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Who Is Your Guardian Angel?
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We all have a guardian angel that is with us at all times. Who is your guardian angel? How do you know your guardian angel?


Our guardian angel protects and guides us throughout our lives. When you find your guardian angel, you can ask your guardian angel for assistance at any time, their divine purpose is simply to help you. Some experts believe that we have more than one guardian angel and can even have as many as three guardian angels. So if you have always felt additional loving angelic beings around you, you may be one of the lucky ones who have more than one guardian angel!


Your guardian angel is more than simply your guide; they are also your friend and closest companion. You will be connected with your guardian angel throughout your entire life. You can count on your guardian angel for any type of help that you have a need for. They are there for you when things are dark, cold and lonely in times of crisis and need. Your guardian angel is also there for you to celebrate your life and experience times of great joy, such as your wedding day or the birth of your children. This very special angel will walk right beside you every day.

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Some may feel their guardian angel's presence with them, or simply know that they are there. When you feel a strong sense of peace, calm and love, you know this is your guardian angel. Others are simply inspired to do things, such as taking a different route to work and missing a traffic jam, or walking into a new place and running into an old friend. This is for sure your guardian angel hard at work, helping on your behalf.


Call upon this angel whenever you have any type of need. This angel can help you with matters of the heart, family, work, abundance and success. Your guardian angel knows you the very best, as they have been with you all along. There is something about simply talking to your guardian angel that can make everything feel better.

Many people like to say this popular Guardian Angel Prayer to call upon their guardian angel:


Angel of God, my guardian dear


to whom God's love commits me here.


Ever this day/night be at my side


to light and guard, to rule and guide.




Many believe in guardian angels, but have never asked their guardian angel for assistance. Try asking your guardian angel for help with something and you'll simply be amazed at how easily and quickly things seem to come together for you. Even asking for little things like a parking space or for finding the right item while shopping. That is your guardian angel at work for you! Find and get to know your guardian angel- you'll be glad you did!


