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Your Relationship With Yourself
by Sylvia Browne

I'd like to talk about something that we don't really talk about very often: our relationship with ourselves.

Let me ask you a question: are you a friend to yourself? Do you love or like yourself? If you hesitate to answer for the second question, you are not alone. We are taught not to love ourselves because it is supposedly selfish to love yourself. But it is not so, we need to love ourselves in order to reach our true spiritual growth. Getting comfortable with your own company and feeling joy in this is an important thing to have in your lifetime!

Some people feel so uncomfortable about themselves that they won't let themselves be alone for even a moment. Do you know people like that? They run from activity to activity and always have people coming and going. Their phone is constantly ringing and everything just seems to happen in a total whirlwind. Please don't misunderstand: there is nothing wrong with being busy. I like busy, and I am a busy person by nature and know plenty of good folks that are busy. But running so fast that you don't get to know yourself is very troublesome.

Confronting your fear about exploring who you are is critical. Many of these folks are simply stuck in harmful patterns that they keep repeating that keep them unhappy. Changing the harmful patterns can change their life.

Take the time to get to know yourself and to treasure the unique, beautiful person that you are!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By maylin, Friday, July 25, 2008 07:28:27 AM
hi Kathryn. your dad knows how much you love him. he is just there watching over you. and you know, insecurity is normal in a person. you just need to pray and have faith. God will help you in His own way and try to wait for it. the right time will come for you.
By kathryn, Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:02:33 AM
I love myself but have my share of insecurities and worries. I'm a renter and that is hard in itself because the house you live in is not yours and your landlord has your life in there hands they can kick you out and charge you whatever they want. I worry if I will be able to survive in this world financially and if I'll ever have a significant other (normal things people worry about I suppose). But I like what you said in your recent webcast. You said just turn it over to the lord. I really like you, your talents and all that you do. And if I say do you want to go see Sylvia Browne with me or try to talk about you people in my life don't relate. Maybe they think oh a psychic and they think it is not godly but they just don't know you and know that you and your faith and what you are all about. I just really enjoy you and hope (like everyone else) that one day one of my questions will be answered. I have so many. My dad just passed away on July 16th (this month). I went to see him in the hospital. Did he know I was there. Did he know he was surrounded by people who loved him. I miss him so much already. When we visited him in june for a vacation. I feel bad I was not more patient with him. i loved him so much. I hope he knew that. Kathryn
By maylin, Wednesday, July 23, 2008 09:25:48 AM
oh and Christina, regarding your second question if it is still considered suicide when you are required to have a treatment but refuses to have it, it think that it is also considered as suicide. because you are still trying to kill yourself. but it really depends on the person because they also have reasons why they do it. we can not blame them.
By maylin, Wednesday, July 23, 2008 09:22:15 AM
hi Christina. i just would like to share my opinion. yo know, suicide has never been a good thing. like what we all know, we don't have the right to take away our lives because God is the only one who has that right. it is a big sin to commit suicide and if you want to go to the other side, do not do it.
By Christine, Tuesday, July 22, 2008 09:30:44 AM
Hi Sylvia. I have read many of your books and have seen you twice in person. You have helped me tremendously in some really dark times. My question is for a friend who also respects you and your opinions. Is it still considered suicide if you find out you have a treatable condition, and without treatment it will eventually kill you, and you decide not to get the treatment? Thanks so much. Christine
By maylin, Tuesday, July 22, 2008 08:20:47 AM
yes. if we keep hatred in our hearts, God will never be happy about it. we should learn to forgive and just move on. life is made to be wonderful and we should enjoy it as much as we can, as long as we live. we only have one life, so let us make the most of it and try to love people rather than hate them.
By Green, Sunday, July 20, 2008 11:50:53 AM
Maylin that is right. God will always forgive. And because He is divine, it will be very easy for Him to do that. As human beings, things are not as easy as they might seem. I would let go of all anger and forgive every single person if I could today. That is what I want. I do not want to habour any anger towards anyone. That would only cause ME be in pain. But sometimes we have no control over who our hearts forgive and who it doesn't.
By maylin, Friday, July 18, 2008 10:28:45 AM
well, Green, it is not really that easy to forgive the people who hurt you. but time heals all wounds, right? maybe time will just tell when you are already healed. and like what they say, God will always forgive so why people can't? if God can forgive, so people do.
By peggy, Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:46:11 PM
I must say there is truth in the words "we reap what we sow". a few yrs back i was very negative. things that happen in our lives can do that to you if you let it and i did. i was depressed, i gained weight to 204lbs, i did nothing but sit & be negative. The reap...sow message came on my tv one day and really made me soul search, and my mom said to me once "sometimes you just gotta kick yerself in the butt and get movin to change it. i did and got out more, got weight down to 140, improved outlook. the other negative i had was the relationship i was in. I was angry at my man and what he was doing or wasn't doing mostly (not being responsible-etc) and he angry at what i had become from it (i kept withdrawing myself further and further from him) so it was a viscious circle really and no communication. so for Linda what I am saying is i had same reactions and i reacted the same - when around others all was hunky dory, when just together it was NEGATIVE. all came to a head (split or not split?) we improved and still are each day and its very hard sometimes but i find the positive in each day and keep going. for you Linda i think the relationship is toxic and negative and he resents it for whatever reason. and you also resent it. So now you are divorced yet he is still being needed to help you and he is still resenting it. that is why he is negative i am pretty sure of it. you need help obviously since you said you are disabled, but i think you need to find other outside help and get him out of your life. distance yourself from him and his negativity and your life will improve more positively for yourself. there are many programs in cities now to help people and you just need to call on them and they are happy to help. Are there other friends you can call on? Love yourself for who you are and don't waste your positive energy on trying to change his cuz you never will.
By shan, Thursday, July 17, 2008 08:27:07 PM
Thank you !!!!!! You gave me something to really think about !!! Sooooooooo true, so true !!!! Love, Shan

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