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Not all of us have luck, yet we all do have the love and light of a creator. We each have a guiding...
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Hello, my name is Rebecca Eli, I am a 5th generation natural born gifted psychic and empath. I have...
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For 26 years, I have imparted my wisdom through the power of the cards. I can answer any questions t...
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I've used angel cards and chakra cards with my "clair-gifts" to gain a deeper understanding of the e...
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Questions Answered. Grief Banished!
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Experience a moment in time with the Oracle Siren Rose for a life-shifting transformational happenst...
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Assist her clients to a sense of well being. Delivers love, peace and empowerment.
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Highly experienced and gifted psychic here to help guide you with truth and caring.
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ARE YOU WORRIED? I CAN HELP. I have used my gift of prophecy and numbers for over 30 years to assist...
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Divine blessings to you! I am an experienced psychic tarot & oracle card reader. I am able to guide...
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I am highly attuned psychic, dedicated to solving life's difficulties and elevating the life conditi...
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As with everything, Sagittarius, you need a career that offers a wide playing field with plenty of freedom and excitement. You're the sign of the traveler, an inspired visionary who requires big dreams and lots of stimulation. Sitting still is a challenge!

A natural entrepreneur, your sign thrives when working for yourself, with nobody lurking over your shoulder or telling you when to wake up. Sagittarians love to do things your way, according to your vision.

Because you have lots of interests, it can be hard to focus on just one. You love to explore, but you hate to commit, for fear that you'll miss out. To prevent eternal wandering, read books like "Doing Work You Love" — the title alone summarizes Sag's essential career need. Without passion and inspiration, you can sink into depression.

As the sign that rules higher education, you're a lifelong learner and teacher. Load up on classes and books that expand your mind and spark new ideas. You love to make people think AND laugh, like Sagittarius wordsmiths Winston Churchill, Mark Twain and Jay-Z. Sagittarius rules publishing and public speaking — two great outlets for your unusual ideas. Your sign has an intuitive understanding of how media works. Designing websites, editing magazines, and creating marketing documents may be things that come naturally to you.

Sagittarians are notoriously swept up in new projects before finishing the last ten you started. Patience is not your forte. You're the sign of the Archer, so you need a target. Trouble is, you often have too many arrows in the air at once. Having a clear, project-oriented goal helps you build the follow-through skills your sign often lacks. You may need to make and update to-do lists on a daily basis. Having a centralized calendar system is a huge help for you. Make sure your desktop computer syncs with your handheld organizer. If any sign could use a personal assistant it's you! Nevertheless, you're unlikely to hire one since you tend to be hands on and insist upon doing everything yourself. Learning to delegate and let go of that stubborn know-it-all streak can bring you true freedom in your career.

If you're an extremely restless Sagittarius, consider outdoor work, like landscape architecture, guiding people on tours, or even selling handcrafted goods in a daily flea market. Your sign also rules travel, so you could work in another country, as a travel agent, or in a job that keeps you on the road.

Remember, by trying not to commit to one thing, you can spread yourself too thin and end up overwhelmed. If you crave variety, consider doing seasonal work, consulting, or signing on as an independent contractor rather than a full-time employee. This gives claustrophobic Sag a short-term deadline and flexible hours while still providing financial security.

Best Careers for Sagittarius: Entrepreneur, author, publisher, motivational speaker, designer/creative department, salesperson, professor, travel guide, outdoor worker, freelance anything

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