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Is Your Pet On The Other Side?
Pets on The Other Side Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

by Sylvia Browne


Truly I know that the loss of a pet can be as devastating as the loss of any friend or family member in your life. People always ask me how to find their pet on The Other Side. Please knowwithout a doubtthat your pet will be waiting for you on The Other Side.


I can still remember when I lost my pet dog Jolie. The vet told me that Jolie had congestive heart failure and was not going to live. I held Jolie in my arms as she lay dying. At the very moment she passed, I saw a tremendous swirl of radiant white light. I closed my eyes and then I could see Jolie runningnot walkingthrough the tunnel that leads to The Other Side. In that instant, Jolie was gone and I had witnessed my beloved dog going Home to The Other Side. 


Animals are a little different when it comes to facing the tunnel that leads to The Other Side. People sometimes hesitate, but animals never do. This is why there are no animal ghosts. Animals, including pets, go Home to The Other Side when their bodies are resting during life here on earth.


Your pets have loved you, not just during this lifetimebut for an eternity. They unselfishly chose to come here to be specifically with you. Realize that animals do not need to come to earth to learn and experience life as people do.


Our pets from The Other Side often come back to visit with us. They watch over and protect us, just as they did when they were in our homes. You can talk to a pet that is on The Other Side just as you would talk to any loved one who is there.


Pets can understand what we say when we talk to them here on earth and on The Other Side. But here on earth they cannot “speak” to us. They do communicate by wagging a tail or purring. On The Other Side, pets can communicate telepathically. They can communicate thoughts without saying a word.


Your pet is one of the first souls to greet you when you go Home (to heaven). Pets are very eager to reconnect with you once again. Your pets look and act the same as they did on earth. Won’t it be fun to scratch your cat’s ears or rub your dog’s tummy again when you go Home?


Pets are very special souls indeed. This bond is not broken when their time on earth is over. You are always connected to your pet by your love. Your pet will be waiting on The Other Side.

Love always,

Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.


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By Judy, Saturday, January 10, 2009 10:19:12 AM
Dear Sylvia, I loved reading this article because I have lost so many precious pets. I have a dog Max that periodically comes in my room aand stares at the same spot on my ceiling, and nothing is there, and he wines and keeps staring at the same place every time. I am wondering if he sees a spirit of some kind either one of my pets that have passed, or maybe my mom, or someone else that has passed? Thank You, Judy
By Kim, Wednesday, January 07, 2009 11:59:49 PM
Our pets are our companions, and all animals are our conscience. Our pets give us the greatest gift a human can receive, the ability to give and feel love. If we deliberately mistreat animals, then we have no conscience. It is a good indication as to whether someone is a good person or a bad person, by noting how they treat animals. I wholeheartedly agree that animals share our world both here and on the other side, as God intended.
By LaDonna, Wednesday, January 07, 2009 09:58:28 PM
My dog, Angel, died in my arms after being run over in the driveway. I was so devastated until a week later. Some will tell you it was just a dream, but it wasn't JUST a dream. It was my Angel Dog licking my face to wake me as she often did if I slept late--only it was 5:30 am. Her tail was wagging, and I was grinning, and I know that it was her way of letting me know that she was fine and happy on the Other Side, and that she would be there to greet me when my time here is finished. I talk to her often, after all, she is my Angel.
By Debbie, Wednesday, January 07, 2009 03:03:39 PM
I lost my wonderful dog Dixie a few years back and was very glad to know that she will be waiting for me on the other side .That gives me great comfort to know this and was able to get though the rough time after she had passed I thank Sylvia Browne for her book Animals on the Other Side. This was a comfort to me. I feel it will be a great day when I see her again and we'll be side by side one more time.
By robbi, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 11:09:17 PM
My family and I are very relieved that we will see our pets on the otherside. We have had lots of pets in our lives and we lost five just last year. Including my cat I have had for over ten years Tiger. It has been hard since he left me. Then there was Bever our other cat and so many more.We miss them all very much.
By Katherine, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 09:38:44 PM
Thank You, Sylvia for your comfort on this difficult subject. I lost my best friends, Nikki and Kristy, 4 years ago, less than a year apart, which was devastating, to me. Knowing that I will see them on the other side is the most important thing in the world, to me! God Bless, Katherine in Oregon
By Kathy, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 08:31:11 PM
Sylvia, I've been working as an animal communicator for 7 years, telepathically connecting to animals who are living as well as those who have crossed over, I thought. Your article suggests that we cannot telepathically communicate with living animals. Is that what you mean? And if so, what do you think animal communicators are doing that causes the animals' behavior to change? Some say what we do is not psychic ability, some say it is. Where do you weigh in on this? I'd be thrilled to hear your thoughts on animal communication. Thanks. Kathy "Keek" Mensing
By Kathy, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 08:28:20 PM
Sylvia, I've been working as an animal communicator for 7 years, telepathically connecting to animals who are living as well as those who have crossed over, I thought. Your article suggests that we cannot telepathically communicate with living animals. Is that what you mean? And if so, what do you think animal communicators are doing that causes the animals' behavior to change? Some say what we do is not psychic ability, some say it is. Where do you weigh in on this? I'd be thrilled to hear your thoughts on animal communication. Thanks. Kathy "Keek" Mensing
By Katharina, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 07:55:06 PM
Thank you Sylvia, I miss my animals so much and just knowing that I will be with them again is wonderful to know .
By Daileen, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 05:03:35 PM

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