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Your Relationship With Yourself
by Sylvia Browne

I'd like to talk about something that we don't really talk about very often: our relationship with ourselves.

Let me ask you a question: are you a friend to yourself? Do you love or like yourself? If you hesitate to answer for the second question, you are not alone. We are taught not to love ourselves because it is supposedly selfish to love yourself. But it is not so, we need to love ourselves in order to reach our true spiritual growth. Getting comfortable with your own company and feeling joy in this is an important thing to have in your lifetime!

Some people feel so uncomfortable about themselves that they won't let themselves be alone for even a moment. Do you know people like that? They run from activity to activity and always have people coming and going. Their phone is constantly ringing and everything just seems to happen in a total whirlwind. Please don't misunderstand: there is nothing wrong with being busy. I like busy, and I am a busy person by nature and know plenty of good folks that are busy. But running so fast that you don't get to know yourself is very troublesome.

Confronting your fear about exploring who you are is critical. Many of these folks are simply stuck in harmful patterns that they keep repeating that keep them unhappy. Changing the harmful patterns can change their life.

Take the time to get to know yourself and to treasure the unique, beautiful person that you are!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Green, Thursday, July 17, 2008 06:24:11 AM
Victoria, I know how difficult it can be to forgive and let go of some things in your past. I have had experiences of being mentally and physically abused by a member of my family and I also have a hard time forgiving that. What has really helped me is prayer. Unlike you though, I believe in only in one God and HE is the only one I pray to and ask for help. I ask Him to help me ease the pain of the past and help me forgive those who have hurt me. It has helped me immensely. I have forgiven a lot of people that have really hurt me in the past and I'm able to look back at the memories and not feel any pain. I still have problems though trying to forgive the member of my family who did a lot to hurt me but hopefully, I will be able to one day.
By maylin, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 06:47:51 AM
Learning to love yourself will really be a difficult task for many of us, especially if we have so many issues about ourselves. but it will start within yourself. and you will only learn how to love yourself if you will learn to accept your weaknesses and disabilities.
By victoria, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 09:34:46 PM
Dearest, loveliest Sylvia! I praise all those on the Other Side for bringing us all together, and for your commitment to do God’s work! Since being led to you, literally thru those on the Other Side, my family has received so many wonderful blessings. Learning to love myself has been, and still is, a long and difficult challenge but, as you wrote in one of your books (I have so many of them I cannot remember which one), how can we expect others to love us if we are unable to love ourselves? When we harbor negative energy, we attract the same. I have applied the many words of wisdom as often as I can possibly remember to do so. I cannot sleep at night without you[r meditation CD’s]. However, I still find myself carrying my emotional and physical pain around like a banner. I feel like I cannot let go. I do remember, as a child, making sure that I would tell everyone about the horrific child abuse we suffered so that we could no longer be ignored, or told not to talk about it. Now, it is a highly addressed issue in society but, I cannot seem to release the past and often find myself continuing my family’s abuse upon myself. I have so much to be thankful for, and I am overjoyed with my current life. I do have to take medication for P.T.S.D. and I am faithful about my treatment plan. Still, I must find a way, or be guided on how, to release these pains. It is interfering with my ability to work on learning to love myself. Thank you so very much!!! I pray the light of love from Mother God, Father God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit encompass you and all of your connections every moment of every day! Victoria
By victoria, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 09:30:08 PM
Dearest, loveliest Sylvia! I praise all those on the Other Side for bringing us all together, and for your commitment to do God’s work! Since being led to you, literally thru those on the Other Side, my family has received so many wonderful blessings. Learning to love myself has been, and still is, a long and difficult challenge but, as you wrote in one of your books (I have so many of them I cannot remember which one), how can we expect others to love us if we are unable to love ourselves? When we harbor negative energy, we attract the same. I have applied the many words of wisdom as often as I can possibly remember to do so. I cannot sleep at night without you[r meditation CD’s]. However, I still find myself carrying my emotional and physical pain around like a banner. I feel like I cannot let go. I do remember, as a child, making sure that I would tell everyone about the horrific child abuse we suffered so that we could no longer be ignored, or told not to talk about it. Now, it is a highly addressed issue in society but, I cannot seem to release the past and often find myself continuing my family’s abuse upon myself. I have so much to be thankful for, and I am overjoyed with my current life. I do have to take medication for P.T.S.D. and I am faithful about my treatment plan. Still, I must find a way, or be guided on how, to release these pains. It is interfering with my ability to work on learning to love myself. Thank you so very much!!! I pray the light of love from Mother God, Father God, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit encompass you and all of your connections every moment of every day! Victoria
By maylin, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 06:38:12 AM
That is good Arman. There are really things about ourselves that we are very curious about. when we say that we know ourselves, there are still something that we do not know about ourselves and that makes us also mysterious. what is good is that we try to seek what we want to know about ourselves.
By Mariah, Monday, July 14, 2008 02:38:37 PM
Thank you Sylvia. God bless you!
By arman, Monday, July 14, 2008 04:07:59 AM
When I think about discovering the person that I am, the real me, I can just find a person in me that wonders about alot of things in life, I guess im just a curious individual, this has led me to spirituality.
By maylin, Monday, July 14, 2008 03:36:55 AM
Hello Green. that is really great. i also have bunch of messages which i use to guide me everyday. it was given to me by a friend. and everyday, i pick up one card with the message and become inspired by it. i use that as my guide in my everyday life.
By maylin, Monday, July 14, 2008 03:34:36 AM
Hello Wendy. thank you for sharing your great story. you know, i ahve also been a loner and i used to hate myself, physically and emotionally. i am a very deep person and i get hurt easily by other people. but you are right that we are God's children and He made us all beautiful. let us love ourselves because i believe that if you hate yourself, you also hate God who created you.
By maylin, Monday, July 14, 2008 03:31:34 AM
well, Linda, is he like that even before? i really think there is something bothering him. because like what you have said, he is so nice to other people but when he is alone with you, he has a negative attitude. maybe there is an issue between you and him.

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