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Who is Mother God?

by Sylvia Browne

Many have heard me talk about Father God and Mother God. But they are unsure about exactly who this Mother God is and what she does! I am happy to offer a bit of an explanation to you.


There has always been a Mother God and a Father God. Mother God has been around just as long as the belief in angels and long before our belief in reincarnation. Some religions and cultures have given Mother God a different name—but that does not mean that Mother God is someone else. She has been called Sophia, the goddess of wisdom, by Gnostic tradition. She has also been called Theodora, the fertility goddess—who is mentioned in ancient holy texts. Mother God has also been called Isis by the ancient Egyptians.


You can call on Mother God for healing and also for protection. She is always ready to come to your comfort and aid. 


Have you ever called on Mother God? Now that we have talked about Mother God….please let us know if you do call upon her!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By shan, Saturday, August 23, 2008 06:06:38 AM
my feelings of mother god, have been mixed !!!!! I dont know why they would because everytime i ask for the flower it appears !!!!! Shan xo
By John, Sunday, August 17, 2008 08:28:44 PM
I thank Syliva and Jesus for teaching me abought Mother GOD !!I don't have any problem believing about her.Everything Syliva says makes sense.I have always believed in reincarnation since I was little.I even remember when I was 1 or 2 in my crib trying to remember where I came from before this life.Unfortunately I couldn't.I pray to Mother and Father GOD at least twice a day and talk to and light candles for my companion of 15 yrs who crossed over to the other side June 29th.I love Syliva and thank her for everything she has taught me.I have most of her books.I would love a reading but unfortunately I'm on a fixed income and can't afford it.If I could I would in a heartbeat.Syliva is honest and trustworthy.Mother God is certainly real!!!
By Christine, Sunday, August 10, 2008 11:45:34 AM
The father day webcast that someone was talking about on the top intrested me. They said they did ask for a flower and never received one, which is sad. I got one though; my rose bush bloomed right outside my window and usually it only blooms once a year (which it did 4/5 months ago). As for talking to azna, since i found out about her i have been praying alot to her and to OM. (i even got a plack with OM's name written on it without knowing!)
By Yvette, Thursday, August 07, 2008 09:19:13 PM
PS Maylin, I apologize if I misread your comment. Obviously you also belive in Mother God also. I just didn't want you to think that I was one of those people that always gets what she wants. Because that is very much not so. I just pray everyday and keep my faith and say to myself "let go, and let God" and also recently praying to Mother God the way Sylvia suggested. Those things keep me going right now.
By Yvette, Thursday, August 07, 2008 09:08:33 PM
One more thing to everyone on here who is going back and forth over this. Sylvia has said and we have also learned through our religions that we are not to judge others. Sylvia is only giving us information that she is given because of her gift. She has chosen to teach, show and tell us everything she has learned and been told through the spirit world. She didn't have to choose this route, but she did, to help others, and for that I will be forever thankful to her. She has opened my mind and my heart to so many things having to do with God, faith, love and light. I always surround my family with the White Light of the Holy Spirit and now I ask God to surround everyone reading this with the White Light of the Holy Spirit and pray that we will all be open and learn from what she shares with us, whether you choose to believe it or not. We all do share something in common though, and that is our belief in God and the afterlife we all have to look forward to. Thanks for reading.
By Yvette, Thursday, August 07, 2008 09:00:07 PM
Maylin, thanks for the comment. Yet, I'm not sure if you were being sarcastic or not, I could not really tell. It seems there is a lot of controversy over Mother God. You said in your comment to me that if I am not supposed to have something, then I will not receive it, and you are exactly right. When I wrote my comment, I had just done what Sylvia suggested after listening to her. The things I asked for from her were things like a solution for my medical insurance because I have a lot of medical problems and I could not find anyone who would accept me because of my pre-existing condition and medications. Just to let everyone know, because I am not ashamed to say what I asked for. I prayed to Father and Mother God that there would be a solution to my insurance problem and the very next day, my prayers were answered. I also prayed and asked for a solution to my money situation at the time, and a few days later when I got the mail, I received an extension on my disability benefits. I also pray to Mother and Father God everynight for my family and their health, and for anyone that needs help right now. Like all of you, I was raised to believe in only one God. After reading Sylvia's books and several other psychics books, they all refer to Mother God. I know everyone is confused about this, but if you will read Sylvia's book on Mother God and also the books written by James Van Praagh who also mentions Mother God in his books. I am not psychic, so I do not claim to know, but I do know that Sylvia, John, and other renown psychics all seem to see and know the exact same things about the other side. Maybe we should all just be open, pray for understanding, and I am sure it will be shown to us. I am not on here to read and judge other people. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and religions. I just pray the way I was always taught, and I say prayers like Sylvia suggests, and things just seem to happen. I am not saying they are always answered, I am just saying that the few things I have prayed so hard for, were answered and I know in God's own time, my other prayers will or will not be answered depending on what it is I am here to learn from. I just thank Sylvia for giving us the information that is given to her, because it has changed my life so much and given me faith again. Yvette
By lola, Tuesday, July 29, 2008 10:05:57 AM
I call upon Mother God all the time, not only do I feel safe when I call upom Azna, but I also feel warm and loved. I think its cool that all of the different cultures in the world have different names for Mother God. What a wonderful world!!! :)
By gerry, Friday, July 25, 2008 10:21:50 PM
By maylin, Friday, July 25, 2008 07:39:47 AM
yeah marcie. but there are really a lot of purpose why women are created in this world. without women, will there also be men? and of course we all have our own purpose in life and reasons why God made us.
By maylin, Friday, July 25, 2008 07:37:01 AM
hi Jessica. you have a great story. you really asked for flowers? well, maybe you have not received real flowers but you are lucky because it came from a special child and your prayer was granted. although it is just a small thing, it is still important for us to be thankful that our prayers are given to us.

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