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His Sign In Love


In love, the Sagittarius man is full of contradictions. Symbolized by the centaur, the mythical half-horse/half-human, he's governed by both animal instincts and enlightened thinking. Sagittarius rules morals, wisdom, higher education...along with the hips and thighs. Although he's always striving for divine inspiration, he's got a serious lust for life's "earthly pleasures." No wonder he often seems torn in two directions!

He's the zodiac's free spirit, a true traveler who's comfortable on the road. Although he hates feeling "tied down," he also craves a soulmate to experience the world with. He has a huge appetite for life, and his partners must share that quality. Finding someone who can keep up with his endless quest for adventure and expansion is no easy task. For this reason, many Sagittarians can be single for long periods of time. When he actually IS in a relationship, the connection tends to be all consuming—at least, at first. As a passionate fire sign, he throws himself into everything with the force of a speeding train. Keeping up that pace is well nigh impossible. He'll either burn out or get bored. A wise mate for Sag will reign in the urge to merge too quickly, and stay committed to the life she had before she met him. Otherwise your fairy tale romance can fizzle as quickly as it sizzles.

Sagittarians are dreamers, always creating huge projects. Ruled by expansive Jupiter (the largest planet in our solar system), he thinks BIG with everything. He longs to create new worlds — like Sagittarians Walt Disney and Steven Spielberg. He needs a mate with enough vision to encourage him, but one who's still grounded enough to deliver practical advice when the going gets tough.

A late-blooming sign, he can be a notorious bachelor in his early years. Sag is the sign of the hunter, and the chase thrills him. He's not afraid to brag about his conquests, either. With his honesty and good humor, he rarely makes enemies, since he tells his flings upfront that he's just looking for a good time. In fact, he may have a long roster of exes who've morphed into close friends.

As the zodiac's optimist, he always sees his mate's potential and he may start acting like your personal life coach as part of his courtship dance. Generous to a fault, he'll advise you tirelessly on your ambitions. At times, he can get preachy or a little codependent. Try not to lean on him too heavily or your relationship can quickly feel more like business than pleasure—the death knell for spirited Sagittarius. Boundaries are not his forte, so you may have to be the one to say, "Thanks for your help. Now let's go play."

He'll have boundless energy for exploring the world, and a woman who helps him expand his mind is a true aphrodisiac. His sign rules higher education, so taking workshops and classes together are his idea of a great date. There won't be any sitting on the porch, whittling wood and calling each other "Ma" and "Pa" with this guy. His ideal mate is an open-minded woman who will continue to grow with him well past the retirement years. He's not bound to ever "settle down," but he prefers to be a wild man with one wild woman by his side.

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