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Who Is Your Guardian Angel?
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We all have a guardian angel that is with us at all times. Who is your guardian angel? How do you know your guardian angel?


Our guardian angel protects and guides us throughout our lives. When you find your guardian angel, you can ask your guardian angel for assistance at any time, their divine purpose is simply to help you. Some experts believe that we have more than one guardian angel and can even have as many as three guardian angels. So if you have always felt additional loving angelic beings around you, you may be one of the lucky ones who have more than one guardian angel!


Your guardian angel is more than simply your guide; they are also your friend and closest companion. You will be connected with your guardian angel throughout your entire life. You can count on your guardian angel for any type of help that you have a need for. They are there for you when things are dark, cold and lonely in times of crisis and need. Your guardian angel is also there for you to celebrate your life and experience times of great joy, such as your wedding day or the birth of your children. This very special angel will walk right beside you every day.

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Some may feel their guardian angel's presence with them, or simply know that they are there. When you feel a strong sense of peace, calm and love, you know this is your guardian angel. Others are simply inspired to do things, such as taking a different route to work and missing a traffic jam, or walking into a new place and running into an old friend. This is for sure your guardian angel hard at work, helping on your behalf.


Call upon this angel whenever you have any type of need. This angel can help you with matters of the heart, family, work, abundance and success. Your guardian angel knows you the very best, as they have been with you all along. There is something about simply talking to your guardian angel that can make everything feel better.

Many people like to say this popular Guardian Angel Prayer to call upon their guardian angel:


Angel of God, my guardian dear


to whom God's love commits me here.


Ever this day/night be at my side


to light and guard, to rule and guide.




Many believe in guardian angels, but have never asked their guardian angel for assistance. Try asking your guardian angel for help with something and you'll simply be amazed at how easily and quickly things seem to come together for you. Even asking for little things like a parking space or for finding the right item while shopping. That is your guardian angel at work for you! Find and get to know your guardian angel- you'll be glad you did!


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By Diane, Sunday, October 12, 2008 09:15:19 PM
Amazing Stories for sure. All in all the angles help us when things are rough. And this too: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change. And the Wisdom to know the difference. God is Love and his deciples, angles and others here on earth are here for us all.
By Lenore, Sunday, October 12, 2008 02:34:13 PM
Codyrock3 - please let in Gods light and find peace in your heart. Losing a loved on is hard, as my sister lost her child to cancer. But before she passed away she said God told her she had to teach some people to love and also how to say goodbye to us on Earth. Not to be afraid because in Gods time, we are all together. Live in Gods time and find strength to reach out to others, love each moments in life and find that memories of your wife will be full of warmth and joy. We miss Mikaela but we now we give back in her name and slowly find we have a new circle of love and friends in unexpected ways. SHe is home and happy. pushing us to carry onward as your wife Kelly want you to do.
By Renee, Sunday, October 12, 2008 01:58:08 PM
Blessings and Love to you Sylvia...your books have helped me in sooo many ways...I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything you do for people. Much Love..Renee'
By Cy, Sunday, October 12, 2008 12:51:16 PM
Sylvia if you do not answer anyones wants or needs ever again please help I just wrote him a letter but he sounds like he needs more than what I had to offer. This happened to my daughters ( their father committed suicide and let me tell you this is not the answer. Please help him.
By Cy, Sunday, October 12, 2008 12:51:12 PM
Sylvia if you do not answer anyones wants or needs ever again please help I just wrote him a letter but he sounds like he needs more than what I had to offer. This happened to my daughters ( their father committed suicide and let me tell you this is not the answer. Please help him.
By Nancy, Sunday, October 12, 2008 11:40:42 AM
Good morning Sylvia! I was so tickled to see your life "love" Michael giving you a kiss on your cheek during one of your videos. You so deserve some true loving attention from someone who deserves you and your loving gift. We are blessed to believe in you and what you have taught and brought to us! My husband and I have had our own business in real estate for 20+ yrs. Needless to say...this desert period is causing us to maybe lose our home. Any advice? Also..please tell me my guide and angels names. Thank you again for being in our lives. God Bless you and yours also! nancy s. palmdale, Ca (how do you answer us?
By sue, Sunday, October 12, 2008 11:16:40 AM
Dear Sylvia, Thanks for being you and sharing yourself and your gifts with us. I would like to know the name of my guardian angel, if I have one, so I could thank and call on them by name. God bless you and thank you for your time, Sincerely, Sue.
By Donna, Sunday, October 12, 2008 12:52:52 AM
By Paul, Saturday, October 11, 2008 11:32:09 AM
Hello Sylvia :)) Hope your having a terrific day!!! With the questions I have read of others, you must be exhausted. How are you able to keep up?? Don't forget to take a breather now and again. And should you find a moment ;;-) this guardian angel idea seems exciting. Would rather have communication with someone that is by my side,... through "it all",...than a few 'fair-weathered' ones here on earth. It only seems respectful to be able to communicate on a first named base. If my guardian angel took a break from me, and visited with you I, hope he/she used a first name. Pass it on if you don't mind. :)) Paul
By cindy, Friday, October 10, 2008 02:50:12 PM
Dear Sylvia, I truly believe in all the love and hope you give others and in helping them find the answers to whatever they need. I on the other hand have tried unsuccesfully to have a happy life. I have lost my job of several years, due to having reconstructive back surgery, and have lost my car and now my husband in threatening to leave me. I don't know what to do Sylvia to make things better. I want so much to be happy. I have a case pending agaist my job and I'm not sure if I will win. But If we do, maybe, just maybe things will work out for myself and my husband. It's the not knowing over the last 1 1/2 years that has gotten me down and very depressed. I pray every day to God to give me the strenght to make it through another day. Please Sylvia, help me find the answers I so desperately need. Thank you so very much for being out there and helping so many people find closure and reassurance. Love Cindy hayes

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