. It is like my coach said when I lost my place at Nationals and was placed as an alternate, 'I hope it's ok because if not, you can get out. There are several that can take your place.'" "You see, Mami. I am tired of being hurt, tired of constantly coming home crying. I am tired of putting on a happy face and pretending that nothing matters after being hurt countless times. I lock myself in my room so that no one sees my pain." Many saw my daughter; she went through thousands of things, but only I saw her tears, her pain and her disenchantment. Many people contributed to her decision. Even I myself contributed to it because in the beginning when I found the first letters some months back in which she said goodbye, I did ask for help. That person that I reached to for help told me: "I guarantee that she is not going to do anything. She just wants attention." I hope that professional who told me that saw the obituary so that she can see if my daughter is now getting her attention. I wonder if all that is sufficient for that person. If she is paying, maybe she will not give such advice again. Hopefully the school is paying closer attention. Meli with her death, ironic as it is, has saved already more than one life. She has also opened a Pandora's box. Andrews is going to realize that indeed there is a problem in our schools with some of the personnel, some of the leaders, and with our youth. Like Meli said: "If we all dropped the act and the injustice; if instead we worked together, we would change not only Andrews but the entire world." I remember her smiling as she told me: "Why can't we all instead be friends, Mami?" I only hope that through her death others can identify their own feelings. If they too are suffering, hopefully they will not ignore it because the pain will remain. Choosing to ignore problems and pain will not make them go away. The problem will grow each day like a monster. So I ask that everyone help our youth. Don't allow a single young person to die in this manner. Don't let another mother die from pain as she continues living. Right now I am not sure hot to go about living; I sometimes don't want to go on. My life has been changed forever. I feel empty. I am in tears and in pain. I do not wish this on my worst enemy. Right now I should be saving for her Christmas present which was going to be the down payment on her new Avalanche. Instead, I'm saving for her tombstone. I should be seeing that her college applications be sent in on time and not putting flowers at her grave. May God hold my princess in His arms. May He give her peace and the justice that no one here wanted to give her. Melissa's mom, Lupe Flores Miss Meli Marie... 1:44 AM 10 Comments 6 Kudos 2 Kudos 1 Kudos 0 Kudos Powered by Google Translate English Albanian Arabic Bulgarian Catalan Chinese Croatian Czech Danish Dutch Estonian Filipino Finnish French Galician German Greek Hebrew Hindi Hungarian Indonesian Italian Japanese Korean Latvian Lithuanian Maltese Norwegian Polish Portuguese Romanian Russian Serbian Slovak Slovenian Spanish Swedish Thai Turkish Ukrainian Vietnamese Print Edit Remove Back to Blog List | Next Post: Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night Submit Sunny Dee™ This is a very heartfelt blog and I admire you for writing it. She was always very dedicated to everything and anything she loved. She had a good mind and heart. She saved my life . . . i choose to believe that it was her. I fell off my drum major stand and the way i fell off could've cracked my neck, i ended landing gently without any pain. I do believe that it was her the whole time. I miss her so much. I remember one of the days she came to English class crying because of what her boyfriend did to her . . . all i could do was hug her and just talk and joke with her. She threatened to super glue his locker shut. I laughed and said that we should do that. I'm very glad that i had the chance to be her friend and i took it. I know I at least did something right. ♥ I love you Mama Flores. xoxo aira Posted by Sunny Dee™ on Monday, December 17, 2007 - 8:22 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] Susie Verde™ Mama Flores, I love you so much. This made me cry. It's so truthful. All Meli ever did was help those around her and try to ease our pain, yet, it seems like we tried and failed to ease the pain she felt. I hope nobody ever has to go through what all of your family & all of her friends has gone through. I love you so much. Posted by Susie Verde™ on Saturday, January 12, 2008 - 6:14 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] tired of dumb ass people in my life.. my name is leeanne..and no i dont know your daughter..i stumbled onto her page by accident one day..ever since then ive been talking to luci..she is so awsome..i know how much pain your in..i myself lost a child..i lost my unborn baby..even though i didnt have the chance to hold my baby it still hurts..i would constintly hold my tummy and say i love you baby mommy and daddy cant wait to meet you..then one day its all and your family are so amazing your always in my thoughts and prayers..i wish that i could have had the chance to meet your wonderful daughter but i know that she is up there playing with my baby and i couldnt be any happier..well i just thought that id drop a line to tell you that this article is brought tears to my eyes.. 3, leeanne Posted by tired of dumb ass people in my life.. on Saturday, February 02, 2008 - 9:23 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] &* Katrina &* :] im always here for you mamma and if you ever need anything from me.. im here for you no matter what!! night threw day or time..... anything if you need to talk or anything im here !!!! i love you so much my words can not xplain how much i love and care for your family !! love katrina