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Sylvia Browne 2013 Predictions
Sylvia Browne predictions for 2010, 2011, and beyond. by Sylvia Browne

The question I am asked the most on a daily basis is, "Sylvia, what are your predictions for 2010, 2011, 2012 and beyond?"

I predict so many new and interesting things are coming for us within the next two years. Some are positive changes that will affect the world at large. Others are changes that may affect only a certain group of people and will improve their lives. Here are my Sylvia Browne predictions!

Around 2009 to 2012, I predict Americans will start working on what I like to call our "buts." There are problems that we are aware of that make the global community smaller. We have liked to say, "Our system works"..but...


...Children are not properly fed, clothed, educated, protected or given adequate medical care.


...Many in our population do not have a place to call home.


...Some of our youth get more attention from gangs and drug dealers than they do positive role models.


...People who are ready, willing and able to work cannot find decent jobs.


...Our elderly are not cared for properly either financially or medically.


...Some death row inmates are innocent.


...Some elected officials and large corporations do not think of the welfare of the people as a high priority - they'd rather just increase their bank accounts.


I predict we'll develop strong resolve and resources to address these problems and come up with some good solutions.

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More of my Sylvia Browne predictions...


I predict a great rise in skin cancer in children until 2010. There is a lot of media coverage about the UV rays and many products to protect people against them. But people are still often careless when it comes to the sun. Then again, people could pay attention - and reverse this prediction right out from under me. I would certainly be all for that!


I predict the President elected sometime between 2008 and 2020 will die in office from a heart attack. The Vice President who will finish their term will have an unpopular and mistaken intention to declare war on North Korea. By that time, North Korea will have weapons of mass destruction. In the middle of efforts to declare war, I predict the Vice President will be assassinated.


There will be a worldwide investigation into the Vice President's death with both pleasant and unpleasant surprises. A lot of attention will be paid to one of the investigative congressional committees and serious accusations will be made regarding missing funds. Finally, it will be revealed that their accusations are part of a conspiracy to damage the American people's faith in their government, with the media manipulated to "fan the flames," and the committee will be vindicated in the end.

I predict we can truly say "goodbye" to the common cold in 2009 or 2010. The solution to the common cold involves heat. Keep in mind that the body's first response when we develop a cold is to come down with a fever. Many doctors today no longer rush to push patients to take temperature reducing medications when they come down with a fever, unless the fever is dangerous. They feel the immune system is the patient's best medicine and should be given a chance to fight back. So as the immune system fights a cold with heat, the cure for the common cold certainly may lie in this first signal to heal.


I predict that a small cubicle will become available in doctor's offices sometime in 2009 and it will be heated to a very precise temperature. There may be a special vapor placed into the cubicle. Patients will stand in the cubicle for approximately five minutes and the rhinitis germ will be destroyed.


Another wonderful bit of good news on the health front with this discovery - since this cubicle can easily take on the rhinitis germ, many people that have breathing problems with allergies and asthma complications will find some breakthroughs as well. We will see this cubicle discovery used for healing for those with breathing disorders. The cubicle will become available in 2009 or 2010.


