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Getting To Know Your Spirit Guide
by Sylvia Browne

For a while there, it seemed that the popular trend was for everyone who consulted a medium to get the name “Running Water,” “Standing Bear,” “Silver Fox,” or something like that for their guides. Now I’m not trying to dispute the fact that there may be some Native American spirit guides, but it just seems that during my many decades of research, I would have encountered one of them. However, as with everything else, if you do hear a name, roll it around in your mind, see if it feels right, and then use that name – or change it, as I did with Francine, my own Spirit Guide. Just do whatever feels comfortable to you. Even though it makes it more personal to call a guide by name, I fully believe that it doesn’t matter what you call them – as long as you do call on them.

Some guides will appear to us as children when we’re kids ourselves. My son Christopher, whose guide’s name is Charlie, came to him in the form of a little boy and grew up with him. Francine, on the other hand, and grew up with him. Francine, on the other hand, always seemed to be about 30 years of age and stayed that way. This is somewhat aggravating to me, since I’m now much older and she’s still 30!

I’ve done enough research to believe that given my childhood (which featured a somewhat absentee mother figure), Francine took on the persona of an older and matriarchal person, while Christopher, who had a strong mother figure (me), might have chosen to have his guide be a helping buddy. In fact, imaginary playmates are spirit guides 99 percent of the time. Guides will come in as children to make it easier for their young charges to learn from them.

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Linda, Tuesday, January 06, 2009 06:18:17 AM
hi sylvia. i wonder I have a Spiritguide?if i do what is his name? is he with me all the time or not? is he talking to me and if i he do HOW?does he speak any language or ? ? ? I Wonder If My mother is with me somethimes?
By ellen, Sunday, January 04, 2009 02:29:18 AM
Dear Sylvia, Ever since I was a child I have these dreams about this white man who on one instance put a bag of gold under my pillow, or just visited me in my dreams. And always, always I feel so happy during the dream, but when I wake up I feel sad, lonely and angry. Now I know why. I think he is my spirit guide and he has always been with me ever since I can remember. Especially when I was in my desert period. I once hear him calling out my name. I would love to know what his real name is. Thank you for teaching us about life and the other side. Thank God for directing me your way. Ellen
By abbigail, Thursday, December 11, 2008 01:17:40 AM
ok my name is abbi by borthday is 2-12-91 and i just need help on a few things and its been bugging me for a while i am very spiritual and i do belive in god i wear a cross necklace everyday sometimes when i am upset or really mad and i go to take a walk my spirit guide asks me if im ok and gives me advice i know it is a guy and i know how tall he is but i really would like to find out what his name is and sometimes i do have conversations with him and i dont know how to find that out and another thing i would like to figure out is sometimes when i walk home at night and i feel really uncomfortable and not safe i say can someone good someone from above please walk with me and then i would feel these 2 guys right next to me one on my left side and the other on my right,i can tell how tall they are i can tell that they are guys i can sence a little difference between them like in personality type and i think they both wear white and i feel alot more comfortable and safe i feel very good from them, are they 2 guardian angels or ? but i would like to know thier names as well can you please help me? im determind to find out all 3 names if you can when you have time can you please call me and if i dont answer please leave a message i live in pa 610 597 1498 thank you
By Beth, Wednesday, December 10, 2008 07:58:44 PM
How do I contact my spiritual guide? I believe in prayer and say them often before going to sleep. I would very much like to be able to contact my spiritual guide. Please show me the way. Thank-you Sylivia for being you! Beth
By Barbara, Friday, November 28, 2008 01:25:18 PM
Sylvia,I need to know my guide's name and you are the only one that can aswer my question.I was born 5/16/42.I lost my mother at the age of 13 when i needed her the most,but i know she is in heaven and thats a better place then here.Her name was Dorthea and if for some reason you make contact with her just tell her i'm fine and miss her and daddy very much,and love them both.Also,Sylvia i have been dreaming about you can you tell mr why?It would be great if you have the time to answer both of the question.Love you and thank you .My name is Barbara and you can reach me at or call me at 717-795-0715 i live in to hear from you*****
By Monica, Thursday, November 20, 2008 01:10:27 AM
Dear Sylvi, I was privilaged when you picked my video for the web cast on November 19, 2008. I was never so excited. Regarding my question on my son, you gave his spirit guides name, how wonderful, he was so excited when i told him. I now wish i knew mine. I am still trying to get in touch with mine, i guess i must be doing something wrong. But i will be joining your next web cast, maybe i will be so lucky for you to answer that question. I love you very much, you are so wonderful! you set my heart at ease. Thank you so much sylvia..Love Monica god bless!
By andrew, Wednesday, November 19, 2008 07:19:56 PM
My Spirit Guide's name is Anastasia. I'm psychic(though I'm not sure if it's my life theme), so I've been doing readings for quite some time now. Anastasia is theatrical, full of life, and even sarcastic. The other day, I was feeling a bit guilty about a situation with my friends. I asked my Spirit Guide, "Should I feel guilty?" She said, "I don't know, SHOULD you feel guilty?" It's obvious that our guides won't just give us the answer to all our questions, and also that they truly have a unique personality(just like us.) Mind you, I'm sixteen years old, and I have never in my life doubted the existence of The Other Side. Sylvia's right--we've been there before, and we're back here on Earth for learning.
By joyce, Saturday, November 15, 2008 02:38:53 AM
i don't know who my spirit guide is but sure would like too. i don't think i've ever felt anyone around me. i know as a child i use to daydream alot, i would be looking at a catalog from sears or something like that, and when i found a page that really caught my attention, i use to sit there staring at it until i was that person. it was very intense, i did it for hours every day. i could'nt stop myself from doing it no matter how hard i tried. i guess i concentrated on it so hard that my body legs and feet would move and i would fiddle with my hands. i did'nt know i was doing it, until my sister or someone would see me and say "joyce what are you doing?" i would be so embarrassed i would just say "nothing" and they would tell me to stop fidgeting. i don't even remember how old i was when i finally stopped doing it. but it sure was a great escape. from joyce
By Hannah, Wednesday, November 12, 2008 08:43:39 PM
By Hannah, wed, nov. 12 I had a very vivid dream with my spirit guide. He asked me about my accomplishments lately and what I've been up to. I told him not much and that I was waiting. Then he put his arm around me and said; that's why your so fascinating to me. He welcomed me back later to talk some more but I can't remember another dream. I wonder what he's been thinking.
By Brian, Sunday, November 09, 2008 05:00:09 PM
i was listenting to your cd that came with your book, contacting your spirit guide, and you said that there are dark people that do not have a spirit guide. i was wondering if you could tell me if i have a guide and if so, what his/her name is. i also don't remember a lot of my childhood, but i do remember being able to know things before they happened, how can i open those doors again. i also have a hard time with visual images when trying to meditate.

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