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Sylvia Browne 2013 Predictions
Sylvia Browne predictions for 2010, 2011, and beyond. by Sylvia Browne

The question I am asked the most on a daily basis is, "Sylvia, what are your predictions for 2010, 2011, 2012 and beyond?"

I predict so many new and interesting things are coming for us within the next two years. Some are positive changes that will affect the world at large. Others are changes that may affect only a certain group of people and will improve their lives. Here are my Sylvia Browne predictions!

Around 2009 to 2012, I predict Americans will start working on what I like to call our "buts." There are problems that we are aware of that make the global community smaller. We have liked to say, "Our system works"..but...


...Children are not properly fed, clothed, educated, protected or given adequate medical care.


...Many in our population do not have a place to call home.


...Some of our youth get more attention from gangs and drug dealers than they do positive role models.


...People who are ready, willing and able to work cannot find decent jobs.


...Our elderly are not cared for properly either financially or medically.


...Some death row inmates are innocent.


...Some elected officials and large corporations do not think of the welfare of the people as a high priority - they'd rather just increase their bank accounts.


I predict we'll develop strong resolve and resources to address these problems and come up with some good solutions.

What's in store for you in 2011? Call our Master Psychics to get your personal 2011 forecast. Click Here or Call 888-773-8999

More of my Sylvia Browne predictions...


I predict a great rise in skin cancer in children until 2010. There is a lot of media coverage about the UV rays and many products to protect people against them. But people are still often careless when it comes to the sun. Then again, people could pay attention - and reverse this prediction right out from under me. I would certainly be all for that!


I predict the President elected sometime between 2008 and 2020 will die in office from a heart attack. The Vice President who will finish their term will have an unpopular and mistaken intention to declare war on North Korea. By that time, North Korea will have weapons of mass destruction. In the middle of efforts to declare war, I predict the Vice President will be assassinated.


There will be a worldwide investigation into the Vice President's death with both pleasant and unpleasant surprises. A lot of attention will be paid to one of the investigative congressional committees and serious accusations will be made regarding missing funds. Finally, it will be revealed that their accusations are part of a conspiracy to damage the American people's faith in their government, with the media manipulated to "fan the flames," and the committee will be vindicated in the end.

I predict we can truly say "goodbye" to the common cold in 2009 or 2010. The solution to the common cold involves heat. Keep in mind that the body's first response when we develop a cold is to come down with a fever. Many doctors today no longer rush to push patients to take temperature reducing medications when they come down with a fever, unless the fever is dangerous. They feel the immune system is the patient's best medicine and should be given a chance to fight back. So as the immune system fights a cold with heat, the cure for the common cold certainly may lie in this first signal to heal.


I predict that a small cubicle will become available in doctor's offices sometime in 2009 and it will be heated to a very precise temperature. There may be a special vapor placed into the cubicle. Patients will stand in the cubicle for approximately five minutes and the rhinitis germ will be destroyed.


Another wonderful bit of good news on the health front with this discovery - since this cubicle can easily take on the rhinitis germ, many people that have breathing problems with allergies and asthma complications will find some breakthroughs as well. We will see this cubicle discovery used for healing for those with breathing disorders. The cubicle will become available in 2009 or 2010.


