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Who Is Your Guardian Angel?
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We all have a guardian angel that is with us at all times. Who is your guardian angel? How do you know your guardian angel?


Our guardian angel protects and guides us throughout our lives. When you find your guardian angel, you can ask your guardian angel for assistance at any time, their divine purpose is simply to help you. Some experts believe that we have more than one guardian angel and can even have as many as three guardian angels. So if you have always felt additional loving angelic beings around you, you may be one of the lucky ones who have more than one guardian angel!


Your guardian angel is more than simply your guide; they are also your friend and closest companion. You will be connected with your guardian angel throughout your entire life. You can count on your guardian angel for any type of help that you have a need for. They are there for you when things are dark, cold and lonely in times of crisis and need. Your guardian angel is also there for you to celebrate your life and experience times of great joy, such as your wedding day or the birth of your children. This very special angel will walk right beside you every day.

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Some may feel their guardian angel's presence with them, or simply know that they are there. When you feel a strong sense of peace, calm and love, you know this is your guardian angel. Others are simply inspired to do things, such as taking a different route to work and missing a traffic jam, or walking into a new place and running into an old friend. This is for sure your guardian angel hard at work, helping on your behalf.


Call upon this angel whenever you have any type of need. This angel can help you with matters of the heart, family, work, abundance and success. Your guardian angel knows you the very best, as they have been with you all along. There is something about simply talking to your guardian angel that can make everything feel better.

Many people like to say this popular Guardian Angel Prayer to call upon their guardian angel:


Angel of God, my guardian dear


to whom God's love commits me here.


Ever this day/night be at my side


to light and guard, to rule and guide.




Many believe in guardian angels, but have never asked their guardian angel for assistance. Try asking your guardian angel for help with something and you'll simply be amazed at how easily and quickly things seem to come together for you. Even asking for little things like a parking space or for finding the right item while shopping. That is your guardian angel at work for you! Find and get to know your guardian angel- you'll be glad you did!


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By Lisa Michelle, Saturday, July 12, 2008 12:32:17 AM
I don't "rember" encountering my Guardian Angel, but I survived my birth when I wasn't supposed to. I was born with a severe Facial Cleft, known as a Tessier Cleft. This Cleft runs the length of my lip through my palate & up through my nose into my eyes. I've had 63 reconstructive operations to repair the damage. I was drinking my mother's amneotic fluid throughout the 9 months that I was in her stomach, hence why I should have been a still birth but wasn't. The doctors also said I'd be mentally disabled & very weak but neither of those things are true. I've graduated a mainstream high school 6 months earlier then the rest of my class in December 2003, & am a very strong person.
By Johanna, Friday, July 11, 2008 10:46:38 AM
Oh, yes, I have actually seen my Guardian Angel. Shortly after my dear mother died, I was in my bed , crying and grieving as I missed her so much. I prayed to God to show me a sign that she was alright. I then saw this beautiful women over my head, with lustrous brown hair and real angel wings. The vision astounded me and it brouhgt such peace to my heart. I am an Insulin Dependent Diabetic. My blood sugars have occasionally goen extremely low where I suddenly become confused. I wear a life alert button and press it if I need the Paramedics. Twice. I passed out and know I did not call them, yet I was revived by them. So who paressed my alert button????? I know it was my Guardian Angel. I have also been touched by my Angel abobut 6 separate times during stressful times.
By Christine, Friday, July 11, 2008 10:29:03 AM
I was told once that I had many Guides but one that was particular was called "Blue Raven" I have not been able to communicate with him, I can only assume it to be male. I wish to be able to communicate more with my Angels and Spirit guides, but can not seem to meditate enough to calm my mind to allow it to happen. I try to clean and clear my Chakra's and remove any blocks I may have, but I am not sure of what more I can do, I have been told by more that one Medium that I too have it in me to give and share with others, but I try to clear my mind, I have too much clutter, What can I do, I have asked for assistance but nothing changes, is that because I am not ready for it?
By brigette, Friday, July 11, 2008 10:02:25 AM
i would also like to know who's my guardian angle,i was told it was galblea or something like taht.
By Lia, Thursday, July 10, 2008 11:54:43 PM
why do I have four? Are they all GOOD? Why does the most powerful one feel like a stalker? Or is that love? Are you ever able to just relax your mind? I hope so. Thank you. I am feelinglighter and looking foward to your webcast.Anyone who reads this, love is contagious. If you give a boost to another, you can rise higher than you ever could by stepping on others. If you can enjoy the success of others, that just adds more success and joy to life. Don't let hate and envy spoil all the fun:)
By Jennifer, Thursday, July 10, 2008 09:43:54 PM
Sylvia is my guardian angel my dad,grandfather,grandmother?I believe it is all of them cause i have been through alot in the past and with my dads passing i think he truely is my angel.My birthday is 10-28-79.I will try to be on the internet so i can try to talk 2 you.I love your books as i have a couple of them myself but have not finished reading them yet but i will in time.Hope u have a blessed night.
By Terri, Thursday, July 10, 2008 08:53:52 PM
Hi, im having troubles finding my guardian angel, everynite i lay in muh bed, trying to talk to them, hopeing one day thye will come and we have a closer bond, ive felt like giving up many of times, it feels kinda depressing that i cant or maybe im just not looking hard eounf any signs or anything from me guardian angel..... as well, i dunno if i can name my angel.. im just really confuzed...
By Lynda, Thursday, July 10, 2008 06:43:42 PM
Hi Sylvia, I was in a car accident in November of 2006, that totaled my car. By all accounts from people who witnessed the accident, I shouldn't have walked away, there were no skid marks even though I slammed on the breaks. Who was with me that day? I'm convinced there were angels, not just the ones who called 911 for me that day. Who is my guadian angel?
By Roe, Thursday, July 10, 2008 02:32:58 AM
I think we can name our Angels if we want to, they were assigned to us at our birth from GOD to protect and guide us throughout our life. I gave my Guardian Angel the name celestial, which I thought was a nice way of this spiritual gift into my life. One day I dreamt of a 33 year old woman holding flowers, I felt a connection to her as if I knew her my whole life, the only thing she said was 'Gardenia". I recall visions of my deceased relatives and seen some events which eventually occurred to people around me. since this time I have committed to calling my Guardian Angel "Gardenia". I also sense a male angel around, I believe he saved my life on two separate occasions, Certain experiences that are felt with the heart have increased my awareness to the validity of Angels being around us. Sylvia thank you for opening this web site, and touching so many people with insight and Roe
By Amber, Tuesday, July 08, 2008 02:25:07 PM
Sylvia Does have and archeangle article I Just read here. Its really great. I see they don't have the author of this one so I assumed it wasn't Sylvia. I dodnt think they had any angel articles form her. Looks like I have to do some reading folks! :) I was put off by the inaccurate Dark Angel deal YUCK!

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