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Is Your Pet On The Other Side?
Pets on The Other Side Psychic Sylvia Browne, World-renowned Psychic Sylvia Browne pictures

by Sylvia Browne


Truly I know that the loss of a pet can be as devastating as the loss of any friend or family member in your life. People always ask me how to find their pet on The Other Side. Please knowwithout a doubtthat your pet will be waiting for you on The Other Side.


I can still remember when I lost my pet dog Jolie. The vet told me that Jolie had congestive heart failure and was not going to live. I held Jolie in my arms as she lay dying. At the very moment she passed, I saw a tremendous swirl of radiant white light. I closed my eyes and then I could see Jolie runningnot walkingthrough the tunnel that leads to The Other Side. In that instant, Jolie was gone and I had witnessed my beloved dog going Home to The Other Side. 


Animals are a little different when it comes to facing the tunnel that leads to The Other Side. People sometimes hesitate, but animals never do. This is why there are no animal ghosts. Animals, including pets, go Home to The Other Side when their bodies are resting during life here on earth.


Your pets have loved you, not just during this lifetimebut for an eternity. They unselfishly chose to come here to be specifically with you. Realize that animals do not need to come to earth to learn and experience life as people do.


Our pets from The Other Side often come back to visit with us. They watch over and protect us, just as they did when they were in our homes. You can talk to a pet that is on The Other Side just as you would talk to any loved one who is there.


Pets can understand what we say when we talk to them here on earth and on The Other Side. But here on earth they cannot “speak” to us. They do communicate by wagging a tail or purring. On The Other Side, pets can communicate telepathically. They can communicate thoughts without saying a word.


Your pet is one of the first souls to greet you when you go Home (to heaven). Pets are very eager to reconnect with you once again. Your pets look and act the same as they did on earth. Won’t it be fun to scratch your cat’s ears or rub your dog’s tummy again when you go Home?


Pets are very special souls indeed. This bond is not broken when their time on earth is over. You are always connected to your pet by your love. Your pet will be waiting on The Other Side.

Love always,

Sylvia Browne

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.