I predict hypnotic past-life regression will become available through a group of trained psychologists on both the east and west coasts of the U.S.A. in 2009. It will prove to be quite a success and will be widely practiced by 2011.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Linda, Sunday, June 15, 2008 12:48:49 AM
I fell asleep and missed Sylvia's June 14 Web Cast. Please tell me we will be able to watch a rerun like we did her May Web Cast. This really bummed me out!!! Love Sylvia and was really looking forward to this Web cast!!! Thank you,Sylvia for all the good you do. Linda
By TIna, Saturday, June 14, 2008 10:32:27 PM
Dear Sylvia, I hope that you know that you are sent good blessings and prayers even if your life has changed in how we can see and be "with you". I didn't get to see all of your last show with Montel. I am sorry that has ended for now in that area. My fathers day application for today was sent in late due to my unorganized life. I sent an e-mail though about my life and even if you didn't get it to answer it God did. I laid down briefly and saw a figure start to form in white and wearing white. It was a man (hairy legs) but I did not get to see all of him. I didnot get a vocal or telepathic message either. I keep doing my best to be positive and change what I can of myself while trying to help my daughter to do the same. I felt a heaviness around me on the 6 of June, 2008 after a rough day and an increase in the depression. I had suicide on my mind and a plan. Thinking of my daughter did not even impact my thought. So I know it was the love of God and all above as well the love/goodness of alot of others on this side (although only a few physically present here in my house) that kept me from it. Your teachings and books have helped me to understand that it was a choice in my contract that I could have followed through on, but life has been such a challenge I am so glad not to have to come back through the left door. I now know what others experience when they get that feeling and the need to follow through. Is there a church near here for Novus Spiritus? I feel like I belong there and so does Connie. So from someone who is using your knowledge and refresher courses to get through I am remembering that I am loved and can be more positive. Thanks for loving us and all that you do. I will do my best and so will Connie - after all we are capable and loveable!!!!! HUGS AND KISSES TO A MEMBER OF MY HUMAN/SPIRITUAL FAMILY! THANKS FOR NOT CONSIDERING ME A STALKER DUE TO MY FREQUENT CONTACTS!!!!!! WHEN I GET THE MONEY I WILL SEND GOD'S TITHE THROUGH YOU AND MONTEL AS WELL. Take Care. If you feel like you need to talk e-mail or later on I can give you our phone number. LOVE AND PRAYERS, Tina, Connie and our zoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
By Judy, Saturday, June 14, 2008 08:07:33 PM
Sylvia, I miss your broadcast today. Wish I hadn't. How will I finn for myself when I'm 60 years old? Thanks Judy
By barbara, Saturday, June 14, 2008 03:09:43 PM
barbara walters wants sylvia browne to be her wife love ya
By dancin, Saturday, June 14, 2008 02:57:04 PM
Hi Sylvia I am listening to your web cast as I type. My son who is 13 wanted me to ask a question about his career path when I registered. Of course I asked who is the lil girl that i have seen besides you and do mediums have certain characteristics for example you rub your head and i rub my temple and other ticks. My son is a gifted athlete as well as having an awesome year academically even though he has dyslexia he never gave up and won various academic awards. He would like to know if you see him playing professional sport when he grows up
By Leah, Friday, June 13, 2008 02:22:48 PM
I have written letters to you many times but not sent them. I have read books and done meditations. I know about things I could/should do to heal myself and I would like to or say that I will do but I dont follow through with-or at least not to the degree that my work seems to make an impact. The jist is that I am aware that I allow myself to "live" in fear not in truth and love as I would like to. Most of the time I feel depressed,empty and seeking something that I can't quite put my finger on. I am also aware of this "victim" garbage that I carry. I would really like to get rid of this negative stuff I tote around and feel love and live life but I just don't quite get there. Can you help me?
By JUDY, Friday, June 13, 2008 10:44:41 AM
By elizabeth, Thursday, June 12, 2008 10:55:54 AM
when are these questions answered? are they all answered?? where do you find the answers to your questions. i've wanted for years to have a past life regression with you and a full reading of my life. i know at this point in my life i could never afford your fee or your son's fee. what about the little people who need help as much as people with money, where do they go for help, who do they turn to??? i wish i lived in the time of edgar cayce, i truly believe he did gods work at no charge. can you feel when a person is concentrating on you for your help???? do you ever help anyone just because they need it and cannot afford it????
By Cathy, Wednesday, June 11, 2008 10:03:43 PM
"People who are ready, willing and able to work cannot find decent jobs" .. I've been in this mode since 2002, had several temp positions since, and have been home since Jan 2008. I've had this dream (more like a vision) of walking towards the front door of my home admiring the restructing of the third level which presently does not exist (we are in a bi-level home). I was wearing a suit and appeared happy. I remember walking along the catwalk of the third floor and I know the exact layout of my what my home will look like but just don't when this will occur. I've dreamt this approx. two years ago. One other dream (more like a vision) which occurred about two years ago, I was in a limo, stepped out of this limo in another state (WA) wearing a suit, meeting a long time friend. I have no idea when this will happen. With these two separate dreams, I assume a job is out there for me but I have no idea what type of position and/or when. I guess time will tell. I know that a "blink" to God could be years, here on earth. Before my daughter was born I had a vision of buttoning a little girl's sweater in front of the exact house I bought several years after this dream, but didn't see her face. Soon after moving into my home, my daughter was born. true story. Cathy,
By Delores, Tuesday, June 10, 2008 06:22:02 PM
Sylvia, I have loved you for years.Read most of your books.Please keep up the good work. You help sooo many people. DP

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