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Who is Mother God?

by Sylvia Browne

Many have heard me talk about Father God and Mother God. But they are unsure about exactly who this Mother God is and what she does! I am happy to offer a bit of an explanation to you.


There has always been a Mother God and a Father God. Mother God has been around just as long as the belief in angels and long before our belief in reincarnation. Some religions and cultures have given Mother God a different name—but that does not mean that Mother God is someone else. She has been called Sophia, the goddess of wisdom, by Gnostic tradition. She has also been called Theodora, the fertility goddess—who is mentioned in ancient holy texts. Mother God has also been called Isis by the ancient Egyptians.


You can call on Mother God for healing and also for protection. She is always ready to come to your comfort and aid. 


Have you ever called on Mother God? Now that we have talked about Mother God….please let us know if you do call upon her!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By marcie, Thursday, July 24, 2008 03:08:29 PM
Yes Jessica that is true, that was said but if you continue to read, the women as i stated earlier, was a companion, not an image of God. You will also continue to read That women are made from man. God took Two of Adam's rib cage bones and made a women from Adam the man, because he wanted a companion, therefore women are made from Adam not the image of God. If you continue to read the bible you will know the answers you are searching for. Sylvia is a vessle just like the rest of us. She is a great women. go to and it will tell you how man and women came about, and it states that there is only one Male God and a jealous God, so becareful.
By marcie, Thursday, July 24, 2008 02:58:46 PM
Yes I'll answer that one. Yes, God did say thi. He made man in his own image. Also he decided that Man in his own image needed a companion because he was lonely. Therefore the women was not made in his image it was for man to have a mate. If you keep reading this will come across to better understand the women.
By Jessica, Thursday, July 24, 2008 12:37:59 PM
The first time I prayed to Azna/Mother God, I asked for a flower. Within 10 days, I was called to go into work and work overtime. I work at a daycare, so I walked the kids over to one of our other buildings to wait for their parents with their brothers and sisters. This little girl wanted me to draw her a "care bear picture" and I did as she drew a picture too and gave it to me. It was a picture full of flowers drawn by a 5 year old, but that was good enough for me :) Also, I've seen a lot of talk about the bible and how Mother God is not mentioned anywhere in it on these comments. Everyone please read the FIRST PAGE of the bible!!! In the Book of Genesis, God says, "Let *Us* make man in *Our* image, after *Our* likeness"!!! If God was alone, something must be wrong for him to be talking to himself in "us" and "our", don't you think? And if everyone is supposed to be in God's image, wouldn't we all be women existing??? Interesting...
By marcie, Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:46:48 AM
I love Sylvia. It states in The holy Bible, That in John 3:16 For GOD so Loved the world That (he), it didn't say she, it said HE gave is only Begotten SON, That whosoever believe in him, shall not perish but have ever lasting life. The bible is the gate way to our soul and to understand the question, we have. Yes it is true the Bible talks in riddles, but you have to have faith and understanding and ask God to answer the question for you, in your dreams when you are the most quite. So the answer, is in the Bible, it says HE, not she. It also says he is a Jealous GOD. Look it up in the king james version of the Bible.
By marcie, Thursday, July 24, 2008 11:35:43 AM
Mother God to me would be Mary, Jesus's mother. I do have a question on this date and your thoughts about this date. 09/11/2008 predicted by the Dead sea scroll prophecy, said that Judgement day will take place on 09/11/2008. It also states in the Bible that man, not even God's angels will know the hour of his coming. So what is your take on this? Missouri.
By maylin, Saturday, July 19, 2008 03:09:42 AM
Hi Ronna. yes, it is true that we are taught to worship only one God. but can you not pray to other Gods? i mean is that really wrong? i have a Chinese blood and i believe both in God and Buddha. But that does not make me think that it is wrong. belief is different from worship. right? i just can't really explain it but i know God won't hate us if we worship other Gods.
By maylin, Saturday, July 19, 2008 03:06:10 AM
that is nice Yvette. you are blessed because you always get what you ask for. i think that some things will not be given to you if it is not meant for you. but you are lucky because you are not one of those people who asks for something and yet they can't have it.
By ronna, Thursday, July 17, 2008 10:30:53 PM
Okay, I guess I'm like alot of people. I was raised to believe there is only one God and to believe there is another God (even a female one) is a sin against God. In the Old Testament God said there was only one true God and He was it. I understand the concept of a female and male God, but doesn't that go against what is taught in the Bible and churches? So I really am having a hard time praying to another God. I guess I have the fear that the (male) God would think I was worshiping 2 Gods? I'm lost.
By Yvette, Wednesday, July 16, 2008 11:35:51 PM
"I am so ecstatic!" Thank you Sylvia for teaching me about Mother God. Not only have you taught me about so many other things that are amazing, but I want everyone to know that you have to do what Sylvia suggests in her books and on her webcast. She said to ask Mother God for something small or something that you may need now in your life. Well, I did just that, she answered my prayers right away! Anytime I need a prayer answered and am looking for some kind of answer right away (because my life seems so full of turmoil lately, it seems I pray to her a lot lately, along with God too of course. Mother God has answered my prayers everytime. And because of that, I thank her everyday and everynight and bless her because of the miracles she has given me. And I do mean absolute miracles in my life! Thank you Sylvia for teaching us about Her. It is amazing just like you said! Yvette, Amarillo, TX
By maylin, Tuesday, July 15, 2008 06:49:12 AM
wow, great story Diana. sometimes we still really need to experience many strange things before we believe and accept that God and our Mother God exist. thank you for sharing your niece's story. i am sure that everyone here will get inspired and believe.

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