I predict hypnotic past-life regression will become available through a group of trained psychologists on both the east and west coasts of the U.S.A. in 2009. It will prove to be quite a success and will be widely practiced by 2011.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By kaelin, Tuesday, March 03, 2009 11:05:41 AM
hi sylvia im kaelin i just wantttt to no what my future is with children i love them and want one of my own someday and i want to now when will it be mmy turn and with who the father will be...
By David, Wednesday, February 25, 2009 09:36:09 PM
Hi Sylvia My dog Judge has a lump and I am caught between getting it removed or leaving it.Can you tell me if it will activate the lump if its removed or help her.I dont want to lose her,shes all I have and I love her with all my heart.Also my sister had a break mentally.I think its because of the loss of my mom and my other sister being murdered.Will she ever get better and will these bad things stop happening to me-going deaf,blind etc. Love you bigtime you are an angel to alot of people. David. Canada
By nancy, Wednesday, February 25, 2009 06:59:57 PM
Hello Sylvia, I so believe in you, and thank you for giving me something to look forward to when I do pass. At one point in my life [ when I was younger] I thought that we all went out in a puff of smoke and that was it, and it really scared me that we just stopped existing. But after I read your book " the other side and back" it all made sense to me and and it all sounded so familiar to as I was reading it. This was 8 years ago and since then I've read almost all your books. Thank you for giving me hope and something to look forward to when the day does come when I do pass on to the other side. I know now for sure my family and friends are going to be there waiting for me, and especially all my pets that I miss terribly. Thank you again and God bless you for coming into our lives. Your the best!!! Nancy from Phoenix Az
By JoAnn, Wednesday, February 25, 2009 08:50:23 AM
Sylvia, thank you for being there. i truly believe in you. Love you and God Bless you. JoAnn
By kim, Tuesday, February 24, 2009 07:02:56 PM
thank you for your trusting help god bless kim myers
By Jennifer, Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:58:59 PM
Dear Sylvia, I want to say thank you for all your effort to awaken and enlighten people. If not for your appearances on Montel, I would not have had such easy access to this. My late husband believed in nothing,that you just appeared here out of the blue and went back to ????. I was appalled that we hadn't discussed this before marriage, but I did manage to turn on the Wed.Montel show when you came on regularly. My husband passed over in July, 2008 and before he left, he was asking questions of everyone who believed that God was a loving God and was waiting with open arms. My husband was a good man with principles and ethics, of the old school and I am sure that he is in a much better place now and not in pain. I heard him call my name one night shortly after he went. He said my name and asked if I was there. I answered back, "Yes, I am here." When he was ill, he would call me like that and I would be right there for him. His hunting dog, became ill this year and I truly believe that she is there with him now. He made me promise that should she become ill, I would not let her suffer or keep her with me too long trying to make her better. She had cancer and had had lived a long life, so after helping her feel better with medications for a few months, her blood testing showed she was not getting better and I let her go while she was still feeling OK. A friend gave me your new book, All Pets Go To Heaven, thank you for writing that and God Bless You, Sylvia. I look forward to having a personal reading with you someday, Sylvia, before you go. I pray that I am on my right path and have helped my children to listen to their hearts and do the right things in their life, hopefully following what is written in their charts. Much love to you and thank you again., Jennifer
By Genevieve, Thursday, February 19, 2009 12:14:08 PM
I have a friend who has diebetis.. he is always, haveing so many medical problem,, He has asked me to get married,, I said i would? but, heck I not sure if He really means it? are is it just he needs some one to,, make him take better care of his health?, He just does not like to communicate and talk as much as i do.. I discuss any and everything,, and trying to encourage him to look after his own health seens to fall on death ears? I am just not sure How to help him? If we can not talk now.. How will I be able to talk him..If we get married?. GJB
By Kathy, Tuesday, February 17, 2009 04:34:30 PM
Sylvia, I attended your Salon back in 2007 and I just want to tell you how much I appreciated all your information. You were right on the money with every question I asked. Big surprise, but I just wanted to let you know anyway. I have a medical problem with a whole in my small intestines and I am wondering if this is going to heal on it's own or will I be living with this the rest of my life? Bless you Sylvia...Kathy
By Vicki, Tuesday, February 10, 2009 07:12:41 PM
The prediction was that the president elected BETWEEN the years of 2008-2020. That means sometime in the next 12 years. It does not mean that it will be Obama.
By stacy, Sunday, February 08, 2009 06:46:09 AM
slyvia, i know this is to post a comment however, i am going to take the chance to ask a question... i have looked up and down to ask you a question and have found it few and far between, for question options, none the less here it goes, i recently lost my common in law husband and am very confused as to whether he loved me or not? i know it wasn't the best relationship and i also know that it brought drastic changes to my life and to whom are all invovled, i guess what i want to no is WHY i met him and WHY was it the way it was and WHY is it the way it is now and what I have to do in order to change or perhaps bring myself and others back onto the right path, i can not settle and think this is what i chose in my chart i really need a clear explanation to answer the 5 w's(who, what, where and when and of course why), like you say @ times, you ask Creator to guide you to whomever needs your help the most, i in turn will wait to hear from you and look forward to finding(growing) into the healthy state of mind that i know you will help me gain and offer/teach me the tools to grow and become active in everyday life. Slyvia, you have touched my world in so many ways already, but i am stuck in a very negative zone, in which i am trying to get out and if i do not find the "answers" so to say, i am scared that i will continue to idle here until my time comes(when Creator calls). So with prayer i know Creator will guide me to you and you to me, i've heard all that is required of me is to have FAITH...S.B. Canada

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