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Your Relationship With Yourself
by Sylvia Browne

I'd like to talk about something that we don't really talk about very often: our relationship with ourselves.

Let me ask you a question: are you a friend to yourself? Do you love or like yourself? If you hesitate to answer for the second question, you are not alone. We are taught not to love ourselves because it is supposedly selfish to love yourself. But it is not so, we need to love ourselves in order to reach our true spiritual growth. Getting comfortable with your own company and feeling joy in this is an important thing to have in your lifetime!

Some people feel so uncomfortable about themselves that they won't let themselves be alone for even a moment. Do you know people like that? They run from activity to activity and always have people coming and going. Their phone is constantly ringing and everything just seems to happen in a total whirlwind. Please don't misunderstand: there is nothing wrong with being busy. I like busy, and I am a busy person by nature and know plenty of good folks that are busy. But running so fast that you don't get to know yourself is very troublesome.

Confronting your fear about exploring who you are is critical. Many of these folks are simply stuck in harmful patterns that they keep repeating that keep them unhappy. Changing the harmful patterns can change their life.

Take the time to get to know yourself and to treasure the unique, beautiful person that you are!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By maylin, Saturday, July 12, 2008 01:22:59 AM
Yes Green, i agree with you. Donna has really an inspiring story. and it is good that she had given her self time to realize her worth and be a blessing to others. it is very important for us to be worthy of what we are and be respected. how? by respecting also other people, treating them right and loving them.
By maylin, Saturday, July 12, 2008 01:20:32 AM
Hi Donna. you are an inspiration. i really think that everyone who will read your story are going to tell you the same thing. continue to be a speaker. thank you for sharing your story. and i am happy for you.
By bonnie, Friday, July 11, 2008 12:19:49 PM friend has been ill for a long time..she has 2 teens..she talks to them alot without really any meaning.i dont think she loves herself..shes sad lately..she trys to hard ...her children are tired of her talking..i wish i new what to do..other than tell her..she is stuborn..very..she says she will change if they tell what is wrong but she doesnt see that she is talking too much etc..she doesnt give kids space..i know she is not well..also her mind is also working it never stops not even when she is asleep..maybe because she was always in charge and the children are young adults who trying there own wings now and dont want her input on every last detail...she wont let go..its time for her to change her role alittle..i dont know maybe then she can spend time on her healing..mind body and spirit...she is only 51...she has been so ill and on tons of meds..i have her going to my wholistic doctor..i think meds are her biggest problem for not getting well because they are not working and she cant see it well im sorry but i needed to air my feeling to someone with you insight..thank you ever so much ..bonnie
By bonnie, Friday, July 11, 2008 12:04:07 PM
i like myself..i know that for sure i like having friends but sometimes i feel im a loner.i would like to share myself with someone..but i would like this last one to be with me till i go to the otherside..havent been content in so long..the trials i have put myself through have been most of my life now i hope that i can have a little special something happen in my spirit or me seems eminate from me because people all around me say hi,,..even when im driving..when im in need not want i usually receive..i do ask god and he or she comes through for me..i must be talking to my guide alot..i ask what do think thank you sylvia
By Tammy, Friday, July 11, 2008 09:07:34 AM
I once read, what ever you say about someone else is what you are saying to yourself.
By Tammy, Friday, July 11, 2008 09:04:44 AM
I am trying to be more positive with everything I DO and SAY, even when my husband speaks, I make a comment about his negative attitude. I have a neighbor that likes to play games, in a variety of negative ways. I am having a hard time with finding positive with someone who goes out of their way to try and piss me off. Any advice, besides a fence? (which we can not afford) Thanks! Tammy E, Michigan
By Green, Friday, July 11, 2008 04:34:39 AM
Donna that is really inspiring. I am really glad you have completely turn over your life and taken control of it. It is good to have a feeling of self worth and demand that people treat you with respect. I am glad that you are now working to spread the message. God bless your cause.
By Donna, Friday, July 11, 2008 03:41:46 AM
I was on the street for many years and a hopeless addict yet I fought everyday with the belief that I was nothing, because this is what I was told as a child, by my mother, social workers, and I read it in the way people looked and behaved towards me...I have always known somewhere deep in my heart that I deserved more and as I grew older I demanded those around me to treat me as I would treat them...I changed my life with those angels who showed themselves to me, who spoke to me in my dreams and who fed me when I was hungry...I'm a speaker now AND PLAN NEVER TO KEEP QUIET and to pass it on to those who have also been misled!!
By maylin, Friday, July 11, 2008 02:39:29 AM
Hi Laurie. We have the same experiences. and i think that many people also had mistakes. i know that the mistakes i did made me hate myself. but i realized that it should not affect my life. these even taught me how to be stronger and accept challenges in my life.
By maylin, Friday, July 11, 2008 02:34:18 AM
You are welcome Anastacia. I was just really amazed with your child. i think that you taught your child many things about life. and that is really good. it is important that we learn to accept ourselves and love what we are. and teaching our children about this will be good for them.

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