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Who is Mother God?

by Sylvia Browne

Many have heard me talk about Father God and Mother God. But they are unsure about exactly who this Mother God is and what she does! I am happy to offer a bit of an explanation to you.


There has always been a Mother God and a Father God. Mother God has been around just as long as the belief in angels and long before our belief in reincarnation. Some religions and cultures have given Mother God a different name—but that does not mean that Mother God is someone else. She has been called Sophia, the goddess of wisdom, by Gnostic tradition. She has also been called Theodora, the fertility goddess—who is mentioned in ancient holy texts. Mother God has also been called Isis by the ancient Egyptians.


You can call on Mother God for healing and also for protection. She is always ready to come to your comfort and aid. 


Have you ever called on Mother God? Now that we have talked about Mother God….please let us know if you do call upon her!

Sylvia Browne is without question, "America's #1 Psychic," an internationally known psychic and medium.

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By Deb, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 08:50:22 AM
I've called upon Mother God many times. She has always responded. And very often, she responds before the request is even out of my mouth. I usually ask for management of pain. But other times, when in doubt, I've asked for a sign that she hears me. I have never been disappointed. I am so comforted in knowing that there is a Mother God to compliment the Father God. How perfect is the grand scheme!
By Stacy, Monday, July 07, 2008 01:17:39 PM
Alot of religions have "banned" Mother God many many many years ago.. If you research waaaay back you will see that Mother God as always existed...Those of you responding with the bible..When Mary is asked, who are you? What does she say? She doesn't say the mother of Jesus, she says Mother of God.. Everyone is entitled to their opinion..Please read Sylvia's book Mother God to research deeper into this topic.. Main stream religions have been set into motion from eons ago when someone wanted the power of the people and said well if we write this then we can get people to listen to us..or if we write that, we can get people to do that...There is no problem with people believeing in their religions, just please be respectful of others and be educated..Asking questions is very good.. Just don't start throwing religions around like a toy because when it comes down to it..We are all loved by God..
By Margrete, Tuesday, July 01, 2008 05:09:32 PM
I had been having awfull neck pains for several days and decided to go to the Dr and have checked out. My daughters went with me they to were concerned. I got my check up and all seemed well. Got in the car and started to drive away. When suddenly I smelled the strongest odor of a Rose, like someone had put it right under my nose. I took a deep breath and smiled. I looked around thinking that there where flowers where I was driving but there was none at all to be seen. I looked at my daughters and asked them if they had smelled the roses and all 4 said they had but it happened so quick that they werent sure if they has really smelled it. Being Catholic We believed that the Virgin Mary was letting us know that everything was going to be okay. And it was. Where this scent came from we don't know. But just imagine a Rose right under your nose and its sweet smell thats what it smelled like and we all experienced it. Awsome
By Don, Monday, June 30, 2008 02:46:04 AM
Shortly after hearing Sylvia describe how I might receive a flower from Mother God after calling upon Her for the first time, I did receive my flower. I had driven my 75 year old aunt a considerable distance to a ceremony where her twin sister was repeating her vows on the fiftieth anniversary of her wedding. The beautiful yellow rose with an orange blush was presented to my other dear aunt by her loyal and adoring husband, and after the ceremony when the rose was tossed into the cheering crowd, the aunt that I had driven caught it and took it back home in the car I was driving. The following morning when I looked into the car, there was the rose, left for me after it had passed through the hands of the two people I love most in this world, first one aunt and then the other. The miracle was that the rose had turned pink overnight! To this day the dried pink rose sits on the altar to Mother God that I set up in my home. It has paled with age now, but I still love it as my personal gift from Mother God.
By Jetta, Sunday, June 29, 2008 09:11:18 AM
I have never been a religous person but I am very spiritual. I have read many of your books and I love them (its the kind of book you just can't put down). You wrote about Mother God in one of those books and I tried to talk to her but I'm not sure if I'm going about it the right way. I don't know if I'm reciving answers or not. How do you know? I have so many negative things going on in my life and I really need help before I have a breakdown. I've tried affirmations, meditations, prayers and just don't feel like I'm doing anything right. Please give me some guidance
By Christy, Friday, June 27, 2008 04:23:54 PM
@Green.. Lol! Yeah it's one of those.. "Let's try it and see what happens" ;) I channel all my prayes to the one and *only* God I know. Thanks for the response :)
By Green, Friday, June 27, 2008 04:33:38 AM
Lol Christy, of course you didn't receive a flower. I bet if you had channeled those prayers to the one God we all know, you would have gotten more than just one flower. I think the author has created some confusion here and it would be nice if she would try to clarify that.
By Green, Friday, June 27, 2008 04:31:46 AM
Leeuh, it is the same in the Quran. It is stated that there is no other God but God himself and he alone we worship and he alone we should ask for help. And that is the truth. Same truth is in the Bible and the Quran. Apart from that God. There is no other.
By Christy, Friday, June 27, 2008 02:02:57 AM
I watched the Father Day Webcast and that evening I said a prayer to Mother God to send me a flower within the next 10 days as Sylvia mentioned. I didn't recieve anything! I do believe there is one God as the Bible says... Do she only come to certain people?????
By Christy, Friday, June 27, 2008 01:58:13 AM
I watched the Father Day Webcast and that evening I said a prayer to Mother God to send me a flower within the next 10 days as Sylvia mentioned. I didn't recieve anything! I do believe there is one God as the Bible says... Do she only come to certain people?????

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