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Do Our Spirit Guides Help Us Psychically?

by Sylvia Browne


Anyone who knows me just a little—already knows all about Francine. Francine is my beloved Spirit Guide who has been with me since I was young. Francine is not just my Spirit Guide, I consider her a wonderful companion and friend. When you get to know your Spirit Guide—you form a special bond like no other.


But many have wondered if Spirit Guides give us psychic information. Your Spirit Guide can certainly help with your life chart and the lessons that come into your life. But their purpose in your life is not to offer you psychic information. Your ability to be psychic is a connection between you and God, not between you and your Spirit Guide.


That being said, your Spirit Guide can often offer you great wisdom and assistance. It can be extremely useful to listen to what your Spirit Guide has to say when they speak of your life. I speak to Francine every night before turning in for bed about the course of my life and I listen to what she has to say.


Do you communicate with your Spirit Guide? What has your Spirit Guide told you about your life that has been useful?

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By sean, Saturday, April 11, 2009 03:29:36 PM
What did I do?I tried to raise my children well with a good heart and yet I feel some thing happen.I try to get to you for you help and I couldn't then it was to late and still I m not sure what sould I do I now may have lumps and I do need tohear from some one.Sean so very loss
By karen, Thursday, March 26, 2009 05:03:07 PM
Sylvia, Wow, this is a great oppty to connect to you and I am looking forward to tonight's "SpiritNow" web event! I am interested in knowing who my spirit guide is and their name. What does he/she actually do for me. Thank you! God Bless you. Karen :) FL
By Diane, Thursday, January 01, 2009 02:34:33 PM
Dear Sylvia, I got someone over here to install a web cam for me so that I can send a video question to you but I don't know where to send it and I have emailed several times but know one ever emails me back. Can someone please tell me how to send you the video. Where to send it, I mean. I know how to download it. ANd also, do I have to be a member of OneMinuteU to do this? Thank you and Have A Great Happy New Year. I also would like you to know that I am going to the Laser Spine Inst. Jan.4 but my procedure won't be done until the 7th, I have had alot of back problems, have been to Germany for disc replacement and fused but I need your prayers to give to the surgeons that will be taking care of me the wisdom of our Holy Spirit so that they will be able to heal me and give me my life back. I have been able to go to church but back home to bed and thats about it. God Bless you. I love you and your Son Chris. I think the world of both of you. Diane in NY
By Sheila, Saturday, December 20, 2008 01:14:33 PM
Dear Sylvia, thank you for sharing your insight with all of us. It is comforting to know something of what awaits each of us on The Other Side. I would like some day to be able to speak with you either by phone or in person, as there is so much I would like to speak with you about. I am at times confused about my life and worried about my family. I would like direction from you on how to know myself so I can in turn help my family. It's hard to exlain in writing, but I do enjoy your books and cd's, trying to "open" myself for help from my spirit guide and others. Thank you again, Sheila from MN
By carla, Saturday, November 08, 2008 11:55:07 AM
hello sylvia, thankyou for all the time you put into the book you write about spirituality and god. thank you for sharing information about francine with us. i think it is interesting.your friend, carla m rochester,ny 2/14/73
By LILLIAN, Monday, November 03, 2008 12:13:49 PM
Sylvia, Will I ever find my real mother? I was a foster child ever since I was 3 weeks old. I never saw my mother or father. and I know I have brothers and sisters but I do not know were they are or if alive, And I do not even know their names. Can you help me!! thank you lillian hallman.
By LILLIAN, Monday, November 03, 2008 12:04:37 PM
Sylvia - can you tell me what is my spirit guide's name and when Im I going to win money,in my life. so I can help others,and the homeless to. and how many angels do I have in this life? Thank you Sylvia. from lillian hallman
By Barbara, Saturday, October 18, 2008 11:07:17 AM
can anyone tell me how one hears messages for spirit guides.i talk to my guide every day. i don't know who my guide is. i don't know if my guide is answering me. my question is how to?
By jennifer, Monday, September 29, 2008 03:22:34 AM
Dear Sylvia, I really want to ask you some questions to help me though this walk through life to make sure I'm on the right path. I don't have the money to talk with you so I am really hoping you read the comments on this page. I really would love to know my spirit guides name? Also who was it that i saw one night in my door way and then disappeared? Am I making the right decisions in my life right now? Thank you and with much love, jennifer
By Terry, Monday, September 15, 2008 10:18:00 AM
Hi Sylvia, The other day I was reading your blog and the home page and noticed that you posted a comment. It said that you got a chill and that you asked if I was going to receive a change in my life for the better. I have had that "I know that my life is going to get better feeling " for about a month or two now. I am going to finally rid myself of my creepy husband, am in a short sale, although I don't know if it will work out, and finally I am going to finish up in about another month with my studies as a paralegal. I know that I am definately in receipt of a miracle,because I believe that Mother and Father God are telling me it is so! When I get feelings like this , they always come true! So, I believe that I will survive this ordeal I am faced with now (legal saga with the court) and God and Mother GOD will bless me ten times over, it is a very strong feeling that I have, it's like someone is screaming in my ear that I will be blessed soon..prepare. At least that is how I view it! GOD BLESS YOU SYLVIA! Your loyal friend , Terry

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