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By Mi Yeung, Sunday, August 26, 2012 07:39:02 PM
I found out my GAS' name in my dreams Thiere names are Ariel, Gabriel, Haniel 👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼 👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼 👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👼👑👑👑👑💎
By Mi Yeung, Thursday, July 05, 2012 09:16:49 PM
💎 hi
By amy, Monday, June 04, 2012 02:16:29 PM
hi sylvia i wanted to ask you something. I was standing inside yesterday and all of a sudden i heard this wind sound and my name in my left ear could that by chance have been my husband who passed in 2009 trying to contact me? amy
By Debra, Friday, May 18, 2012 01:30:52 PM
Hello. Dear Sylvia, Guardian Angel (I refer to him/her as "GA"), God & Angel Chamuel. I need help in my love life department. My boyfriend of 1 & 1/2 yrs & I are in our 50s. He is so frustrating. He's not very affectionate or romantic. We've never had a hot & heavy relationship at all even though he says he's in love with me. Haven't made love cos he has Erectile Dysfunction. Also, he never takes me out. I need help in all this or more, HE needs help. I pray he would open up to me, be a whole lot more loving & affectionate, the way it's suppose to be when a man & woman are in love with one another & go to the doc for his ED problem. Otherwise, I'm gonna have to walk away again cos his coldness is killing me. I want & need a real relationship with a man who's crazy in love with me & vice versa. I am divorced once for 15 yrs now. I want to get married one more time & do it right & be happy. Can you please help me with this? God Bless you all.
By erik, Tuesday, August 16, 2011 05:48:00 PM
I don't know who my angel is , but i really need him or her right now, iv'e been out of work for so long !!! I can't stand it!!!
By maureen, Tuesday, July 26, 2011 10:31:23 PM
Iopen my heart,soul and mind to you and your protection and guidance. Hear my prayer and show me the way.This I ask in the name of Jesus Christ.
By emma, Friday, July 22, 2011 11:25:26 AM
Hi Sylvia, how do I find out the answers to questions on here, do you email us back? I would like to now the name of my Guardian Angel Thanks
By emma, Friday, July 22, 2011 11:13:00 AM
My name is Emma and this is my first post. I have believed in Angels for a very long time and can assure you that in my time of welcoming Angels into my life I have much proof that they have helped me. I would like to ask the Angels once again for their help please..........I am really in a state............Please Arch Angel Michael, My Guardian Angel and Money Angel and all the other Angels that care and love me and guide me in life I welcome you into my life and I am asking you to please help me...........I am having awful financial problems, I have very little money, and cannot pay my debts or bills. I have had debts and bills for many, many years now, but I do feel it's time for them to be payed and cleared. I have suffered so much, it makes me so ill and I cry to the point of breaking my heart. Please help me and guide me to clear and pay all these debts, I am not a greedy person, just a desparate person who needs the love of God and the Angels to relieve me from this awful pain of debt. I really feel I deserve to find a way out of this debt, maybe by a windfull, or receive in another way, I need over £100,000.00. I do not know how I will recieve the money I need I just know that you will help me, unfortunately I need the help immediately, can you help me immediately Angels please, I hope and ask you with the whole of my heart. My debt is taking over my life, my family life and is truely killing me slowly, please set me free from the debt that I have Angels please. Please find a way to grant me the money that I need and most certainly deserve after all these years of suffering. I have been silly with money in the past but have learnt my lesson most deffinately, and that is money does not come easy and look after it. Please Angels help me in the very first instance, immediately, I do not want to sound demanding stating I need the money for my debts immediately, that is just the truth. I pass my debts over to you Angels for you to see that my life is knumb with all the debts that I have, and how important it is that I need your help really quickly. I am scared Angels, more scared that I have ever been. My debts are in the amount of £100,000.00 (one hundred thousand pounds) please forgive me for getting myself into this awful state of debt and please have your faith in me as I have my faith in you to prove to you that I will look after the money I recieve and will use it to pay my debts and I also want you to know that it will most deffinately be for the highest good of all. I have tried every which way to survive this mound of debt yet nothing I do goes right, please help me please. I need alot of money to pay this months debt in 4 days time and I just do not know what I am going to do. Please help. The only way I can get out of this mess is by recieving the amount I need in a lump sum, is this too much to ask?? I just know that I will be the happiest girl if you could help me do this and grant me the money I need to pay my debts. I am more than desparate, I feel I am about to have a nervous breakdown, everyday goes by in a blur............its awful, please help me quickly please. Thank you for always being there for me for always listening to me and for always reading my letters to you. I thank you for all the help you have given me in the past and for all the help you are giving me at the moment and for all the help you will give to me in the future, true love always and many, many thanks and appreciation for all you do for me. I love you.
By Petronella, Tuesday, July 19, 2011 03:37:02 AM
Hi, My Angel Raphael to please Heal my mind, body, heart and soul.Angel Ariel Heal me from all Evil, Angel CAssiel from all dangerous situations that comes my my, Angel Haniel bring back the LOVE in my heart and my Husbands heart, Angel Jophiel for all my bad habits, Angel Ophan to watch over my family and I while we sleep every night, Angel St.Michael for Protection for my famila nd I at all Times, Angel Zadkiel for more LOVE in my HOME, Angel Gabriel for guidance with my Marriage which has been in hot waters for a long time now and to lead my to the answers I so seek in find the TRUTH of my husbands affair to guide me the path to find the TRUTH and to open my husbands Heart to see what this is doing to me, for him to admotte to his fault on cheating on me to face me and tell me the TRUTH so I have closure in my heart and for him to see the PAIN he has put through. PLease to lead me to this TRUTH as soon as possible cause this has been going on for almost 2 years now and the pain it has cause in my marriage it is unbearable. Angel Gabriel to give me a sign that He is with me guiding me the right path to discover the TRUTH. Amen
By cher, Friday, July 15, 2011 08:13:08 AM
Dear Archangel Raphael, Please heal my mind, body soul and spirit. I feel so weak and depressed. Help me to stop dwelling on the past. Please lead and guide me to my true destiny with peace and happiness, and to forgive and forget and appreciate all the blessings I do have in my life. thank you always

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