Posted by &* Katrina &* :] on Friday, March 07, 2008 - 9:00 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] Aaron this is the first time i read this wow so true i promise i won stop trying to make the school realise wats going on i miss her so much she changed my life for ever i love you and ur fam love aaron morgan Posted by Aaron on Thursday, March 27, 2008 - 10:45 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] Aaron this is the first time i read this wow so true i promise i won stop trying to make the school realise wats going on i miss her so much she changed my life for ever i love you and ur fam love aaron morgan Posted by Aaron on Thursday, March 27, 2008 - 10:45 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] Aaron this is the first time i read this wow so true i promise i won stop trying to make the school realise wats going on i miss her so much she changed my life for ever i love you and ur fam love aaron morgan Posted by Aaron on Thursday, March 27, 2008 - 10:45 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] Aaron this is the first time i read this wow so true i promise i won stop trying to make the school realise wats going on i miss her so much she changed my life for ever i love you and ur fam love aaron morgan Posted by Aaron on Thursday, March 27, 2008 - 10:45 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] Nataliya This made me cry. Posted by Nataliya on Friday, May 02, 2008 - 6:56 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User] howster what inner strength you must have to write this,bless you Posted by howster on Monday, December 08, 2008 - 11:07 PM [Reply to this] [Remove] [Block User]
By Lynn, Tuesday, March 10, 2009 09:17:58 AM
Naomi: I believe that you are extremely wrong with what you have said about people who die by suicide and then are immediately sent back to re-live there life and learn the lessons. When a person dies of a disease such as cancer - is that what you also say? Do you not realize that people who die by suicide have mental illness - a true disease just like cancer, etc. Suicide is never the easy way out for someone. It is NOT even about wanting to die! It is about a disease that is so painful - we can not even imagine such pain. Suicide is about stopping the pain! My son died of suicide Nov. 2005. I am positive he is with me often. I am positive he has not returned to Earth - his soul is very much alive and he is in a learning level - much like grade school. He told me so. He will wait for me and hopefully we can never ever come back to Earth again. We will be together again for eternity - I know it. Who are you? What are your qualifications? Sylvia would never have said what you did to that Mother. I am not meaning to be rude at all to you. I just think you need to speak with Sylvia about this type of thing. Or better yet - let Sylvia answer. Lynn Z. Mom to Joshua Goddard - my heart, my soul, my spirit - my oldest son. LOVE IS STRONGER THAN DEATH!! I am looking forward to what Sylvia has to say about people who die by suicide - the disease!
By Erlene, Tuesday, March 10, 2009 12:58:53 AM
My husband is having issues about his heart and we are going to have test done on weds. what can I expect
By Evelyn, Tuesday, March 10, 2009 12:28:22 AM
Sylvia, Thank you for all your caring information passed on from Francine. This helps all of us so much, who deal with the parinormal experince. I have a situation that I would like to run by you. One night I was asleep and woke up to a man telling me a story in my ear. It did not scare me, but it did make me think I was crazy. He was speaking in a soft, caring voice. I woke easy and listened for a few seconds fully alert (eyes closed). It just softly faded off. The thing that was strange(besides the situation), he spoke in a language or dialect I have never heard, nor that I understood on any level. I was thinking maybe my spirit guide? Don't know. If you can enlighten me on this experince, I would really appreicate the help. clarifing if I am crazy or if it was some kind of communication that I just do not understand yet. In Gods love, Ev
By leyinska, Monday, March 09, 2009 11:36:08 PM
hope that one day you will tell me about my nephew and mom... thank you
By Brenda, Monday, March 09, 2009 10:53:03 PM
Dear Ms,I was wondering about whether I have Angels,or Spirits around me,whether they are the good ones.I have been having weird dreams. I think someone is trying to tell me something. Does that happen? I try to keep an open mind. Sometimes I smell this wonderful perfume! and I wonder about that.Can you please provide help? Thank you so much!
By Glenda, Monday, March 09, 2009 05:22:36 PM
Will I have Surgery in April 2009 and will it be a success without any problems .
By Beverley, Monday, March 09, 2009 02:00:43 PM
One morning I was woken up by the feel of someone tapping insistently on my foot, when I put my head up to look no-one was there. I thought it must be that sometimes you are just coming out of sleep, sometimes things seem real.I lay back down was thinking how funny that was, when I again felt somthing tapping very firmly on my I was paying attention because I was wide awake.I lifted my head up just enough that I could see the end of the bed, and my foot. no -one was there, but that couldn't be because I could still feel the tapping the pressure, everything ! I was too scared to move, at first.This happened three more times then stopped. I still don't know what that was.-Bev P.
By Miguel A., Monday, March 09, 2009 12:21:13 PM
Hi Sylvia, My name is Miguel (06-14-59),my mother hears knocking at her window at every other nights. I want to know who is doing that noises that make my mother get scare at nights. I hope you can help me who is it. thank you Sylvia.

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