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By Mary, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 02:44:18 PM
Hi Slyvia, When I opened my e-mail, I could not believe what was on the page. This is just what I needed to read. Friday, Jan. 02, 2009, my little Destiney was killed by a car. I had let her outside in the lot with Midnight, my Lab to play. My other little girl, Cheyenna stayed inside. Within 5 min. I received a called she was in the road dead. Midnight had got out of the fence and she followed him. She was the most lovable dog I have ever had. She always seemed to have a smile on her face. It is hard, but I know time will help. Thanks for listening. Mary 01/06/2009
By Nancy, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 01:25:50 PM
Hello Sylvia, I lost my best friend in August of '08. We were having a tough time financially and had not had the chance to give him his vaccines. He was a little over two years old and I had been lucky enough to be his friend since he was 6 weeks old. His name was Binky. Binky and I were so close and losing him has put me into a deep depression. I visit his grave nearly every day. I miss him so much and have often wondered if animals go to the other side. I am thankful to you for giving me this info. Binky contracted the canine disease that usually strikes puppies called Parvo. The vet said that since he was an adult he could possibly pull thru and told me to take him home and force gatorade in him with an eyedropper. I did this for hours, but I could tell he was getting worse and he died in my arms in the early hours of the morning. I stayed with him the whole time. I never even went to the bathroom. I could not leave him. I sang to him and talked to him, told him how sorry I was and how much I loved him. I still feel like it is my fault because I did not get him the prevention that could have kept him here with me. Is there anyway of finding out if he blames me? I miss him so very much. I named a star after him on a website called gone to dog star. It helped some but my heart still screams for him. So once again Thank You for giving me hope that I will see my sweet friend again someday.
By Patricia, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 01:24:42 PM
My precious cat, Jazz found me 12 years ago. Little did I know that I would need her comfort in the near future. We spent many blessed years together. She died in my arms 5 months ago, at 18 years of age. Two weeks later, while sleeping I saw Jazz. I can remember thinking"don't wake up or she'll be gone." She was in the kitchen, and I was standing at the counter watching her. She started walking toward the sliding glass door to go outside, and the closer she got to the door, the more she disappeared, until she vanished. I feel she came to say goodbye. What a beautiful gift for me!!!!!
By Nancy, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 12:13:37 PM
Hi Sylvia, Thanks so much for this great article. I am touched by so many great stories. I have been involved in animal rescue for nearly two decades. In 2003, I returned home to a house fire that took nine dearly loved animals. Needless to say that I was reeling from the devastation of loss of my babies. For a long time it was too overwhelming to try to think of them all, so whatever cat I woke up thinking about was the one I focused on that day. Smoker, who had been with me for fourteen years and was indeed one of my most beloved critters, remains one of the most vivid characters. I have often sensed him around me as I have some of the others who were with me for a long time in particular. When I moved back into the house, I would be out in the garden and see him watching me from the window as he used to do or feel him curl up on my stomach while I slept. In fact, his spirit has remained so close, I incorporated him into a mystery I'm writing. After the fire, I was determined not to get any more animals for awhile until my heart could heal a little. One night, a little black cat came to the door of the apartment I was placed in while they rebuilt my home, and brought some light back into my life. I named him Starlight because he brought some light back into my life in a very dark time. His story is now available for folks to read in "A Resolution Gone Awry" in the new Chicken Soup for the Soul: My Resolution book, which makes him all the more special. The cat community knew what I needed to heal better than I! I have had the best success with my current cats when I send messages to the angels who are responsible for each animal. I use Reiki to open us all for the best communication and have High Self ask the angel for a particular animal to translate my message so the animal can understand it. Usually I see very clear evidence the message has been communicated in the behavior of the animal within just a few moments. It's quite something. Thanks for all that you give to folks.
By Rochelle, Friday, January 02, 2009 09:12:35 PM
My husband and I lost our beloved Golden Retriever/Collie mix, Buster, on 11/23/07 from adrenal cancer (very aggressive and not treatable). Buster was ten years old when he passed away and we had had him since he was between two and three years old. He was a rescue and about the sweetest, most well-behaved, adorable dog. His passing hurt both of us tremendously. When he died, he left a huge void in our hearts and home. Two months later we adopted a two-year-old Golden Retriever from a rescue group. Cosmo is very cute, sweet, and funny, and we love him so much. Even our nineteen-year-old cat likes him! I think Buster knew how much we were hurting and sent Cosmo to us to help us heal. I have always believed that animals have souls and that they wait for us on the Other Side of the Rainbow Bridge. Although I am not consciously eager to leave this life anytime soon, I am looking forward to seeing Buster again as well as all my other pets from over the years.
By Dorothy, Friday, November 21, 2008 06:41:42 PM
Thank you so much for all you do. This has been a bad year for me and it just got worse, I lost my beloved Jakob to cancer yesterday. Last night as I cried myself to sleep hold his blanket I felt his sniffing nose kiss my face. It was so real I thought I the loss of him was a dream. I open my eyes quickly yearning to see his face, but it wasn't there, I so want him to come to me again!! I miss him so. My husband is sure he is sending him the numbers one and three, they were shown to him multiple time today...I wish I new the relevance. I will continue to check websites for the answers. The article really helped me...Thanks Again!! It brings me great comfort to know he's on the other side loving it and waiting for us. Till we meet again my jader nader...I LOVE AND MISS YOU SO!!
By Kellie, Friday, October 31, 2008 11:59:20 AM
Hi Sylvia. I am working on becoming an Animal Chaplain and I know that pets/animals go home, but what about "pet" fish, i.e. goldfish and betas? I'm sure I will be asked that question by a child someday and would like to know how best to answer them. (also, I would like to know myself since I have had many fish as pets). Thank you for being here. I am learning so much from you. God bless you! Kellie
By JT, Tuesday, October 21, 2008 03:15:37 PM
First of all, thank you Sylvia for putting everything in perspective. It really has eased my personal pain in a recent loss of my dachsund, Lucy. With that said ,a dear friend of mine lost her beloved cat "stinky" of kidney failure. She lived to the ripe old age of 16! Needless to say she misses her dearly! If stinky were to live to 100 she still would be missed. She was an unusual feline, raised by "Maggie" a Golden Retriever (has since passed on to the other side a few yrs back), that took her in & nurtured her like any mother would. I'm sure Stinky was greeted by her adoptive canine Maggie the Golden Retriever when she arrived home...with that wagging tail, jumping up & down as well as her infectious kisses. Stinky we love you & we'll see you when we get home! PKS...WE LOVE YOU!!!
By Susan, Sunday, October 19, 2008 02:08:08 PM
We lost our beloved Miniature Schnauzer, Abby this past Wednesday. I think it was the hardest day of our lives. She had gone into total kidney failure. I spent three days and nights just hoding her. The vet who put her down was amazing and understanding. Abby and I had several talks before she left and she knew how very much I loved her and didn't want her to leave. She would look at me with those big brown eyes and I knew she was telling me it was time for her to go. Even though you realize that you must free her of her suffering, it's our selfishness that wants to hang on to her. I have all of Sylvia's books and have read them all. Right now, I can't read them again yet as I still seems to be in the denial state that she is gone. Everywhere I turn I expect to see her. Sylvia's books will be of great comfort to me soon, but in the meantime they have been helpful to several of my friends who have lost their pets too. I've having a really hard time trying to go on right now but I know abby would want me to. We have a lab-springer mix who was Abby's companion and she would want me to take special care of him as she did. He was with us when Abby passed, it helped him understand why she is not here. I see him greaving too so we comfort each other. Thank God he sent Sylvia into my life or I'm not sure I good go on with out my "baby girl."
By Rayeann, Wednesday, October 15, 2008 03:03:50 PM
My dog Stitches was just recently (Sept. 26, 2008)taken from me when a speeding motorcyclist crashed into the passenger side of our truck,after I turned into a parking lot, flipping us onto the driver side. She made it to the hospital but couldn't use her legs after the crash, and didn't have any broken bones or signs of internal injuries. They said she died from neurological damage. She was my constant companion and always by my side, happy to follow me anywhere. She was only with me 2 years and 2 months, I feel she was stolen from me. When my dog before her passed away, I at first didn't want to have to ever go through that pain again. Then I found myself looking on-line and found Stitches. I saw the look in her eyes in a pic on-line that said she is my dog. I am a dog person, so this time it didn't take me long to find my new girl. But, I don't want Stitches to feel I put her in a bad situation that got her hurt or that I abondoned her.

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