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Who Is Your Guardian Angel?
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We all have a guardian angel that is with us at all times. Who is your guardian angel? How do you know your guardian angel?


Our guardian angel protects and guides us throughout our lives. When you find your guardian angel, you can ask your guardian angel for assistance at any time, their divine purpose is simply to help you. Some experts believe that we have more than one guardian angel and can even have as many as three guardian angels. So if you have always felt additional loving angelic beings around you, you may be one of the lucky ones who have more than one guardian angel!


Your guardian angel is more than simply your guide; they are also your friend and closest companion. You will be connected with your guardian angel throughout your entire life. You can count on your guardian angel for any type of help that you have a need for. They are there for you when things are dark, cold and lonely in times of crisis and need. Your guardian angel is also there for you to celebrate your life and experience times of great joy, such as your wedding day or the birth of your children. This very special angel will walk right beside you every day.

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Some may feel their guardian angel's presence with them, or simply know that they are there. When you feel a strong sense of peace, calm and love, you know this is your guardian angel. Others are simply inspired to do things, such as taking a different route to work and missing a traffic jam, or walking into a new place and running into an old friend. This is for sure your guardian angel hard at work, helping on your behalf.


Call upon this angel whenever you have any type of need. This angel can help you with matters of the heart, family, work, abundance and success. Your guardian angel knows you the very best, as they have been with you all along. There is something about simply talking to your guardian angel that can make everything feel better.

Many people like to say this popular Guardian Angel Prayer to call upon their guardian angel:


Angel of God, my guardian dear


to whom God's love commits me here.


Ever this day/night be at my side


to light and guard, to rule and guide.




Many believe in guardian angels, but have never asked their guardian angel for assistance. Try asking your guardian angel for help with something and you'll simply be amazed at how easily and quickly things seem to come together for you. Even asking for little things like a parking space or for finding the right item while shopping. That is your guardian angel at work for you! Find and get to know your guardian angel- you'll be glad you did!


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By Bette, Friday, August 22, 2008 08:48:44 PM
Dear Sylvia, I think you are amazing and you are using your gift from God to help so many people and I thank you. I would be so blessed if you could please tell me the name of my Spirit Guide and tell me if I have Angels watching over me. At times I worry that I am alone because I have dreams when I feel that someone is around me but I don't feel like it is a comforting dream, more of a frightening one. I feel a presence over me, or standing next to the bed. It seems like I am in danger. I try to yell out for help and feel like I can't get the words out loud enough to be heard but then I hear my husband telling me that I am Okay, that everything is going to be alright. I really feel like I am awake when this is happening and that I am not dreaming. He tells me I am a light sleeper and I was dreaming. Sylvia, am I in some sort of danger, is something not right in my life? I do need your help. I hope that you have time to reply to this message. Thank You, Bette in Florida
By Caira, Friday, August 22, 2008 11:01:15 AM
Hi Sylvia, my name is Caira and I would just like to thank you for your gudiance and support. You are truley a beautiful woman inside and out. If it wasnt for you i dont know i would be able to cope with my life. Hopefully I can get a chance to meet you face to face on your farwell tour. I just wanted to know who are my guardian angels, what are their names, and how many are there. Once again thank you so much, you are definately GOD sent. Thank you and GOD bless Sincerely, Caira From:Philadelphia
By Caira, Friday, August 22, 2008 11:00:09 AM
Hi Sylvia, my name is Caira and I would just like to thank you for your gudiance and support. You are truley a beautiful woman inside and out. If it wasnt for you i dont know i would be able to cope with my life. Hopefully I can get a chance to meet you face to face on your farwell tour. I just wanted to know who are my guardian angels, what are their names, and how many are there. Once again thank you so much, you are definately GOD sent. Thank you and GOD bless Sincerely, Caira From:Philadelphia
By Taylor, Friday, August 15, 2008 08:58:33 PM
I have relized that my guardian angel helps me alot, but at the times he/she doesnt I usally wonder why. But its sometimes because something bad would happen.. For example.. I once thought I really loved someone, And I asked my angel to Help me get to him. But they didnt. Turns out he looked at naked women. so that tought me that when they dont give you something you really wanted.. it copuld be becuase it would infuence you in bad ways.
By cindy, Thursday, August 14, 2008 12:15:06 AM
hi sylvia, i would like to know what are my angels names...i know they are around me cuz i feel peace and calm....i do feel that there are always with youngest daughter she is 9, her daddy my ex... past away about a 1 mth ago...could he be watching over me? i know he is watching over my daughter....thank you...god bless...cindy
By tammy, Sunday, August 10, 2008 08:03:57 PM
how do you know who your guardian angel is? Im going through a hard time in my life right now,even though i have 3 great kids and a wonderful husband i still feel alone sometimes..i talk to god through out the day and i feel like his not a scorpio,is that why im always having bad luck...Thanks
By mary, Sunday, August 03, 2008 06:07:51 AM
By Betty, Monday, July 21, 2008 03:34:05 PM
My father passed away a few tears ago.He had Parkinsona disease. One night my mother and I thought he was delirious and called the paramedics to take him to hospital. He said their were too many people in his bedroom and he couldn't cope with it. I now feel he was not delerious, but his angels were with him.
By Elizabeth, Monday, July 21, 2008 12:58:59 PM
I would like to know who is my Guardian Angel. And are they with me always Thanks Elizabeth
By Alethea O, Friday, July 18, 2008 01:28:24 AM
I Believe my GA is Auriel, based upon my birthday. I was wondering around Central Park today unable to find the area I needed to be in. Finally, I let go and asked the angels for help. Within seconds I saw a few red colored letters on a building through the green summer foliage and knew they had responded. However, later I asked them to get someone's attention aoross the field, but they didn't respond. Probably because I was close enough to have gotten up and walked over to say Hi.

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