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The First Time You Connect With Your Spirit Guide
by Sylvia Browne

Francine, whom I’ve received mountains of information from over the years, has always stressed that guides are continually trying to be recognized or accepted so that they can have easier access with us, thereby infusing us with knowledge or telepathically helping us fulfill our chart.

People get aggravated because guides don’t always make audible contact, but with patience, you will receive their messages, and I’m convinced that you will. Let me tell you right now that you won’t necessarily hear the voice in the way you expect though. It’s not some soft, ethereal, melodic tone – rather, it’s high pitched and has a fast, almost chipmunk-like sound to it.

My dear friend Lindsay, recently heard her spirit guide for the first time. She called me and said, “Sylvia, I heard Rachel, but her voice had a tinny, high-pitched quality.”

I replied, “Well, that’s just what I’ve been trying to explain to you all this time!”

In fact, over the years, I’ve heard the same story from people who’ve heard this high-pitched voice and want me to clarify what it is. The answer is simple: It’s their spirit guide. Francine says that it’s hard for guides to manifest and speak, much harder than it is for angels. Not that one phylum (particular sect of beings) is more advanced, per se, but since guides are on a higher, more elevated level, they find it difficult to tune in to the dense atmosphere in which we live. Francine describes it as trying to wade through a thick pea-soup fog.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Candy, Thursday, May 14, 2009 10:20:39 PM
Hey sylvia I wished I could See or hear my spirit guide I wonder if they gave up on me? Have you ever heard of a guide that just gave up because the person they were guiding wouldn't couldn't listen? Has a guide just said enough is a enough? I know you are rolling your eyes and laughing at me and that's ok. Atleast I made you smile. P.S. I'm so in Love with your son Chris!! His web cast was the bomb!!!!!! Love Ya Candy
By Brandon, Thursday, May 07, 2009 05:36:07 PM
I understand the "high pitch" sound, but I feel as though you can put that sound on running water, the wind or another "constant sound" and hear the voice in "real time" - is that correct or a normal thing to do?
By Candace, Sunday, April 12, 2009 06:30:22 AM
Sylvia, i know you dont know me, but you do, so you know that i need help and so does my baby, can you help me? or show me the way to get help? Candace
By Tara, Tuesday, March 10, 2009 01:55:47 PM
Sylvia, I read your book Communicating with your Spirit Guide. I tried the meditation exercises, and I was able to visualize what I believe my guide to look like, but I wonder how accurate I am, was I just trying to give her a face, or did I actually see her. I named her Helena. Tara
By peggy, Thursday, February 26, 2009 01:00:44 AM
When I went to a seminar here about spirit guides taught by 2 ministers of Sylvia's we did a meditation to see/contact our guides. The vision came but what was weird was the person was actually an old musician friend of mine who had passed years ago whos name was gary - and i mean this was a spitten image of him. So I wonder if that was a way of getting my guides name to me? because I know it cannot be him as he was a couple years older than i. Before all that I had gotten the name paulei when I tried contacting and asking my guides name. Strange it is. And i remember even way further back of having dreams with gary in them and we were sitting and observing and talking from odd places like up in the air on roof eaves or closet shelf type things and even in my dream it was reality in knowing he was passed and that this was the norm for how we could just sit or levitate anywhere and talk as if it were normal to be sitting like that. So now I am back to wondering really what my guide's name is and now when I try to meditate to get it, i still get the gary person vision coming in and feel it might be tainted and my mind not quiet enough because of that one in the class that surprised me that it was him that came through. peg
By zenia, Saturday, February 14, 2009 02:08:49 PM
Thank you yasmine. That dream was so real to me. I never seen that man befor in my life. But his face and that dream I will remenber for a life time. thank you again.
By yasmin, Saturday, February 14, 2009 05:38:06 AM
Guides are always trying to be recognised but the signs they send are so subtle they cant make us see them. These days they might even employ the use of Automatic Typing ( the more modern version of Auto Writing ). The thing about having stuff in writing is you can keep referring back to it. Even if no-one else believes they are here trying to channel or communicate with us, each individual knows what they experience themselves. I don't know who mine are and have never seen them but i'm sure they are with me. Perhaps signs are sent through other means too. Follow that hunch over something you come across and you just never know what you might find......
By zenia, Thursday, February 12, 2009 05:03:52 PM
Hello Syvia About a month after my friend past I had came home from work and fell asleep on my sofa. As I was sleeping this man ( I still remenber what he look like) say to me did you see him yet? I know who he meant. And I say no. They the man said to me I guess you are not ready yet.And then I said I been ready. The man said close your eyes and the he cover my eyes with his hand. But my son awaking me from my sleep and I never seen the man again. Every night I ask for Nico(that is what I call him do ask me why) to come back but so far I have not seen either of them. Was that my sprit guide? Please let me know.
By karla, Monday, January 26, 2009 02:11:28 PM
Hi sylvia,my new boyfriend,who I feel like I've known all my life recently went under meditation in search of his spiritual guide.he found her,but the strange thing is she said her name is miranda. so does this mean we are truly twin flames ?thank you,karla,nyc-if you can please email me at
By karla, Monday, January 26, 2009 01:59:40 PM
Hi sylvia,I recently spoke to my boss about finding out who I was in my past life.that night in my dreams I found myself being met by a young girl and a woman in the hall of records.she picked up a book,which I felt belonged to me and said,I will help you.I don't remember anymore.the next day I asked the woman to give me clarity if she is my spiritual guide.I woke up the next day and I had the name miranda in my mind.karla,nyc

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