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The Journey to The Other Side
by Sylvia Browne

Many people ask me "What is the journey to The Other Side like?" This is a very common question and it is quite understandable that we would wonder about this experience.

When our bodies die, most of us experience a brilliantly lit tunnel that rises from our own bodies. This tunnel leads more "across" than "up" at about a twenty- or thirty-degree angle. We then travel with the glorious, weightless freedom through this sideways tunnel. While in this tunnel, we do not feel as if we have died, but we feel more thrillingly alive than we ever were on earth. All of our worries, frustrations, anger, resentment and negativity melt away. These negative emotions are replaced by peace and all-loving, unconditional understanding as we remember and understand that we are about to reunite with Home.

God's sacred white light waits to embrace us at the very end of the tunnel. Our loved ones are there, from every lifetime to greet us. They are eager to see us. Family, friends, pets and everyone that you have ever loved is there to see you.

Once you arrive at The Other Side, you continue with a busy and active life pursuing interests that you enjoy. Sometimes there are activities that we enjoyed on The Other Side that we did not do while on Earth that we can now look forward to taking up once more. There are lectures, concerts, classes, conversation groups and all sorts of cultural activities.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Barbara, Wednesday, January 21, 2009 04:24:45 PM
Dear Sylvia, my husband, Jim, passed away on 1/11/09 and on that day I told him early in the morning, it's a good day to go Home. I thought it particularly wonderous he went Home on 1/11 (the trinity)... as I always see those times on my clocks, 1:11 or 11:11... A few days later, on Thursday, January 15th, two friends were visiting from up the street, friends who'd never been here before and we've lived here since 1994. Well, around 5:30 (or so) as we were sitting at the kitchen table, I heard a noise, as did Vern and Karrie, and then from out of nowhere a brand new dime dropped by our dog, Ariel's, water bowel. I asked them both, did "you see that?"... Vern replied, I heard it and Karrie said, "yeah, I saw that, what is it?" Upon viewing this brand new dime, I told them to look at my ceiling and tell me where a coin could drop from there... NO WHERE... It was like magic... He did make it and with his leukemia and all, I'm relieved but do so miss him. Another thing that happened, my friend, who is a psychic and lives in Nevada, went out to his garage and said these words..."Jim, I know you're here, I can feel your presence but I can't see you"... after saying it again, he heard a whisper "take care of her"... Sylvia, I so respect you and your writings, they've inspired me to write poetry and do drawings and watercolors... I hope this story does show other people, if one is open to receiving then one receives. God Bless you and thank you for all... and Chris, too. He did a reading for me last April '08. And life goes on, and what a wondersous life it is... Sincerely, Barbara Arellanes, Walnut Creek, January 21, '09 at 1:24 p.m.
By carla, Saturday, November 08, 2008 11:46:57 AM
hello. i have read your book about the tunnel and the otherside. thank you for your information about the otherside. i was just wondering , who will be there for me ,when ipass away. i hope my mom and dad will come for me. that will be neat. i cant wait to go home again.thank you very much for everything sylvia. your friend , carla m. rochester,ny 2/14/73
By Barbara, Saturday, October 18, 2008 11:36:40 AM
when i was young i would cry to my mother that i didn't belong here. i would cry and say "i just want to go home" she would get upset and explain that i am loverd and this is my home . i now understand what i was feeling years ago. i still want to go home but i understand that i wil go when it my time. thanks to sylvia
By kathryn, Thursday, August 21, 2008 11:48:42 PM
My dad died recently, july 16,08. I am wondering if he knew we were with him at the hospital before he died. He wasnt responsive other then he squeezed our hand once in awhile if we held his hand. I wonder if he had a safe jouney to the other side and if my brother met him there. I wonder if he comes around me and or my other family members. I hope he knows how very much we loved him. I am going to miss him a lot. Kathryn W.
By Kay, Wednesday, August 20, 2008 01:10:49 PM
I love the work Sylvia and her son have done for the people who need them, I am in possession of all her books and read them again and again. If one does not believe, then go do something worthwhile! It does not do any good to post "non-believer comments". Everyone has the right to speak their opinion, I do not believe you have the right to try to persuade everyone to your side of the issue. Please leave us be here at spirit now,we are not harming anyone! God bless Sylvia and all who are around her. Kay Dukes, Washington state.
By Suzanne, Tuesday, August 19, 2008 12:29:52 AM
Hello Sylvia, I'm a registered user & I just watched your Live webcast this evening (8-18-08) & was just wondering a few things. Can you Please tell the rest of us in here what you see in regards to the future of the economy regarding Jobs in the United States & here in Lower Michigan, & can you also Please tell us what you see in regards to Global Warming? And I was also wondering (on a more person note...) what you could tell me in regards to when I will finally meet the man I am suppose to be with & marry & what his name will be. When will I finally be able to find work again & when will I meet the man I am suppose to marry? I am a Plus Size Lower Michigan Single Female & have been in that "Desert Period" that you have talked about for far too long, & really could use your help & guidance so I hope that you'll be able to answer my questions come next month in September! Thanks! :D Here's a little about me - My name is Suzanne G. & I am a Plus Size, Old Fashion Single CAPRICORN Female who was born in the Pontiac area of Lower Michigan on January 17th, 1970 at 12:29 AM. (hopefully this should help you...) I just hope that you'll be able to answer my question in regards to both my Job issue & what & who the man I am suppose to meet & marry will actually look like. When will I find work again & when will I meet the man I will marry & can you please tell me what he will look like. Please tell me in September! Thankyou very much for reading & God Bless you! :D ~ SUE ~
By Jenali, Wednesday, August 13, 2008 03:59:10 PM
I have read about the other side in many books. I am not scared of the other side, but I am TERRIFIED of how and when I will die. If there will be a lot of pain or how it will effect my children. I am so scared I stay up and cry alot. I don't do anything dangerous and I am so freaked out of everything. I don't feel like this is normal, I should not be scared to die. How do I get this to go away and live a good and happy life??
By Leanne, Tuesday, August 12, 2008 07:37:58 PM
I did read in one of Sylvia's books about how Father God created souls and how they were named and given their own special sound. So I just assumed (probably not a good thing) that the supply is as unlimited as his love. Does this make sense?
By Geralyn, Tuesday, August 12, 2008 07:32:23 PM
You guys are a very insightful group. Thank you all for sharing your amazing stories, I very much enjoyed reading them. I have a question I have been wondering about and would love some feed back if anyone feels like giving it. I have been thinking about spirits, souls etc. and wondering if there have always been like millions and billions of souls on the other side to accomodate the earths growing population. Does that make any sense? I always wonder about this. Thanks
By Geralyn, Tuesday, August 12, 2008 07:13:53 PM
You guys are a very insightful group. Thank you all for sharing your amazing stories, I very much enjoyed reading them. I have a question I have been wondering about and would love some feed back if anyone feels like giving it. I have been thinking about spirits, souls etc. and wondering if there have always been like millions and billions of souls on the other side to accomodate the earths growing population. Does that make any sense? I always wonder about this. Thanks

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