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As a lightworker and professional Psychic, I love to provide my skills and gifts in the journey of h...
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Offers precise clarification and provides holistic solutions.
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Not all of us have luck, yet we all do have the love and light of a creator. We each have a guiding...
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Hello, my name is Rebecca Eli, I am a 5th generation natural born gifted psychic and empath. I have...
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I am highly attuned psychic, dedicated to solving life's difficulties and elevating the life conditi...
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I am a highly successful psychic who assists individuals by providing unique readings, consultations...
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I've used angel cards and chakra cards with my "clair-gifts" to gain a deeper understanding of the e...
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Questions Answered. Grief Banished!
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Experience a moment in time with the Oracle Siren Rose for a life-shifting transformational happenst...
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Assist her clients to a sense of well being. Delivers love, peace and empowerment.
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Highly experienced and gifted psychic here to help guide you with truth and caring.
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ARE YOU WORRIED? I CAN HELP. I have used my gift of prophecy and numbers for over 30 years to assist...
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Cosmic Date Planner


Spontaneous Sagittarians make for a fun dates, but planning it can be a bit of a rollercoaster ride. These folks hate commitment (at least at first), so give them too much wiggle room and they'll change the time, date and place at least ten times. Your best bet: playfully-yet-firmly tell them when and where to show up. They love take-charge people as much as they love a good party, so be sure you're taking them somewhere with a spirited, celebratory vibe. Sagittarius is the international sign. Head to an ethnic restaurant with a lots of things for your archer to try. Bonus if it's chock full of attractive people and live music. Golddiggers, be warned. This independent sign may want to go Dutch on the first date. Bring your wallet and your wit: an intelligent sense of humor is a total turn-on for them. Athletic and energetic, they enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, horsebackriding, and biking. This sign also rules travel, so taking a road trip together is their idea of romance. Just be prepared to stop a lot: Sagittarius hates being confined for too long and will need to explore little landmarks along the way. Make sure you're willing to share the wheel; they'll feel too controlled if you drive the entire way. Lusty and a bit wild, they're generally happy to hook up on the first date. After all, Sagittarius is the zodiac's gambler and knows intuitively what s/he likes. If you look like a good bet, they'll simply follow their instincts and hope it all turns out for the best. Waking up next to Sag on the first date could mean the start of a beautiful relationship. Be modern, unconventional and open-minded and you might just have met your match.

Things To Do:

  • Hit an ethnic restaurant with live music and a dance floor
  • Outdoorsy dates like hiking, biking and horseback riding appeal to their wild side
  • Sign up for a workshop or evening class together. Discuss while taking a long walk afterwards: they love to explore both mentally and physically.
  • Take a road trip with lots of spontaneous stops along the way
  • Visit a sweat lodge or sit in on a drumming circle and share a spiritual moment
  • Play sports together, like racquetball or tennis
  • Hit a karaoke bar and ham it up

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